The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sat 24 Aug, 2013 07:47 am
BillRM wrote:

I see the stalking of suspicious folk as the act of good citizenry, certainly it is not a knock on Zimmerman.

I never knew that the word stalking can be used in such a positive manner until David informed me that the word can be used for a good citizen following a possible criminal to guide the police to him or her to be check out.

we say all the time that cops "hunt down" bad guys, so "stalk" is no stretch at all. Martins responsibility was to act respectfull and to stay calm when he we confronted about his suspicious behaviour by a good citizen. Zimmerman did nothing wrong according to me till he shot to kill, which I don't believe was necessary. According to the law however he was
fully justified.
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 07:53 am
@Frank Apisa,
truly want you to know that I do not dislike you for this immature, unfeeling stance of yours...it is pity I feel.

I feel pity and concern for the victim Zimmerman not the criminal Trayvon.

Hell I even have open my wallet to aid the victim of this criminal attacked and then a victim of political charges and trial.

At best Trayvon get a little and I mean little regret that he did not get the chance of turning his life around due to his own damn actions that night.
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 07:57 am
Martins responsibility was to act respectfull and to stay calm when he we confronted about his suspicious behaviour by a good citizen

Why did Martin have any responsibility to a strange man who followed him in the dark, for no apparent reason, and who never identified himself? How the hell should Martin have known Zimmerman was allegedly "a good citizen"? For all Martin knew, Zimmerman was a mugger or a serial killer.

Zimmerman wasn't a cop. He had no authority to act as a cop. And real cops identify themselves.

Had a real cop approached Martin, and identified himself, the entire situation would have been different.

Zimmerman was wrong to stalk Martin, and he compounded that error by never identifying himself, or his motives, to Martin.
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Sat 24 Aug, 2013 07:58 am
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Frank Apisa
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 08:34 am
BillRM wrote:

truly want you to know that I do not dislike you for this immature, unfeeling stance of yours...it is pity I feel.

I feel pity and concern for the victim Zimmerman not the criminal Trayvon.

Hell I even have open my wallet to aid the victim of this criminal attacked and then a victim of political charges and trial.

At best Trayvon get a little and I mean little regret that he did not get the chance of turning his life around due to his own damn actions that night.

Make that PITY! that I feel for you.
0 Replies
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 08:45 am
@Frank Apisa,
Sure you do. And if it were done with you or your kid...you would be just as understanding.


Most good parents would teach their children that it is not ok to attacked someone for annoying them.
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 08:48 am
Baldimo wrote:
That is a nice looking shotgun. 2 chambers for shells and a switch to use to change between them. I have looked at this same one for the home. Something my wife would be able to handle and not to big to move through the house with. Better than grand-pappies duck gun.

Sounds like you guys are describing a Neostead. Are they available in America now?

Good self defense guns if they are (at least if you don't have to worry about body armor).
0 Replies
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 08:50 am
Baldimo wrote:
You can't accept the fact that Martin started the fight. Zimmerman didn't stay in his car, but he didn't have to. He wasn't under any obligation to stay in his car, he might have been advised but it wasn't an order he had to follow.

Actually, Mr. Zimmerman wasn't advised to stay in the car.

Long after he left the car, Mr. Zimmerman was advised that they didn't need him to pursue.

Upon receiving that advice, Mr. Zimmerman halted his pursuit.

Some three minutes later, Trayvon came up to him and attacked.
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 08:54 am
RABEL222 wrote:
Maybe all the gun nuts could send Zimmerman $100 apiece untill he had several million dollars than a civil suite would be worth while.

The only result of such a lawsuit would be the Martins being forced to pay Mr. Zimmerman's legal bills.

There is no need for you Freedom Haters to send the Martins any money. Mr. Zimmerman could just take the settlement that the gated community paid the Martins (and maybe grab the Martins' homes and retirement accounts).
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Frank Apisa
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 08:56 am
BillRM wrote:

Sure you do. And if it were done with you or your kid...you would be just as understanding.


Most good parents would teach their children that it is not ok to attacked someone for annoying them.

So...as I said...if it were done with you or your kid...you would be just as understanding!!!!!
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:03 am
@Frank Apisa,
So...as I said...if it were done with you or your kid...you would be just as understanding!!!!!

Like my parents before I would not raised my children to think it is ok for a second to attacked an adult for annoying them so nothing would had been done to my kids except that they might had needed to talk to the police.

In the case of Trayvon that would not even had occur if he had just walk to his home instead of turning and attacking Zimmerman.

Maybe kids you would raised would think otherwise and then ended up in prison for life or dead on the street.
Frank Apisa
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:06 am
BillRM wrote:

So...as I said...if it were done with you or your kid...you would be just as understanding!!!!!

Like my parents before I would not raised my children to think it is ok for a second to attacked an adult for annoying them so nothing would had been done to my kids except that they might had needed to talk to the police.

In the case of Trayvon that would not even had occur if he had just walk to his home instead of turning and attacking Zimmerman.

Maybe kids you would raised would think otherwise and then ended up in prison for life or dead on the street.

Right...the guy who brags that he and his wife both carry guns...is the one who is suggesting he is the right kind of parent to teach kids how to deal with possible danger.

Bill...are you actually blind to your nonsense...or are you just doing this to provide laughs for us?
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:09 am
Upon receiving that advice, Mr. Zimmerman halted his pursuit.

Some three minutes later, Trayvon came up to him and attacked.

Then Zimmerman wasn't back in his vehicle, was he?

If Zimmerman had allegedly "halted his pursuit", why didn't Zimmerman get back in his vehicle and just wait for the police?

And, Martin's saying, "Get off me," to Zimmerman, as reported by Rachel Jeantel, definitely suggests Zimmerman was doing something to him--like trying to keep him there.

Why did Zimmerman never identify himself, or his motives, to Martin? Why shouldn't Martin have been fearful, and suspicious, and defensive, in response to Zimmerman's actions? Did Zimmerman ever try to indicate to Martin that he had no intention of harming him, after he had been stalking him in the dark?

Why is it so difficult for you to see this incident from Martin's perspective?

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Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:13 am
@Frank Apisa,
Yes; good food, good company

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Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:14 am
@Frank Apisa,
Right...the guy who brags that he and his wife both carry guns...is the one who is suggesting he is the right kind of parent to teach kids how to deal with possible danger.

No one that I every had a conflict with including a woman that threaten to killed me in fact follow me home and killed me was even aware that I was armed.

There is nothing that connected being able to defend yourself if needed as a last resort with deadly force to starting fights with strangers for annoying you.
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Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:17 am
No idiot. As usual, you miss the obvious...

Zimmerman should not have been stalking this child in the dark, without ever identifying himself or his motives.

Grown men, walking around with loaded guns, are the ones who should be behaving more responsibly, and using better judgment. You don't blame the child Zimmerman needlessly frightened for how he reacted to a menacing stranger who appeared to be coming after him in the dark...a stranger who had stalked him in the dark...


Sat 24 Aug, 2013 09:50 am
you dont know that Zimmerman did not identify himself and his motives once he was close enough to do so, there are no witnesses or recordings. besides, I am aware of no law that tells me that I am expected to do so. there have been running legal disputes as to weither we are required to identify ourselves and our motives even when such is demanded by officers of the law in uniform, I find it unlikeky that you or Martin have the right to demand it. If the law does nkt give you the right then you dont possess it.
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 10:10 am
@Frank Apisa,
Bill...are you actually blind to your nonsense...or are you just doing this to provide laughs for us?

BillRM enjoys venting his hostility and contempt, particularly toward females and blacks, and there is nothing remotely amusing about it. He's a rather despicable individual who has no compassion for anyone except for rapists, child pornographers, and racial bigots, with whom he can apparently identify.

I don't pity him, and I'm surprised you do. I am revolted by him.

When he refers to Trayvon Martin as ,"a walking piece of ****," he goes way beyond the reality of this legal case--this is pure racial venom on his part.

In another post, where he suggested that a knife could have been just as lethal as a gun in Zimmerman's hands, he said Zimmerman, "could have gutted him, " again referring to the victim with horrific imagery more appropriate for an animal rather than a human being.

And he never had the grace to apologize to cicerone imposter for telling him to go walk in a high crime area with his children, so that if they were all killed, "the gene pool could be improved"--another comment with decidedly racist overtones.

BillRM keeps this up because it allows him to keep spewing forth totally unjustified contempt for an innocent black kid who, through no fault of his own, had the misfortune to become the object of George Zimmerman's obsessions, and the target of Zimmerman's misguided attempts to "play cop". And he not only dumps hostility on this kid, who was completely innocent of any wrong doing when Zimmerman began menacing him, he voices contempt for the hard-working decent parents of this child as well.

And BillRM will continue to keep this up, like a broken record, because he's not really interested in what actually happened that night--there is no indication he even watched or followed the trial. He's never even refered to the actual evidence in this case--including the evidence that's at odds with Zimmerman's version of events. He's using this thread as simply another excuse to regurgitate his boundless supply of contempt and hatred--in this case for a needlessly murdered black child and that child's parents.

Pity him? No way. I find him a disgusting excuse for a human being. He's absolutely revolting.

0 Replies
Sat 24 Aug, 2013 10:11 am
Firefly need to made up facts and laws in order to challenge a text book used of deadly force in self defense.

Too bad the 88 years old vet that was beaten to death did not have the means to killed his "children" attackers as Zimmerman did.
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Sat 24 Aug, 2013 10:19 am
you dont know that Zimmerman did not identify himself and his motives once he was close enough to do so,

He told the police he never identified himself. The police pointed that out as a failing on his part because he did nothing to defuse the situation--a situation he had provoked. The police report of the investigation concluded that this death was avoidable had Zimmerman behaved differently, including just remaining in his car and not following Martin, and identifying himself to Martin.

You shouldn't need a law to tell you to use common sense and good judgment--particularly when you are packing a gun.

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