Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 12:28 pm
I like watching you guys discuss this. It's like watching two super-nerds argue about the deeper meaning of the X-Men. Smile
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 01:47 pm
I think you'd also enjoy watching the arm rasslin' match I cahallenged him to.

BTW, I don't go head to head with Romeo just for his sake. Every so often I find someone who can learn.

I can count 'em. . . er, er, Well at least 2 or 3
I don't have a big fan list like Romulan, though
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 04:37 pm
As a self-confessed Jehovah's Witness, Neologist has a lot to learn, and full marks to him for admitting it, as his posts in various threads below show..Smile-

"When I'm wrong, I fess up to it" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
"I'm no genius..One of my main reasons for posting here is to sharpen my understanding" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
"I'm not aiming for the "pearlies" (Neologist 23 Sep 013)

0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 05:00 pm
Setanta wrote:
Your thinking is so warped by your fanatical worship of your boy Jesus that what you post is completely unreliable

Nah not worship, Jesus is simply my Gang Leader and I'm happy to be his gang member..Smile
Jesus said to the snooty priests- "You're full of ****!", so whose side are you atheists on, his or theirs?

"You think you look good in your fancy robes but inside you're full of filth and corruption!" (Matt 23:27)

Romeo Fabulini
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 05:14 pm
IRFrank wrote
He [Romeo]may be my first long term use of the ignore feature

Good, now i can talk about you behind your back..Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 06:18 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Setanta wrote:
Your thinking is so warped by your fanatical worship of your boy Jesus that what you post is completely unreliable
Romeo, who still doesn't understand the quote function, wrote:
Nah not worship, Jesus is simply my Gang Leader and I'm happy to be his gang member..Smile
Jesus said to the snooty priests- "You're full of ****!", so whose side are you atheists on, his or theirs?

"You think you look good in your fancy robes but inside you're full of filth and corruption!" (Matt 23:27)
What translation are you quoting from? Are you replacing the translators words with yours and still using quotation marks? What would give you that license?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 06:23 pm
neologist wrote:

I think you'd also enjoy watching the arm rasslin' match I cahallenged him to.

Ha Smile You're a good sport about everything, I'll give you that. Carry on.

Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 07:27 pm
If it wasn't fun I would find something else.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 07:54 pm
I couldn't wade through 7 pages of comments on this thread that discuss everything and anything but the originating question.

Personally, I don't think he is/was, but my upbringing in the Lutheran Church taught me that he was.

I find it interesting that the sort of paradox implicit in the concept of the Trinity is sneered at by those who wouldn't be caught dead registering anything but awe over the paradoxes implicit in Quantum Theory.
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 08:10 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I look forward to reading the erudite (and recondite) responses to your post. Laughing
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 05:18 am
Re 'Is Jesus God?', Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Personally, I don't think he is/was, but my upbringing in the Lutheran Church taught me that he was

Good for you mate, you know how to think for yourself and ditch the wacky distortions of Organised Religions and Cults..Smile
Jesus wasn't God, we know that because he said so himself!

Jesus said - "I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I" (John 14:28 )
Jesus said -"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19)
Jesus said - "Only God knows when Judgment Day will be, I don't know myself" (Mark 13:32)
High Priest asks - "Are you the Son of God?" Jesus replies - "I am" (Mark 14:61)
Jesus said - "I say nothing of my own accord, i only say what my father tells me to say.." (John 12:49)
"My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me" (John 7:17)
Jesus said to God the day before his execution- “Father...I am coming to you now" (John 17:13)
And dying on the cross he said- "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)
God himself said - "This is my beloved son, listen to him" (Matt 17:5)

"When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”
They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven" (Matt 16:13-17)

John the Baptist said- "The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands" (John 3:34-35)
And of course Jesus regularly prayed to God, yet if he was God he wouldn't pray to himself!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 11:18 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
... usually phoney christians

Phoney in the sense of 'fake', or in the sense of 'fictive' ... or perhaps in the sense of fraudulent?
What you are quoting there (Matt 7:15-20) is the cross-cultural misunderstanding of Matthew ... & Jesus about God, and it is not the Word of God himself.
As we are all lost in the interpretations (of the prophets ... and the false prophets) maybe we will never come to know what actually the whole story about God & the prophets was all about.
BTW what evidences do you have that Matthew & Jesus are not 'false prophets' ... and that you are not a phoney Christian, for example?
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 11:36 am
Ha! This thread might get interesting now.
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 11:59 am
This has always helped me to identify true Christians: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:35)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 12:00 pm
Your observations always welcome, furface.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 01:57 pm
Herald proclaimed:
As we are all lost in the interpretations (of the prophets ... and the false prophets) maybe we will never come to know what actually the whole story about God & the prophets was all about.
BTW what evidences do you have that Matthew & Jesus are not 'false prophets' ... and that you are not a phoney Christian, for example?

1- Just because you admit to being lost in the interpretations of the prophets/ false prophets doesn't mean the rest of us are lost..Wink
Anyway Jesus saves, NOT the prophets- "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,the author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2)
and he's easy enough to understand- "And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12:37)

2- Jesus said we can spot false prophets quite easily, basically if they spout rubbish then they're phonies- "Beware of false will know them by their fruits... every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit...Therefore by their fruits you'll know them" (Matt 7:15-20)

3- Jesus and Matthew were singing from the same song sheet, namely-
"Love God, love one another, feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the destitute, tend the sick, visit the prisoners, look after the poor"- Jesus of Nazareth (Mark 12:30, John 13:34, Matt 25: 37-40) so their fruit seems good to me..Smile

4- None of us know whether we make the grade as a Christian, not even me ha ha, and even the great Paul said- "I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time" (1 Cor 4:3)
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 10:44 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Just because you admit to being lost in the interpretations of the prophets/false prophets doesn't mean the rest of us are lost.

Me at least admit that I am lost in the interpretations, but as far as I can see some other people are lost in the definitions (of the terms).
What is your definition of 'salvation' for example - who is going to be saved ... from what, when & why ... & where ... & how?

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Beware of false prophets ... you will know them by their fruits ...

... and what are the 'fruits' of your preaching and deeds, for example. You collect the money of the population to save them - how will you do this? How many people have you saved so far .... from cancer, MS or diabetes, for example? How much data & how much information have you acquired about our recent future - where are we going ... and how far will we go?
Collecting the money of the population (by fraud and misinterpretations of the Bible while doing nothing) is one thing, and doing some real job, in the real world, for the real people & for their real future is very much different? Very much.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 04:10 am
Herald wrote:
What is your definition of 'salvation' for example - who is going to be saved ... from what, when & why ... & where ... & how?
.. and what are the 'fruits' of your preaching and deeds, for example. You collect the money of the population to save them..

1- Salvation refers to the soul being saved after the body dies.
Jesus wants PALS-
"You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends"- (John 15:15)

and if we've accepted him as our Main Man and best pal during our lives, our souls automatically fly to him through the "Jesus Stargate" when the body dies-
"Enter through the narrow gate..small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."(Matt 7:13)

and our souls absorb into him-
"On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you" (John 14:20)

But the souls of those who've rejected Jesus are lost-
"Ungodly men,wandering stars for whom the blackness of darkness is reserved forever" (Jude 1:4-19)

2- As for "fruits", true Christians GIVE money, not rake it in like the obscenely rich organised religions, cults and TV evangelists..Wink
"Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit"- 2 Cor 2:17
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 01:01 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Salvation refers to the soul being saved after the body dies.

After the body dies there is nothing. The soul is function of the body. When the wire gets rotten you cannot conduct any electricity along it any more, let alone 'saving' the electricity after the power line gets decomposed and decayed into rust.

Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Enter through the narrow gate ... small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."(Matt 7:13)

This is my favourite, but do you know what does it mean? It means that the solution is deeply buried and few are those that would be able to find it.
You are talking about the solution, but you don't even know what is the problem.
Do you know what is the problem? We are going 'today' (with Australian accent) ... to get extinct as species (sooner than expected) ... if we don't do something on the issue. ... and the issue is that we will run out of energy, for our energy consumption is constraint by the amount of CO2 that we can pump into the air (without causing biological catastrophy).
The Salvation is to behave in such a way, to use the resources in such a way and to take use of the achievements of the civillization ... and to analyze the acquired data in such a way as to be able to make the switch-over from power supply from fossil fuels to power supply from solar energy or NPP on Helium-3 ... or whatever it may be.
That is the Salvation - to jump over the energy barrier ... and it concerns our children and grandchildren, not our souls, and it will happen right here, down on the Earth ... and not in Heaven & Hell.
The Heaven & Hell are the Best Case Scenario and the Worst Case Scenario respectively for the development and the future of the Earth.
If you want to do something about your salvation you may start collecting data about the pollution of the environment and the deseases caused by the pollution ... and pray to come across the right data ... by finding the narrow gate.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 01:40 pm
Herald wrote:
After the body dies there is nothing

Prove it..Wink

Herald continued:
If you want to do something about your salvation you may start collecting data about the pollution of the environment and the deseases caused by the pollution ... and pray to come across the right data ... by finding the narrow gate

Well, i've never driven a car and i never will because i'd feel dirty and guilty about polluting the atmosphere. Do you drive?
Conservationists and environmentalists do a good job..Smile


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