Mon 23 Sep, 2013 01:58 am
Where she says that not only was it his fault that Phil was not hired but that he showed himself here to be both a liar and an idiot.
I am conflicted, on the one hand I think she is right, but on the other hand I dont think that you throw your brother under the bus even when he is wrong and you dont hurt the family business by not presenting a united front.
And what on earth is hawk on about now? And does anyone actually care?
Lakers . . . pro basketball . . . truly boring . . .
someone named Jeanie Buss plays for the Lakers? Gender equality hits the NBA?
Oh. Then, I guess the throwing somebody under the bus was a figure of speech. Kind of like Tiger's ol lady whanging hell out of his windshield with a golf club.
Now wait a minute! Are we talking about a person named bus, or a vehicle?
maybe hawk was trying to make a joke? pretty weak for a first effort.
Buss serves as the executive vice president for business operations at the Lakers. I agree, Whackeye's attempts at humor are as lame as his political analysis, which is invariably wrong.
on does not need to care about the Lakers to take interest here, there is the business of sandbagging your sis, calling out your brother in public, hurting (or is this supposed to be good for) the family business. this also might be about power, as a lot of folks think that dad made a mistake, that jeanie should be running the team...maybe she is trying to get there.
well, at least that clears up the locus of activity here, not that it's at all clear what's going on. can't say I have any interest at all in finding out, either, so I'll leave and hope you find someone who actually does care about it, hawk.
roger wrote:I guess the throwing somebody under the bus was a figure of speech.
It means expediently sacrificing someone who had a reasonable expectation of your loyalty, to save your own skin. Throwing them to the lions.
Well, I know that. I was momentarily confused with the phrase being used in connection with someone named Buss. I'm now clear on that, if nothing else.
For Chrisss sakes!
Jeanie Buss and Phil Jackson are engaged!
Of course she blames her brother for Phil not being hired as the coach and
if I were him (brother) I'd get outta town.
I remember the names, though from years earlier.
So, can I have half of your Snicker's bar?
I thought it was straightforward..
Were you paraphrasing the popular commercial?
chuckling at all of this.
Nah, no tv.. and no youtube lately.
I guess that makes it even funnier.