I am a Buddhist and if anyone wants to question my beliefs then they are welcome to do so...

Thu 24 Feb, 2022 08:19 am
Wtf? You seem to be trapped in a debate with yourself.
Thu 24 Feb, 2022 08:53 am
Ha Ha just waiting for a bite….bulma……
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 04:23 am
I know all about the inward ONLY meditative techniques that Buddhism practices ….You need to practice inward/outward meditation,PERIOD and NOT just inward only meditation.

You are NEVER “in the moment” when you practice “inward” only meditation.

I know all about inward only meditation because I practiced it for years.It was only when I put the brakes on and turned back that the “meltdown” happened so I know all about mental health struggles as well.

Trying to bring the computer back on line after a “crash” is hell itself…..I know the experience that many know about extreme mental health battles.

Don‘t “toggle” in the inward state …..“toggle” between the inward/outward consciousness states......I offer sound advice that works.

The thing is, it’s alright when the autopilot part of our nature is working ok….but when it fails and you are handed the controls fully and the plane is going into “free fall” and you have no means of stopping it because you haven’t got the instruction manual, then it’s NOT GOOD,I can assure you.

Lived it…experienced it all….so I am serious about absolutely everything I post.

I know all about extreme “fight or flight” and all the hellish and I mean hellish mental anguish that causes it.

I got the “blue screen” when my system went down and I had to reboot it myself because after all nobody else was going to do it for me. You learn an awful lot about yourself and the system (by torturous trail and error at times) and how it operates and how you relate to it during this process.

The answers are within us. I am as sure as I can be on that point ….however……and it is a big however…..I have learnt that to find those answers you need to go about it in the right way and inward ONLY meditation like Buddhism practices, is not the right way.

You do go “within” (go out of synch) but you must come back out again (back in synch) and APPLY what you have learn’t.

This is the meditative practice that you need to work at.

Once you are AWARE of the inward and outward states of consciousness, focus a bit more on what you are AWARE of whilst in the OUTWARD state…..or “in synch” state.

I would suggest that you start off by “talking“ to yourself inwardly and then consciously stop talking to yourself inwardly and notice the silence. Practice this exercise ALWAYS.

It is so important that you know and get confidence in the sound of your own inward voice and KNOW that you can talk to yourself and stop talking to yourself “inwardly”.

This may sound ridiculous but it is crucial to be able to distinguish between your own voice and all the other noise that goes on within the head.

Another example of outward meditation is an AWARENESS that disassociation is connected to going “inward” or “out of synch”.Bring yourself back “in synch” or “in the moment” and the disassociation experiences will gradually disappear.

The above are further examples of “outward“ meditation/ACTION.

If you don’t recognise “SELF” then you are effectively saying that it is not possible to do these “outward” meditative ACTIONS because “SELF” doesn’t exist to be able to do them.

You can believe that cr*p if you want but for me ACTIONS speak louder than words.

You see this is what happens when you have a “starting point” but you are then only prepared to to go one way and accept/acknowledge one type of meditative practice as in just “INWARD“ meditation, choosing to completely ignore/discount “OUTWARD” meditation, and yet it is the “OUTWARD“ meditative practice ACTIONS that makes more sense to the individual.

Fri 25 Feb, 2022 07:45 am
In SUMMARY………..Buddhism meditation is a …….consciously, one sided …….inward only ……….”out of sync” and thus “not in the moment” meditative practice.

…It’s the most consciously UNBALANCED meditative practice that there is and therefore SHOULD NOT be practiced in isolation from OUTWARD meditation.

Inward/Outward meditation should be practiced together.


0 Replies
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 08:36 am
(Sorry, I only know a little about meditation and nothing about Buddhist meditation. So I was having trouble responding)

I do know that the Buddhists have this thing about inner being true, and outer being false. And I do know that when I was thinking, if I was lost in my own ****, I was 100x more messed up than thinking about other stuffs.
Basically from their analysis, they reject Western style prayer and meditation.)

The Christians also had a meditation tradition (it mentions prayer and meditation in the Bible), but I suspect they didn't have a meditation posture, and were simply sitting (or even lying down) and thinking. But their focus is more people-centered, an outer path.
In fact... there is this film called The Man from Earth which discusses the idea of an immortal man, who learned from the Buddha, and eventually became (shocking spoiler: Jesus). They kinda discuss the faint theory, which I totally don't agree with. But here's one thing I do know. There is a version of the Prodigal Son in Buddhist text.

Where would Jesus have gotten such ideas? Well possibly from the kings (magi?) who visited him. It's possible they came fron quite far away, as far as China or Japan. Buddhism is quite old, so is Zoroastrianism. The third? Well I'm not sure but I'll get to that. The tradition of Africa, Europe, Asia doesn't really stack up. They were all from Asia, and they seem to have brought with them writing or teachings, because Jesus clearly knew this story.

You see, the Zoroastrian religion looks for savior figures. That's part of its focus. They have Saviors (plural) and are constantly on the lookout for one. They rejected Jesus in much the same way most Christians have, they are looking for one in the future (much like Christian ppl look for Jesus's coming again, instead of understanding the resurrection). And an Ahriman offshoot eventually became Islam (which wholly rejects Christianity)
As for the Buddhists, not only is there a Maitreya (future Buddha) but they later had the search for the Dalai Lama. The Mahayana Buddhist sect also is on the lookout for boddhisatva figures, or savior types. So, they accepted Jesus when he went back to his country, right? Well, no.

Why is this important? Well, like the Jews, most people who encountered Jesus rejected him. So this story tells about how they gave gifts, and then went back to their own country, declaring they had seen their chosen one. It's probable they visited another time to verify (closer to his death). This outer path meditation (which is more in line with Western and particularly Christian thought), is soundly rejected. But there are Buddhist prophecies of exactly the sort of person Jesus was.

Okay, so who was the last wise man? Well, in ancient China, there is a story about how Lao Tzu, after writing his Taoist text, left the country. Given that, there were probably a small group of Taoists or Zen types outside China. Jesus seems very chill, and like the Zoroastrians and Buddhists, they find a reason to reject Jesus (or rather they are for the most part atheists, in terms of the philosophy of Jesus, there is a fairly good match in the teaching of unconditional love; Taoist text talks about not esteeming great people, and the defiance of the Confucian order of society fits in with much of Jesus's very rebellious ideas). And both are called the Way.

Nonetheless, none of these faiths saw Jesus as their answer. Yet, Jesus predicts that may not always be the case. In John 10:16, Jesus says he has "other sheep who are not of this fold. "
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 09:21 am
Thanks for all this Bulma…..really interesting….so it would appear that even the Buddha recognised the pointlessness of trying to correct our own sins in our own merit and even described a future saviours wounds which according to the Christian bible were identical to the wounds of Jesus Christ…..and all this he spoke 500 years!!! before Jesus lived on earth…..

What’s going on then? Don’t Buddhist believe what their Buddha said? Is that it?
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 10:37 am
They seem not to believe this scripture.

And I definitely can't verify this prophetic writing, because it's originally in text written in Thai (not my first language).

I legit believe Buddhists do have interactions with Christianity (the prodigal son story was straight-up lifted in the text I read called The Teaching of Buddha (it has a sunrise on the cover)), but it is unclear about this prediction. I found this text (The Teaching of Buddha, not the earlier text I mentioned) difficult to get through because despite Buddha says "If you see the Buddha, kill him," much of the text appeared to make him a rival of God to worship. I found it a disgusting distortion.

The thing is, there has always been a sort of split between the founders of religion and their priests.

Jesus: You have seen these priests and their long robes, and wanting to be greeted in the marketplace, don't be like them.
Tele-Evangelist: (owns fancy cars)

Jesus (again): So, guys, I rose again. "I will be with you always." Spread the word that there is grace and we now have a personal relationship with God
Most Christians: Jesus is gone, and he'll will come again at End Times.

Isaac/Jacob/Abraham: (meets God in the wilderness, and while traveling)
Jews in Jesus's Day: Everyone must worship in the Temple. God is only found in the Temple.

Buddha: There are no gods, so if you see me on the road, kill me.
Buddhist priests: Buddha was basically a deity

You get the idea. If Buddha did write this prediction, it was kept out of canon.
0 Replies
Fri 25 Feb, 2022 01:14 pm
CONSCIOUSNESS……. that thing Buddhism and modern day secular science says is all we are.

Now we know that there is an “in the moment” state and a “not in the moment” state of consciousness and we know that Buddhism IS an “inward only” “not in the moment” consciousness meditative practice.

We know that the division happens whilst the individual is within this one sided “not in the moment” consciousness state…….”dualism and all that”…….

The “out of synch” Buddhist/Person who practices Buddhism meditation then comes out of this one sided unbalanced consciousness state which has been divided and then try’s to tell us the true nature of reality.

Uummmmmm……..surely, we can all see the problem with that?
Sat 26 Feb, 2022 02:29 am
If you go into “inward” consciousness and then divide you then become a “Prisoner of Consciousness” toggling from right to left and left to right ………you are not “in synch” and “not in the moment”…….therefore bring yourself back out…….back “in synch”…back “into the moment”.

Sun 6 Mar, 2022 02:17 am
INWARD only,“OUT OF SYNCH” and therefore “UNBALANCED” consciousness meditative practices, (Buddhism meditation being a typical example) are not good for mental health because they are merely “knowledge gathering” exercises.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Mar, 2022 06:11 pm
Buddha just sits silently(坐禅)in his own temple and tens of millions people go there to pilgrimage and put billions of bills into his Morality Box (功德箱).

If somebody “sure enough” he can replace G* / Lord of creature. Why not establish his own church and sing his own “bible”? Not capable to do that? Or fear no one would go there to prey? Bully what here?
If somebody “sure enough” he is the most powerful in this cosmos, please go to Shaolin Temple (少林寺) and has a try to bully bully there.

When somebody tries to insult this one or attack that one, pee on the ground as a mirror and take a look at himself first. Is it very perfect / COMPLETE呵呵

Thu 17 Mar, 2022 01:59 am
I am not insulting anyone htam9876….it’s just your aggressive AUTOPILOT “caged logic” ignorance that makes you think that.

You know nothing about consciousness htam9876 therefore you have no control over it….and yet you have the capacity within you to understand it.

When you are more AWARE…..then comment……until then…….the best thing to do is stay silent.

You only post nonsense my friend because you are so UNAWARE.

You just don’t realise it.

Buddhism “inward only” meditative practice is an “out of synch” …”unbalanced”…”not in the moment” ….”Autopilot” …..“knowledge only gathering” CONSCIOUSNESS practice…….PERIOD……

If your consciousness state is “out of synch” to start with …well…I rest my case.You have to STILL consciousness.

Buddhism “inward only “ meditation is a “BIASED CONSCIOUSNESS”meditative practice that has no concept of “PRESENCE”.

0 Replies
Thu 17 Mar, 2022 05:47 am
I think I accept Buddhism until it tries to deify its founder. Christianity actually did make the outrageous claim that Jesus was the Son of God, but Buddha made no such claim. People give to Buddha not because he is Lord of the universe, but because they believe in the system he taught.
Thu 17 Mar, 2022 02:23 pm
Piggy not yet joined any religion. So, piggy did little research in this respect. I think “People give to Buddha” mainly because they wish to satisfy their own psychology with this method. Buddha just sits there and laugh…Of course, “ they believe in the system he taught”. Buddha promotes morality, harmony and charity. Many people appreciate such things.
The ancient Chinese fiction “Travelling to the West” did deify Buddhism. It even deified a pig. Haha
Have a lovely weekend.
Thu 17 Mar, 2022 02:37 pm
Piggy can’t find out where’s the J – 10 Temple / Church…Piggy doesn’t know “why”…
Shaolin Temple is in Henan province, very big, with grand architectures and beautiful environment…
The most wonderful thing could the that a martial monk there just pushes with one finger, J – 10 bully bully would surely fall onto the ground on his back and meditate all day all night, INWARD / OUTWARD, +/- +/-, toggle toggle, perhaps bubble bubble too…呵呵 This point can be verified with experiment.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Mar, 2022 02:40 pm
The issue bulma is that science knows nothing about consciousness.

It’s about balance bulma and we know that Buddhism meditative practice is carried out in the “not in the moment” consciousness state….i.e. the individual goes “inward” and therefore does not have balanced consciousness.The individual may divide whilst in this meditative state but it still doesn’t change the fact that they are in an “inward” out of balance consciousness state when they start their meditations.

I gave up on “inward” only meditative practices years ago when I became sufficiently aware of consciousness types.

Thu 17 Mar, 2022 02:44 pm
When I was at school in Kent, Jasper was a slang term for a wasp. I've never heard it called that anywhere else.

I don't mean anything by it, I was just saying.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 17 Mar, 2022 03:49 pm

What does the slang term Jasper mean?
Asked By: Huberto Pendyurin | Last Updated: 29th March, 2020
Category: hobbies and interests beekeeping
4/5 (2,889 Views . 25 Votes)
jasper (plural jaspers) (Britain, West Country, Somerset, colloquial) A wasp. (US, slang) A person, a guy, especially seen as naïve or simple.

Click to see full answer

Besides, what does it mean to be called a Jasper?

If you're from the city, if you call someone a Jasper, you're referring to that person as uneducated rustic. simpleton. If you're talking Smoky Mountain English, a Jasper is an outsider. A stranger. Someone not from the mountains.

Beside above, is Jasper a nickname for a wasp? Common wasps are colloquially called "jaspers" in some English regions (Dorset, Lincolnshire, and elsewhere in the English Midlands); whether this comes from the Latin vespa or from the abdomen resembling the striped mineral jasper, is not clear.

Similarly, why is a wasp called a Jasper?

Common wasps are colloquially known as "jaspers" in certain regions of England (such as Dorset and Lincolnshire, and more commonly the English Midlands), although whether the etymology refers to the Latin name vespa or the striped abdomen, which echoes the striped mineral jasper, is not clear.

Where does name Jasper come from?

Jasper is a masculine given name commonly believed to be of Persian origin, meaning "Treasurer". The etymology of the given name Jasper (of Persian origin) is believed to be unrelated to that of the gemstone Jasper (of Semitic origin).
34 Related Question Answers Found
What is a nickname for Jasper?

Common nicknames for the name Jasper include Jasp, Jazz, and Jas. Jasper is a form of the name Casper.

What does Jasper symbolize?

A stone of physical strength and energy, Red Jasper stimulates gently and steadily, enhancing stamina and endurance, and increasing the amount of chi, or life force, in one's aura. It is a stone of health and passion, and brings the courage to face unpleasant tasks and to rectify unjust situations.

What does Jasper mean in the Bible?

Meaning & History
From Latin Gaspar, perhaps from the biblical Hebrew word ????????? (gizbar) meaning "treasurer", derived from Persian ganzabara. This name was traditionally assigned to one of the wise men (also known as the Magi, or three kings) who were said to have visited the newborn Jesus.

What is Jasper used for?

The common red color is due to iron(III) inclusions. The mineral aggregate breaks with a smooth surface and is used for ornamentation or as a gemstone. It can be highly polished and is used for items such as vases, seals, and snuff boxes. The specific gravity of jasper is typically 2.5 to 2.9.

How much is Jasper worth?

Some types such as Imperial Jasper and Madagascar Jasper do command premium prices since they are relatively rare. In rock shops, pieces of commercial quality cut in simple shapes might be had for $5 or less. Fine material, cut in designer forms, generally ranges between $2 and $5 per carat.

What is a sardine stone?

Sardine stone (Rev. 4:3, R.V., "sardius;" Heb. odhem; LXX., Gr. sardion, from a root meaning "red"), a gem of a blood-red colour. It is enumerated among the precious stones in the high priest's breastplate (Ex.

Is Jasper a quartz?

Jasper is an opaque form of Chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline variety of the mineral Quartz. Some forms of Jasper are banded, and these banded Jaspers may appear similar to Agate, but unlike Agate they are opaque. When Jasper is dull and lacking interesting colors or patterns, it is not Jasper but rather Chert.

Is Jasper a boy's name?

The name Jasper is a boy's name of Persian origin meaning "bringer of treasure". Distinctly masculine, Jasper represents a variety of quartz--one of the few gem names for boys-- and is the first name of the great modern artist Jasper Johns.

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What does Wasping mean?

Wasping is a new trend that involves mixing insecticide with meth. The active components in insect killers give a high in combination with meth. Wasp killer spray is the most common insecticide in this new trend. Wasp spray is either combined with meth or used as a substitute for meth.

Where are wasps most commonly found?

Northern paper wasp populations are found throughout temperate North America, from southern Canada to Central America.

How is Jasper formed?

Jaspers are also known to form when volcanic ash or fine pyroclastics are cemented into a solid material from the precipitation of silica from solution. The cementation process is sometimes so aggressive that the sediment, ash or volcanic particles are dissolved or recrystallized into microcrystalline quartz.

What does the common wasp eat?

Wasps eat a wide range of invertebrates including spiders, caterpillars, ants, bees, and flies. It has also been suggested that wasps may prey on nestling birds. Wasps also collect honeydew. Honeydew is produced by a native scale insect.

Where do wasps live in the world?

Wasps, yellow jackets and hornets live all over North America in meadows, orchards, woodlands, playgrounds, cemeteries, and urban and suburban settings. All wasps build nests, although they vary in their nesting preferences. A wasp habitat is a paper-like nest made from wood fibers that have been chewed into a pulp.

Are Wasps cannibalistic?

A. Some wasps are both carnivores and cannibals, and not too choosy about the meat they eat. Some species are known informally as cannibal wasps or meat wasps and are dreaded pests at picnics.

Are Wasps migratory?

Most people don't even notice the gradual fall migration of the wasps inside, although you might notice them hanging around windows and doors, attracted to the warmth. Once inside, they hide in attics or wall voids, or behind baseboards, behind draperies, and in various cracks and crevices.

How do wasps reproduce?

Social Wasp Reproduction
After mating, female wasps hibernate in the ground or in an enclosed space until the winter passes. The males die. In the spring, a fertilized female wasp starts her colony by laying eggs in cell-like pods. Larvae hatche from the eggs and are fed by the female.

Do Hornets Eat Wasps?

The European hornet diet consists of crickets, grasshoppers, caterpillars, wasps, and similar pests in backyards. Most wasps feed on live prey as well. On occasion, hornets eat fallen fruit or strip the bark from trees to drink sap, but they bother picnics and human food less often than other pests.

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Thu 17 Mar, 2022 04:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I have to disagree I have lived in both Kent and Somerset. I have only ever heard jasper used in Kent, never in Somerset.

And although I don't live in Somerset now, I live close by, and I still spend a lot of time there. My father lives there.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 17 Mar, 2022 04:29 pm
I appologize. That was an example of buzzed posting.

I'll try to find what I meant to send you, a definition of Jasper as a "sucker" or a "nitwit".

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