I call the earlier feedback writers WINNERS!
Now to redress the balance, here are the LOSERS, they're an unholy mix of atheists, fairy-worshippers and phoney 'christians'-
Faeshadow to me -"there are no words for the depth of ignorance and depravity that your mindset displays"
PeterM quote - "Mick, your posts are so full of BS I await to here you mooing. You are obviously one paranoid individual who has delusions of grandeur, and these are the least of your problems.....You do realise you're a tw*t?"
Veritasbellum to me - "..inane drivel, as the majority of your posts are......I pity you but I don't hate you......You put me off Christianity and you are definately a phoney Christian""
Toolate quote to me - "Everybody thinks you are an idiot.....atheists don't hate you, just find you laughable........What crimes are you planning now? More race hate?"
RomanticHorror to me - "you sick bast**d"
CreationFallacy quote to me - "Your posts remind me of local radio stations. Same old boring cr*p over and over again"
ZenAgain to me -"you wander off into drug induced metaphore.......I could tell by your posts that dementia was setting in"
PaganSunflower to me -"you have not fooled those on this board with even a shred of intelligence"
LanceT quote - "Mick try not to be a pr*ck all your life, eh?"
ZaZen quote - "Mick is like horse manure. You either stand in it or are sensible and avoid it."
OldyOneCanardly to me - "you are just an ignorant, bigotted, anti- semite with fascist and racist tendencies .....nothing of intelligence to contribute to anything or anybody ...........you big loser in life"
Dm2473 quote to me - "The fact that I'm Jewish and you're a Christian has nothing to do with the fact that you are a boorish, small minded, shallow, nincompoop"
Junoth quote to me - "What a sick and twisted mind you have! In fact the word "evil" springs to mind when I read your demented claptrap!"
Nanacad - Mick is a long time AOL message board w*nker..
Donbain - "I've got Mick on filter for one very good reason, his intelligence is too low beneath mine to dignify his lewdness with an answer"
Krpzd1 to me - "You really are a prize t*t aren't you?"
Sandragoggins (witch) -"I'm sure God has a special seat in hell for you Mick,.feel free to go fornicate yourself"
Steve H - "Micks a narrow-minded unchristian unqualified know-nothing silly little man and work-shy racist layabout"
Cymba - "Micks an unchristian aggressive liar showing no fruits of the spirit"
Zeke - "Micks wrong wrong wrong and denies Gods word"
Christian Trucker Pat - "Micks proud,arrogant,self-glorifying, uncharitable,offensive,lacking understanding and talking drivel"
Linda -"Mick's a silly little Brit"
Gloryboundd - "Mick's a senile liar and fool"
Elbown - "Mick you put me off Christianity and i'm a Christian"
SheriNuwine - "Mick you come across as a pervert,do you like cheeky little minxes who play with dollies?"
Sunami - "Mick...the lazy workshy parasite that you are"
"Ghyllie Dhu -"you're a pompous, self-absorbed wingnut who's an embarassment to the faith"
Thai foooon quote - "Mick, you distort the meaning of scripture and are a false teacher"
'Reverend' Eric Potts - "You disgust me Mick"
PS- But let's not be too hard on them, they're proving the Bible right yet again because they're fullfilling this prophecy-
"They make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city, but thou, O Lord, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision" (Psalm 59:6)
Right Lassie?
"Wuff wuff"