igm wrote:
maxdancona wrote:
The idea that there is no self is a core part of Buddhist teachings, is it not? It isn't at all surprising that someone who is meditating for the express purpose of finding there is no self actually finds there is no self.
You are basically "discovering" a religious truth that you have already been taught is true. That isn't very much of a proof.
There is reasoning to help undermine the belief in a self that exists as a thing apart from the functioning of the body/mind.
It is useful to understand what people mean when then have an idea about themselves i.e. the self they guess/believe they are.
Max do you have an idea of what a self is. Many would say it was singular i.e. not more than one e.g. I was born and I am living and I will die. One me, one I, one ego, one self. Would you say there is a single self or multiply selves during a lifetime?
Some would say, "I have no idea."
Those kinda people would be my kinda people.
Some would guess one way or another...and claim that their guesses are actual knowledge.
I suspect those kinda people would be more your kinda people, igm.
And there might even be some people who actually KNOW. They would be able to explain it better than the people who are making guesses and pretending their guesses are knowledge.
Or at least, it seems that way to me.
igm...do you know you are not deluding yourself when you claim you KNOW?