@reasoning logic,
Quote:"The outsider test for faith"
You must test your own religion's claims by the same standards that you apply to other religions
If your religion's claims and text fair no better, then your religion is just as false as theirs.
By this test, every belief system would fail, because everyone applies different tests.
Possessing some belief systems are necessary.
If you didn't believe that a car was relatively safe (eg if you believed that you were sure to die if you got into a car even just once) you wouldn't get into a car.
How about the more complex series of beliefs that exists in marriage, relationships, and friendships? Would you test them against a recently divorced person whose best friend had an affair with their spouse?
What about the finance system? They say money's only value is the belief that people have in it (it is after all, just paper and digital data - useless unless enough people believe in the system)...would it stand up to a barter society's tests?