I'm happy, relieved for you, Blue.
I worked close to forever in professions I enjoyed but never made tons of money at, and was from the early 80's self employed, thus individually paying for my insurance. I ended up insurance poor as I aged and actually had some things start to go wrong with my health and as I got nearer to being elderly, I got less and less able to swing both the cost of the high deductible insurance per month in the first place and the payments owed on med procedures that they didn't fully pay for by a long shot. Thus my leaving a place I was happy at. Not to whine, as this has happened to many.
I'm also glad because of the potential of more people having insurance to improve the long time emergency room crisis. As everyone knows, people use them with little other recourse, when they finally get to a point they feel they have to see a doctor.
My university hospital here often has the waiting room time be 24-36 hours. I was there overnight myself recently, about ten hours sans being seen except by someone taking blood pressures every two hours, and then they didn't know much. (One eyelid was a fat pink pig, eye was seeping green ooze, and the sclera was/were nice and red). I was in the not quite so emergency lineup, which I understand.
My university wants to build another structure to have more beds to put patients who need them. Lots of political/money no's to that.
Carry on, man.
Also, hi to Squinney.