Being in the field, I have seen it coming to this for years..and believe me..not just the photographers but, the professional labs have had to change ways. There has been a huge market change in photography, you'd be stunned to think about it. From Cameras to Paper, from film to digital, from one time consuming process and technique to another. And..its all had to be done side by side. Whew...I applaude everyone dealing with it that is able to stand on and go forth.
Personally, I gotta have my film. There is so much more that can go wrong digitally but, then again, there is the other side of instant knowlegde with digital that you just have to wait for, and hope for no problems with on film. Its a double edged sword.
Still, to get a real photograph from a real piece of film onto paper...theres nothing that can compare.
Digital does keep getting better and Im sure there will be a day when I wont be able to tell the difference in them..right now though I do.
The general public however, dont have a clue. Most dont have a clue about film to begin with. Ive seen more pictures people have that they adore that I just want to take from them and make better for them because they are so bad, they however dont see them that way. Its okay to see them the way you want..for them and for me. We can all live problem.
I worked in a studio where we even did passport photos on one of those big old 70mm cameras. Did anyone really know when they sat in that chair that even when I was taking the shots with that camera it was already years older than they were? nope, not a clue.
I did hand restoration on little vibrating machines, and I printed more military photos that were taken on 70mm than I can even count. Does the end user even have a clue as to their negatives? nope, not a one.
When I stroll out now with my 35mm I find it so odd that people approach me and want to chat for a while about what in the world Im doing, why, what is it I see that they cant, howd I get into it, what do I do with it...etc etc. And only now do I realize that Im a dying breed, a curiosity, and gosh darn it...Im too dang young to be labelled as such!

Its been a very quickly evolving transformation, thats for sure but you know...I dont think digital will ever replace it, there will always be others just like me, and the interest will always be there from within or without.