He didn't say complicated. He said arbitrary or flawed, and I agree.
What is the connection between sperm donation and the rest of your questions?
Are you saying the children of sperm donations are fatherless, as opposed to if there was a father when the child was born, or while the woman was pregant and he died? Are you including fathers who are not present due to divorce? In the case of divorce, are you meaning fathers who never see their child, occassionally or often....same can be said of the term motherless? Do you mean children that where the product of sperm donation, but where taken from the birth mother to be raised by the father, or some other person?
I'm not even giving this any serious thought, and these are the problems I come up with as far as what you are meaning in your questions. If I spent any time at all, I'd come up with a lot more.
If you want to ask questions, fine, but please be clear as to what you're asking.
Oh....what range of age are you talking about for the term child?
birth through 18? 2 years old through 8 or 9 or 10?
The experience of children of various ages will differ widely, by mere maturity factor, intellectually, emotionally, even physically.
The answers you get are only going to be as good as your questions.