The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:05 am
revelette wrote:
Well, I would feel threatened if someone was following me in the dark.
I am sure Trayvon Martin, a skinny seventeen year old, felt threatened too.
For what reason??
I don't get the concept.

He was "skinny" in that obsolete picture.
Maybe u let folks beat your head on the street IF thay r SKINNY! Yes??

DAVID wrote:
Maybe; did Martin ASK him anything?

revelette wrote:
Yea, he asked him why he was following him.
Thank u for that information.
How did u ascertain this fact ?

revelette wrote:
And no one was slamming anyone's head against the concrete no matter how many times you state it.
Will u reveal how u know this ??

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:18 am
parados wrote:
Do you not know what an abrasion is? They bleed. Ever skinned your knee and it bled?

The statute DOES require some degree of threat before the use of lethal force.
Of course, as well it SHUD.

parados wrote:
An abrasion on the head is about as bad as a skinned knee.
If you want to argue that skinned knees allow for you to kill someone,
go ahead and argue that. It doesn't make you reasonable and cautious as required by jury instructions.
No one can be expected to be "reasonable and cautious"
while his head is being repeatedly slammed against the street.
Then it is time to FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, and consult
with legal counsel later ( like Ted Kennedy, while Mary Jo was suffocating, as her oxygen ran out ).

parados wrote:
And then you acknowledge Zimmerman's head wasn't being beaten into concrete
when he pulled the trigger
A mis-understanding??
Where did u get that ?

To be clear: it is my understanding that it WAS,
tho I am no witness.

parados wrote:
so it makes your entire argument about Zimmerman shooting him
to stop his head being beaten into concrete false.
U have distorted my position.

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:28 am
I suspect that, in common with the police,
the prosecution feels guilty qua persecuting Zimmy
because thay know that he was and is a really nice,
civic minded guy whose convenience is being
sacrificed to a racially driven political decision
to please the blacks...

Not ALL the blacks. Just the assholes and idiots amongst them. The low-info types, and the voting block types. Black people are not inherently inferior and I still maintain that 90% of the problems they experience living in the United States would evaporate within five years of the demoKKKrat party being outlawed and banned.

The demoKKKrat party has alienated large segments of them from the ordinary reality of working or a living and having to interact with other people. You only need two generations of anything like that to produce pathology and you even see it in the children of the rich.

0 Replies
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:28 am
For what reason??
I don't get the concept.

What you don't get I'm sure is a lot. Ask any woman why she would feel threatened if a man was following her in the dark.

He was "skinny" in that obsolete picture.
Trayvon Martin was 5'9 and 158 pounds when he died.

Thank u for that information.
How did u ascertain this fact ?

From watching the trial.

Will u reveal how u know this ??

There would be more evidence on Trayvon Martin's clothes and body if he in fact slammed Zimmerman's head against the concrete. There would be more damage to Zimmerman if his head was slammed repeatedly against the concrete. All he got was a bloody nose and a few abrasions on his head.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:32 am
I would ask David and others to come off their hobby horses a minute and put themselves in Trayvon Martin shoes the night he was shot and killed...

You're asking me to picture myself doing sort of a slow-walk in the rain looking at and into houses as if casing them for future robberies with my mind blasted with "Purple Drank" and then trying to kill some neighborhood watch captain rather than simply going home or asking him what the problem was??

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:54 am
don't bother, mister butt cheese.

we all know you would stroke out if you imagined yourself as black...
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 09:58 am
Yea, he asked him why he was following him.

And Zimmerman never identified himself as a member of the neighborhood watch. So he never did answer that question.

I think Zimmerman grabbed at Trayvon's clothing--that's why he said, "Get off me"--and Trayvon defensively punched him in the nose, knocking Zimmerman down--which is when he scraped the back of his head--and Zimmerman then immediately went for his gun--as Trayvon tried to hold him down, screaming for help because he knew Zimmerman was about to shoot him.

And the firearms expert who testified yesterday said the gun was held against Martin's shirt--he was shot at point blank range.

Zimmerman claims Martin said, "You're going to die tonight," but I think that's what Zimmerman said to Martin as he fired his gun directly into Martin's heart.

Zimmerman claims he feared for his life, and I don't believe him that was a reasonable fear. He provoked a fight with someone who had done nothing to him, but toward whom he felt animus, based on his profiling and distorted perceptions. And those same distorted perceptions might have caused an unreasonable exaggeration of his fears after he got punched in the nose, but it was his animus toward Martin that fueled and motivated his reaching for his gun.

As the prosecution said, in their opening statement, "George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to, he did it for the worst of all possible reasons, because he wanted to."

And that's why Zimmerman has never expressed any remorse or regret about what he did that night. He did what he wanted to do. And he takes so little responsibility for his actions, in killing someone, he considers it part of "God's plan."

And, after the jury hears from Trayvon Martin's mother tomorrow, as it appears they will, and she tells them that those cries for help, you can hear in the background of the 911 calls, was her terrified son screaming for his life, as she is likely to do, I'm not sure those jurors will be inclined to let his killer go free.
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:15 am
I find it outrageous that Zimmerman's claim about a "fear for my life" when he's the one with the gun - and also trained in self-defense.

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:28 am
@cicerone imposter,
having a gun and being trained in self-defense does not preclude being in fear for one's life...just sayin'
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:31 am
@cicerone imposter,
outrageous that Zimmerman's claim about a "fear for my life" when he's the one with the gun - and also trained in self-defense.

Do you think he would have followed Martin if he hadn't had that gun? I think being armed contributed to his poor judgment in following and confronting Martin. His responsibility as a neighborhood watch ended when he called the police. Everything after that was Zimmerman playing cop, and trailing and confronting "the suspect", toward whom he felt animus.

Even in his written account for the police, Zimmerman used "cop talk" and only referred to Martin as "the suspect".
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:39 am
But he's the one who was in pursuit of Martin - the suspect. Why would he be afraid when he has a gun and is trained in martial arts?

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:43 am
@cicerone imposter,
That's why this is all about Zimmerman's credibility. And the prosecution has successfully exposed problems with his credibility.
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:49 am
the jury is going to end up at "we dont know what happened", which means " not guilty".
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:52 am
How do you know that? Some of you talk as if you're at the trial and able to see all the nuances of the jury and attorneys. Many of you just ignore what the first hand witnesses have said, and assume your know more than they do.

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:54 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

How do you know that?

florida law. for the moment I am trusting that tbe jury will follow it even though the state did not.
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 10:55 am
You are 'trusting?' LOL You are making guesses and assumptions; not FACTS.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 11:02 am
the jury is going to end up at "we dont know what happened", which means " not guilty".

They know what happened--an armed wannabe cop shot and killed an unarmed minor, a guest at that housing complex, who was returning from a trip to the store.

They know the kid is dead, and they know there are problems with Zimmerman's credibility in his version of the events that led to that death.

The jury may well decide to give Martin the benefit of the doubt, and to hold Zimmerman legally accountable for killing him, based on Zimmerman's flawed credibility.

Thu 4 Jul, 2013 11:02 am
we all know you would stroke out if you imagined yourself as black...

I can imagine myself being black easily enough. What I can't picture myself as is a total-loss cracked-out, purpled-out aspiring burglar with ideas about the world owing me anything. THAT is what you idiots are asking me to picture myself as.

Again I don't see this as a racial thing other than for the poison of the race-hustlers ("Critical Race Theory(TM)" etc.) spreading out to simple people like Trayvon Martin. The same sort of organized efforts at self pity affect white people the same way (turns them into assholes, total losers and idiots). There is no shortage of examples of that in the world, particularly in the muslim world...
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 11:09 am
Poster on FR notes:

Florida Statutes: 776.032 Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force.— (1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force, unless the person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who was acting in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer.

Any sort of a legal opinion here? Isn't flori-duh breaking its own law by trying GZ at all??

0 Replies
Thu 4 Jul, 2013 11:11 am
Again I don't see this as a racial thing

Of course not, your idea of blacks is that they are all criminals and nere do wells. You give all black derogatory names cause YOU think its funny. Each time you ust further reveal yourself as a sorry Aryan-wannabe

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