Quote:For myself, if someone were following me, I would attempt to escape.
Trayvon Martin was trying to get away from him--Zimmerman kept following him.
Quote:It wouldn't be my natural inclination to turn and beat them senseless.
If Martin had turned, and gone to attack Zimmerman, why did Rachel Jeantel hear him say, to Zimmerman, "Get off me"?
George Zimmerman was not beaten up, let alone "beaten senseless" by anyone. He sustained a single blow to the nose, which does not appear to be seriously injured, and he had two very small scrapes on the back of his head. He required absolutely no medical treatment.
These are the official police photos taken that night, right after the shooting. The nose is fine, the back of the head has no bruises, swellings, goose-eggs, etc., just two very small scrapes and dried blood streaks. Zimmerman was very, very minimally injured.

Zimmerman had only very minor injuries, very minor injuries.
This is what Trayvon Martin looked like.
This was a needless death.