Miller wrote:
Foofie wrote:
And, being really of "average" intelligence, I also avoid those that are of below average intelligence.
What do you each day? Run around measuring IQs to see who you should be ignoring?
Do you ignore folks to live in low income housing?
How about folks who are homeless? Do you ignore them too?
I'll bet you do, with you white nose straight up in the air.
Not "ignore," "avoid." Naturally, I avoid those in the projects. The projects are not safe for street smart folks of my demographic, in my opinion. And, the homeless are not part of my world; I avoid them too for that sociological reason. And my nose is not "white." It is a fairly straight nose, with great ability to detect the odor of hostility.
And, why do you feel a need to stand in judgement of my values? Are you forgetting it is my right to pursue happiness with those I choose? Are you implying my values are not objectively correct, or not correct within the confines of some value system I am not aware of? I have fulfilled my social contract by having been a contributing member of society, and now you want me to be part of the world of those that could not, would not, or weren't allowed to achieve a certain level of contribution, through no fault of my own? Please do not ask me to resonate with the injustices of society. I am grateful for society giving me the opportunity to contribute, reflecting my own abilities, and now you want me to focus on others? Perhaps, you do not subscribe to the concept of social class in this country? Sorry, I do, and that is my right.
Have a pleasant weekend, Your Ladyship.