Lightwizard wrote:Box office has nothing to do with a film's quality --
The last day's of Christ were filled with blood and gore? If twelve hours represents days, your clock differs from mine. This makes me believe you aren't exactly thinking straight and bias has blinded you to the shortcomings of the film despite the fact that it looks good and has a very good soundtrack.
I believe he did cheapen the story, unlike an effort like "Ben Hur" which is always going to be a great film and a masterpiece. This is not a masterpiece.
1. actually, yes, box office sales determine how successful a movie is, no matter the budget or casting.
2. The last hours of Christ were filled with gore and pain.
3. I am not biased, I simply know it is one of the more accurate films portraying Christ and it was done with class. Ben Hur? LOL, that does not even compare.
Anyone else?