You have in the past stated (although i would be disinclined, i can go find such posts) that the way to end suffering is through enlightenment. Nice little circularity you've got going here. "The way to end suffering is through enlightment; enlightenment is defined as the cessation of suffering . . . "--is essentially your position. So you've said nothing--you have not provide any meaningful definition of enlightenment.
Your snotty remarks implying that this is a definition for "beginners" is nothing more than an attempt to set up an accusation that you can't be responsible for people who don't understand. You have provided no clear definition of enlightenment. You have provided no evidence that Siddartha achieved "perfect enlightenment." (If you claim that he ended his suffering, mental or physical, well hell yeah, you get the peasants to feed, clothe and house you without the necessity of lifting a finger, i'd say you have a cast iron con going on which will end your suffering. Whether or not that deserves to be called enlightenment is another consideration altogether.) Finally you have not shown that enlightenment can be attained, and the more so as you haven't clearly defined enlightenment.
This is basically a dog and pony show, lacking any substance.