Quote:Someone back Frank up here and show he is correct
Believe it or not....
I am tempted to have a go at that since you have stated it as a case of "logic" !
Surely the major point, is that the observations common to meditators are
metalogical and ineffable. We can "point the way" as best we can, hampered as we are by language, but we cannot convey the experiential via the verbal. To me, it is significant that metalogical positions are not confined to the realm of meditation. In philosophy, they were explored in Hegel's dialectic, later to be developed in Derrida's
aporia. And they were epitomized in modern physics by Bohr's celebrated "You are not thinking, you are just being logical".
Frank has a naive realist's view of "reality" independent of observers which he
religiously sticks to even though he admits we may never know "it". It has not dawned on him that gives the "it" exactly the same ontological status as an unfathomable "God". (Just subtract
caring and
purpose from "God" and you've got Frank's "reality"). He thinks we can
in principal hypothetically test all propositions as "right" or "wrong" against this catch-all "reality" without realizing that the objects of concern of the proposition are functionally
created by the human proposer within a particular cognitive and operational paradigm.
Let the Franks of this world who wallow in a self contended "cloud of unknowing" forget their fixation on "belief systems" and try to account for the findings of quantum physicists like Cox who subtitles his recent book "Whatever Can Happen Does Happen" ...and that's from a guy who completely rejects any whiff of "the mystical"!