I'm trying to calculate an inter-rater reliability statistic for the results of a rank ordering exercise that was already completed previously. I thought I knew how to do this myself, but now - maybe not so much.
These were the raw number results from the rank ordering, along with the rank order averages, which would indicate the preferred rank order of the options.
So, while the rank order seems pretty clear, I would like to calculate an inter-rater rank order correlation coefficient - especially since it appears as though there are some pretty high inter-rater reliabilities. However, I'm not sure how to calculate this.
I'm not entirely a novice when it comes to statistics, so I do have some background and capability. However, I've researched what I can, and I think that I should be using the
Spearman rank order correlation coefficient, but beyond that - I'm lost.
I've tried to provide as much of the raw data as possible, in case someone is highly-motivated and wants to take the raw data to the actual answer. However, I'll be equally happy with just guidance/formula (and maybe the adaptation in Excel), and I'll take it the final step myself. Thanks!