@Frank Apisa,
BillRM has no sense of decency. That's why he can't understand, or acknowledge, what you're talking about.
This is a person who apologists for, and defends, rapists and child pornographers, blames females for their own rapes, and who vilely insulted members of A2K who shared their experiences about having been raped in a thread about rape.
In another thread he advocated depriving all Muslim-Americans of their rightful civil liberties because he considered all mosques, and even a proposed Muslim community center in Manhattan, as a terrorist threat. He made it clear, however, that he was stopping short of suggesting we throw them all in internment camps--he just wanted the civil liberties of all Muslim-Americans restricted, for no justification beyond his own bigotry and Islamophobia.
He slammed the black civil rights organization rainbow/PUSH as being a "lynch mob" for merely investigating complaints that Paula Deen--who he considers "a poor old Southern woman"--had tolerated racially discriminatory employment practices at her restaurants. He's not in the least concerned about racial discrimination or inequity in the workplace, or in recognizing how pernicious and psychologically damaging racial profiling and covert racism can be in other areas.
His credentials as a sexist and bigot have been well established in numerous threads.
And his bigotry is so deeply ingrained in his thinking he can't even see it.
In the interest of defending his gun rights--and he has said, "We are all Zimmerman"--he will cheerfully, and shamelessly, smear the innocent victim of a needless shooting with his racist crap, so the shooter can appear blameless--even when that shooter acted inappropriately, and with incredibly bad judgment, and caused an unnecessary, and totally avoidable death.
BillRM has no sense of decency, and nothing you say will penetrate--unfortunately, he's also brain dead as well.