What Trayvon's Family Risks in a Civil Case Against Zimmerman

Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 07:59 pm
You do realize that Zimmerman's mom isn't African American, don't you? Zimmerman is a LOT more white than Obama.

Oh you have a detail break down of all his ancestors to allow you to come to that conclusion or are you going by skin color alone?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 08:04 pm
Sorry dear heart you are trying to get away from the fact that with his background and blood few white racists would consider him white and as he have black blood in his family who know how he self ID on the census.

Calling him white when he is of mixed race with brown skin color is amusing but then he need to be white in order to be a white racist killer.
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 08:28 pm
Footnote as Zimmerman is likely to have even more non "white" blood in him by way of natives Americans ancestors then our President.

Not all non-white blood mean black blood but of course there is no real scientific meaning behind race in any case.

One thing is for sure no white racist is going to consider the man white and you need to pound a round peg into a square hole to get him to be a white racist of any kind let alone a white racist killer.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 09:16 pm
Calling him white when he is of mixed race with brown skin color...

Has Zimmerman himself ever said he is of "mixed race"? Has his mother ever said she is of "mixed race"? Is his father of mixed race too? Where have Zimmerman, or his parents, made this information, specifically about their black racial ancestry, public?

If you think his skin color is "brown" you had better consult an ophthalmologist. Most people who look at him would describe him as appearing to be "white". The man looks white, in fact, a lot "whiter" than many olive-complected Mediterranean people. He certainly appeared white to Trayvon Martin, and also to the police. Wonder why you see him as looking "brown"?

Not all non-white blood mean black blood...

Don't we all have red blood? Do whites have a different kind of blood than other racial groups?
One thing is for sure no white racist is going to consider the man white

You are obviously speaking for yourself.
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 10:51 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Other than that, the conclusion I am reluctantly coming to is that the demoKKKrat party is like I-slam in that,
ultimately, the only choice anybody is going to have will be submit to it, or ban it.
Was the decedent a MOSLEM????

Does that account for the reason
that he was SLAMMING Zimmy 's head on the cement ??
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 11:20 pm
Dumb question here....

What would be your impression of Hitler's characterization of the Japanese as "Yellow Aryans"?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 07:20 am
BillRM wrote:

Sorry dear heart you are trying to get away from the fact that with his background and blood few white racists would consider him white and as he have black blood in his family who know how he self ID on the census.

Calling him white when he is of mixed race with brown skin color is amusing but then he need to be white in order to be a white racist killer.

Oh.. I see. You are simply siding with white racists. Why didn't you say so in the first place?

Your argument is simply that the media didn't follow the standard of white racists but followed the official government standard. Thanks for showing us what an idiotic argument you are making.
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 07:50 am
Oh.. I see. You are simply siding with white racists.

Strange comment indeed so a statement that white racists would not consider Zimmerman anywhere near being white is in some manner siding with them?

official government standard.

Official government standard is to allow mixed race people to decide what race they would care to ID with and they are free to picked more then one race on the census.

The last I hear Tiger Wood with his mixed race background does not consider himself to be black but of mixed race and that is his right.

The government is not and had not been in the business of declaring the race of someone for generations and being Latin as the 2010 census stated is not a race and it does not mean that all Latins are white either.

I have no problem with Zimmerman IDing himself as white if he care to even with brown skin and mixed race background however there is no indication that he had ever done so.

Given that he had dated without regard to skin color and his other known actions he sure the hell is not a white racist.

The news media IDing him as a White Hispanic is stepping over the line for their own purposes.
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 07:58 am
Official government standard is to allow mixed race people to decide what race they would care to ID with

No, not just "mixed race people"--we are all free to decide what race we identify ourselves as being on the Census form....

But you're deciding for Zimmerman...

Like any good white racist, you've decided the man's not white.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 08:04 am
August 6, 2013
Which Box Would Zimmerman Check?
How Trayvon Martin’s killing challenged our assumptions about Latinos.
BY Achy Obejas

At home in Chicago, I’m Latina, or perhaps Hispanic. The term “Hispanic” has been around for a long time but it took on a political—some say politicized—life when President Richard Nixon decided to add it as an option in the 1970 U.S. Census. The idea was to figure out how many of us—that is, Spanish-speakers or descendants of Latin Americans or Latin-American-born residents—lived in the United States. (The definitions for both Latino and Hispanic are often blurred, more a matter of political inclination than etymology, with Hispanic perhaps sounding a bit more polite.)

But an interesting thing happens when I travel south of the U.S.-Mexico border. I’m never Hispanic—what matters is that I’m Cuban and live in the United States. Why? Because these are cultural markers that affect social behavior and expectations.

In Cuba, that changes again. Whenever I’ve identified myself as Hispanic on the island, Cubans smile with amusement. In Havana, I’m a Cuban who lives abroad, but my most important identifier is that I’m white-skinned, which means access and deference not available to darker Cubans.

Which goes to show that “Hispanic,” so determinant in the United States, is just that: a U.S. concept. That brings me to George Zimmerman and the Census Bureau’s 2003 clarification about “Hispanic”: The term was never meant to denote race. As the bureau discovered, Hispanics belong to all races.

Right now, I’m not so much interested in defining Hispanic or Latino. But what intrigues me is the way race—which “Hispanic” wasn’t supposed to address—is being transformed as Latinos become a force in U.S. politics.

Zimmerman’s supporters evoked his ethnicity (“He’s Hispanic!”) as a defense against charges of racism, as if being born of a Peruvian mother somehow inoculated a soul against racial prejudice. But I also noticed there wasn’t a Latino groundswell to protect Zimmerman. Fox News, meanwhile, flipped the issue: Latinos, said Fox, were failing to defend one of their own!

What few grasped was the uneasiness Zimmerman provoked in many Latinos. First, sheer embarrassment. But there was also this: Zimmerman is not an aberration. There’s plenty of racism among us.

Another aspect of the Zimmerman case is harder to talk about: Most Latinos know that, due to white racism and white privilege, in the hierarchy of color prejudice, we benefit from being paler.

It was CNN, and much of the rest of the news media, that found an accommodation for the discomfort caused by having a café con leche half-Peruvian holding up the flag for interests usually more associated with conservative, racially challenged whites: Zimmerman, they determined, was a “white Hispanic.” (Note: not Latino.)

But that isn’t exactly a new term either. Since the 1970s, whenever my pale but kinky-haired mother has had to fill out an affirmative action form, she marks white or Caucasian and then adds, by hand if necessary, “Cuban-origin.” Though my mother aspires to whiteness, even she recognizes that those she hopes to be mistaken for can see with their own eyes that she’s not quite like them.

What is new about “white Hispanic” is the way CNN—which never identified Rick Sanchéz as a white Hispanic—and other media employed it: as a kind of code to signal “our Hispanic” to conservative interests.

Strategies of division, of course, are as old as dirt. But the Zimmerman case—so blatantly about race while in full-on denial—hasn’t assuaged too many Latinos about where we fall in terms of acceptance.

In a Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted immediately after the Zimmerman verdict, Latinos disapproved of the trial results by a 2-to-1 margin, and fully 60 percent—the exact percentage of the U.S.-born Latino population, mostly youth with an affinity toward African Americans—say “blacks and other minorities do not receive equal treatment with whites in the criminal justice system.”

And white in that context means white non-Hispanic.


0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 09:47 am
By the way my two step daughter are 50/50 "black" as must as our president and yet their skin color is roughly similar to Zimmerman if even perhaps a little lighter in one of the two women.

I have no idea what race they had put on the 2010 census or other government forms nor do I care.

Now if Trayvon had attacked one of them and they needed to killed him in self defense would it be acceptable to call them white and imply that they did the killings not in self defense but due to them being racist?

After all they look white in pictures and oh they both happen to have "white" husbands and "white" looking children!!!!!!!!!

Footnote like Zimmerman they had dated men of all races before marrying including "black" men and like Zimmerman they have family members just as black by skin color as Trayvon.

Race does not have a scientific meaning and we are as a people have blood lines from all over the planet all mixed together so it never that simple to get racial motivated crimes unless you are talking about skin heads or black panthers even those that have not stop Al Sharpton and the news media from trying to do so.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 10:02 am
Sorry dear heart you are trying to get away from the fact that with his background and blood few white racists would consider him white

You don't consider Zimmerman white, Bill, which means you are siding with white racists on Zimmerman not being white. You are clearly not taking a contrary opinion to theirs. I did not accuse you of being a white racist and you are the one that brought them up in our conversation.


The government is not and had not been in the business of declaring the race of someone for generations
Obviously you didn't bother to read the census directions you posted or you were incapable of understanding them.


Given that he had dated without regard to skin color and his other known actions he sure the hell is not a white racist.
Do you have any other red herrings you want to introduce?
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 11:12 am
You don't consider Zimmerman white, Bill,

LOL I think it none of my business to place a racial label on the man!!!!!!!!

Do you have any other red herrings you want to introduce?

Red herrings you mean a lifetime live with no sign of him being a racist in any manner is a red herrings to you?

That the need of Al Sharpton and the news media to label him some white racist killer should override all we happen to know about the man?

Footnote Obama is of mixed race and the non-black side of his family raised him however if he wish to consider himself black that is fine with me just as Tiger Woods does not wish to be label black and that is also fine with me.

Second footnote I have not a clue what race if any my two step daughter consider themselves to be. I do know that they are both interested in and proud of the history of the black side of their family.
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 12:06 pm
BillRM wrote:

You don't consider Zimmerman white, Bill,

LOL I think it none of my business to place a racial label on the man!!!!!!!!

That must be why you placed a label on him of being "Brown"
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 12:58 pm
BillRM didn't just place a label on him, he's insisting Zimmerman actually looks brown.


The man does not look "brown".

What BillRM fails to understand is that, as a man with a fairly pale complexion, Zimmerman has never had to put up with the sort of negative reaction, and profiling, and stereotyping, and discrimination, that those with darker skin color, including brown skin color, often have to endure. With a name like Zimmerman, he wouldn't even experience the sort of reaction and bias that people might have toward Hispanics, and might have toward him, if his name were Rodriquez.

Zimmerman could pretty much enjoy all of the so-called "privileges" of being white in our society. He wouldn't have to worry about being profiled and followed in the dark because of the color of his skin, nor might he be sensitive to understanding the feelings of an innocent black male, when someone starts following him in the dark for no apparent reason...

So just because he's Hispanic, I wouldn't expect him to be particularly racially sensitive. And, no matter what his racial background is, that doesn't mean Zimmerman might not engage in racial profiling.

BillRM's obsession with Zimmerman's race is just bizarre. And when he insists that the man's skin color and appearance is something other than what it appears to most people, he's clearly left the realm of reality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 01:07 pm
That must be why you placed a label on him of being "Brown"

The last time I look brown was a skin color not a race even in common meanings/usages.

The language concerning race in not having any connection to scientific meanings is kind of sloppy but that is not my fault. Some skin colors standing in for race is also sloppy but is what is in common usage.

Zimmerman have one hell of a mixed of "races" in his "blood"/DNA and that just might have some connections to his brown skin color. Stating he is brown mean that his skin color is brown and that in common meaning he does seems to be a mixed of races not any one race.

That is borne out by what we know of his background. That does not mean I am trying to take away his rights to consider himself any race he wish to.

But then hell there is not one human that is of a pure "race" as humans had been moving around the globe in large numbers interbreeding for thousands of years.



White people is a term denoting a specific set of ethnic groups and functions as a color metaphor for race.[1]

The definition of "white person" differs according to geographical and historical context. Various social constructions of whiteness have had implications in terms of national identity, consanguinity, public policy, religion, population statistics, racial segregation, affirmative action, eugenics, racial marginalization and racial quotas. The concept has been applied with varying degrees of formality and internal consistency in disciplines including sociology, politics, genetics, biology, medicine, biomedicine, language, culture, and law.[citation needed]

In the end there is only one race human in the biological meaning of the term as we all can interbreed with each other as is proven every day of the year.

In fact proved inside of my family five times over the last seven years and inside Zimmerman family tree.
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 01:17 pm

The last time I look brown was a skin color not a race even in common meanings.

Really? So what does the word "white" mean then?

If black, brown, white, red and yellow are only skin colors and have nothing to do with race then what is your issue with media calling Zimmerman white?
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 01:24 pm
Really? So what does the word "white" mean then?

Cover that in the very posting you are referring to in quoting wikipeda concerning the meaning of white.

You are bright enough to know that the use of some skin colors for race does not mean that all skin colors stand in for race or are you?

But feel free to list the races that brown stand for.

Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 01:28 pm
Stating he is brown mean that his skin color is brown...

Except his skin color is not brown...


George Zimmerman does not look "brown". People perceive this man as being white. And you've previously described him as being white.

Is there any particular reason you're now trying to deny the reality of this man's skin color and appearance?

Trayvon Martin saw a white man following him that night....the police described Zimmerman as being white.

So I don't know what you're trying to prove with your nonsensical babbling, which makes less and less sense.

If it bothers you that people perceive Zimmerman as looking white, send him a message, through his lawyers, and tell him to stop "passing",

Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 01:28 pm
Gosh.. since you wanted to use wikipedia....


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