I am a Buddhist and if anyone wants to question my beliefs then they are welcome to do so...

reasoning logic
Tue 10 Sep, 2013 04:52 pm
If one ties seven knots in a rope one cannot undo the first one without untying the other six first.

Can I space all of these knots apart or do I have to make all seven knots the way you may be thinking? Wink
Tue 10 Sep, 2013 05:29 pm
@reasoning logic,
The first knot you untie is always the first.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Tue 10 Sep, 2013 10:23 pm
IGM said- "It's all about what the Buddha taught.. not about how some people can't understand or don't want to understand what the Buddha taught...
... or temporarily lose their way... we all do that... before enlightenment is attained"
What exactly is "enlightenment" anyway?
Presumably Buddhists therefore think the rest of us are just poor un-enlightened dumb shmucks who've lost our way?..Wink
Tue 10 Sep, 2013 10:35 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Being enlightened is easy. I think we all start out enlightened. At least I have yet to meet a teenager who isn't fully enlightened.

I had to go through a period of work, meditation and self questioning to reach my current unenlightened state.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Sep, 2013 10:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
-Peoples feelings are a part of reality
-you don't know the true nature of reality
-therefore you don't know the true nature of peoples feelings
-you do not make guesses about the true nature of reality
-therefore you cannot make guesses about peoples feelings

...but that is what you've done

-A persons intent is part of reality
-you don't know the true nature of reality
-therefore you don't know the true nature of a persons intent
-therefore when another person says 'what JLN means to say is X, Y & A' you can't call it nonsense, because you do not know, and are not willing to take guesses on reality

...but this is what you've done
vikorr wrote:
you criticise others for taking guesses

Frank Apisa wrote:
I defy you to find any post of mine that criticizes anyone for making any kind of guess.

You will never find one...so do not even bother to look.

I do criticize the practice of making guesses...and calling them "beliefs"...or making guesses...and pretending they are knowledge.

Uh...the contradiction !

In any event - Just as I've been criticising you for doing, when you :
- make statements about other peoples feelings (which you obviously believe, and which you present as fact, and which is a guess on your part)
- and because you obviously believe what you are saying when you call other peoples interpretation of a persons intent 'nonsense'

Frank Apisa wrote:
There are somethings I will not guess about, because I realize I do not have enough information upon which to base a meaningful guess.
Wait...meaningful guesses are aloud now? Educated guesses are aloud? Why, not once did you bring this up when talking to IGM & JL about budhism. You could simply have asked 'what makes it an educated guess' or 'what makes it a meaningful guess'...but No, you wanted them to admit that it was a flat out guess, no shades, none....

...hence part of the reasoning for my statement that your views were extreme.

Hence, why I find your stance, and your taking guesses about reality (rather minor parts of reality), to be hypocritical.
Romeo Fabulini
Tue 10 Sep, 2013 10:57 pm
Maxdonca said- ..."At least I have yet to meet a teenager who isn't fully enlightened"

Yeah they'll do..Smile
"Jesus saved you from the empty way of life handed you by your forefathers" (1 Pet 1:18 )
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" (1 Tim 4:12)

In fact Jesus was only 12 when he had a debate with the priests (Luke 2:46), and when he first went on the road he was still only 29.
Incidentally his cousin John was about the same age (29-ish) and was a world-rejecting rebel living rough in the wilderness, sometimes going in town to yell insults at the snooty priests and corrupt rulers.
Jesus's verdict on him?- "John is the greatest man ever to be born"- (Matt 11:11)

John (Michael York in Zeffirelli's 'Jesus of Nazareth') versus Herod and Salome-

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 03:03 am
vikorr wrote:

-Peoples feelings are a part of reality
-you don't know the true nature of reality
-therefore you don't know the true nature of peoples feelings
-you do not make guesses about the true nature of reality
-therefore you cannot make guesses about peoples feelings

...but that is what you've done

-A persons intent is part of reality
-you don't know the true nature of reality
-therefore you don't know the true nature of a persons intent
-therefore when another person says 'what JLN means to say is X, Y & A' you can't call it nonsense, because you do not know, and are not willing to take guesses on reality

...but this is what you've done
vikorr wrote:
you criticise others for taking guesses

Frank Apisa wrote:
I defy you to find any post of mine that criticizes anyone for making any kind of guess.

You will never find one...so do not even bother to look.

I do criticize the practice of making guesses...and calling them "beliefs"...or making guesses...and pretending they are knowledge.

Uh...the contradiction !

In any event - Just as I've been criticising you for doing, when you :
- make statements about other peoples feelings (which you obviously believe, and which you present as fact, and which is a guess on your part)
- and because you obviously believe what you are saying when you call other peoples interpretation of a persons intent 'nonsense'

Frank Apisa wrote:
There are somethings I will not guess about, because I realize I do not have enough information upon which to base a meaningful guess.
Wait...meaningful guesses are aloud now? Educated guesses are aloud? Why, not once did you bring this up when talking to IGM & JL about budhism. You could simply have asked 'what makes it an educated guess' or 'what makes it a meaningful guess'...but No, you wanted them to admit that it was a flat out guess, no shades, none....

...hence part of the reasoning for my statement that your views were extreme.

Hence, why I find your stance, and your taking guesses about reality (rather minor parts of reality), to be hypocritical.

Vikorr...obviously you have some kind of need to consider me to be hypocritical. Enjoy yourself with it.

I am not hypocritical.

I have no idea of what all those comments are at the beginning of your post, but this effort of yours was one of your worst.
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 03:55 am
@Frank Apisa,
vikorr...obviously you have some kind of need to consider me to be hypocritical.

Another guess at the reality of others Frank (you do say you don't guess at reality)

Whatever Frank...keep breaking your own claims of 'not knowing' and 'not guessing reality'

You have a seriously flawed view of yourself in this aspect.

I have no idea of what all those comments are at the beginning of your post, but this effort of yours was one of your worst.
If you have no idea, how can you arrive at the conclusion that it's one of the worst? Blind guessing?
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 04:01 am
vikorr wrote:

vikorr...obviously you have some kind of need to consider me to be hypocritical.

Another guess at the reality of others Frank (you do say you don't guess at reality)

Whatever Frank...keep demanding of others what you don't demand of yourself.

You have a seriously flawed view of yourself in this aspect.

I do not demand anything of others that I do not demand of myself. Your view of me...and of the issue...is so flawed that you ought really not to be judging others on the issue.

I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence.

If you do...share what you know and let's discuss it. If you want to discuss me instead...we can do that.
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 04:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence.

If you do...share what you know and let's discuss it. If you want to discuss me instead...we can do that.
Frank, this thread is not about the true nature of reality...that's a hijack of this thread.

Nor do I have any interest in such. I've already stated this several times.

I do not demand anything of others that I do not demand of myself. Your view of me...and of the issue...is so flawed that you ought really not to be judging others on the issue.
Absolutely you demand of others what you don't yourself abide by...that's seen throughout the latter part of this thread.

In regards to 'judging' :
- it's not humanly possible not to judge - it's hardwired into us. Many people simply don't admit it.
- how do you judge who you like and don't like?
- how do you judge if someone is a good friend?
- how do you judge if an action is good for you?
- etc.
- we humans judge most every second of every day...our mind is subjective (otherwise we would have objective minds that viewed reality correctly)

What I believe in (rather than a concept of 'not judging') is understanding, empathy, compassion, firmness, self-responsibility, awareness, etc.
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 06:56 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

What exactly is "enlightenment" anyway?

I attempted an answer in a previous post...

Wed 11 Sep, 2013 07:14 am
Enlightenment just means your mind is fully closed. After all, once you are completely in tune with the truth, why do you need to consider anything else? People find this to be a comforting and empowering feeling.

I was enlightened once. I gave it up when I discovered there is much more to being human.

Wed 11 Sep, 2013 07:31 am
maxdancona wrote:

Enlightenment just means your mind is fully closed.

You're wrong... it is the opposite.
maxdancona wrote:

After all, once you are completely in tune with the truth, why do you need to consider anything else. People find this to be a comforting and empowering feeling.

When one is fully enlightened (i.e. a Buddha... any one of us can become a Buddha) then one has loving kindness and compassion for all those who suffer needlessly, when alternatively, they can have the same unconditioned happiness as those on the path to Buddhahood and fully developed at Buddhahood; that is one's career from then on... it is after all their birthright... it's our very nature... if you don't want it ok... it yours... not mine to give you... you already have it to discover.
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 07:44 am
Slightly amended my last post.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 07:55 am
If enlightenment is about having an open mind, then Frank (who is willing to accept that his view of reality may not be absolute truth) is more enlightened that you.

I find that rather ironic.

Good news Frank, maybe you are a Buddha!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 08:43 am
vikorr wrote:

I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence.

If you do...share what you know and let's discuss it. If you want to discuss me instead...we can do that.
Frank, this thread is not about the true nature of reality...that's a hijack of this thread.

Nor do I have any interest in such. I've already stated this several times.

From my very first interactions with igm on this thread...this thread HAS been about the true nature of REALITY. Igm is telling us what the REALITY is...how the Buddha "discovered" it...how the Buddha attained "enlightenment" (supposedly a part of REALITY)...and how the Buddha can help others to discover these same things.

There is no hijacking going on. I submit, as respectfully as possible, that it is almost impossible to discuss ANY religion (and this IS a religion) without dealing with the true nature of REALITY.

If you do not find that part of the discussion interesting...don't engage me on it. But don't think that gives you license to call me a hypocrite...or to claim that I have hypocritical tendencies....BECAUSE I AM NOT AND I DO NOT.

I do not demand anything of others that I do not demand of myself. Your view of me...and of the issue...is so flawed that you ought really not to be judging others on the issue.
Absolutely you demand of others what you don't yourself abide by...that's seen throughout the latter part of this thread.


Cite one instance...a direct quote of me doing so.


In regards to 'judging' :
- it's not humanly possible not to judge - it's hardwired into us. Many people simply don't admit it.
- how do you judge who you like and don't like?
- how do you judge if someone is a good friend?
- how do you judge if an action is good for you?
- etc.
- we humans judge most every second of every day...our mind is subjective (otherwise we would have objective minds that viewed reality correctly)

What I believe in (rather than a concept of 'not judging') is understanding, empathy, compassion, firmness, self-responsibility, awareness, etc.

What does any of this have to do with anything that I have said?????????????
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 08:44 am
@Frank Apisa,

...give me your most glaring example of me being a hypocrite by demaning of others something that I do not demand of myself.

I want quotes...not these things you seem to make up.
Romeo Fabulini
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 02:08 pm
IGM said- "..enlightenment is beyond elaboration but in words it is said to be unconditioned happiness. This means that it is an experience that persists even when in physical pain.."

Bit like Christianity then-
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want"- (Bible: Philippians 4:12)
except that Christians don't set themselves on fire or run through the streets in protest at the government..Smile

Romeo Fabulini
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 02:17 pm
Maxdancona said- "..I was enlightened once. I gave it up when I discovered there is much more to being human"

"Enlightenment" in the Christian sense simply means being able to roll with the punches life throws at us because they know our life on this material earth counts for nothing and shouldn't be taken seriously-
"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (Bible:James 4:14)
Paul said- "For when I am weak, then I am strong.- (Bible: 2 Cor 12:10)
"My Christian faith has helped me so much in difficult times"- Bear Grylls


0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 11 Sep, 2013 02:27 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

IGM said- "..enlightenment is beyond elaboration but in words it is said to be unconditioned happiness. This means that it is an experience that persists even when in physical pain.."

Bit like Christianity then-
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want"- (Bible: Philippians 4:12)
except that Christians don't set themselves on fire or run through the streets in protest at the government..Smile

Yeah..."a bit like Christianity then" pretty much describes it.

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