RABEL222 wrote:
I am sorry but I keep going back to the "FACT" that if Zimmerman had called the police and stayed in his car untill they got there none of this would have taken place. He caused all the problems with his want to be a cop attitude and I believe should be held accountable for his actions. Carrying and useing a gun should be held to a higher threshold of accountability because armed people are so much more dangerous. When unarmed people are shot by armed people they should have to prove their life "was" in danger. Not just that they think it "might" have been. Justice is a tenuous thing. I think he is going to get away with murder just as OJ did.
This is the entire Prosecution in my opinion, and hopefully the jurys. The only, and I mean only defense to this is Zimmerman going in a announcing himself and declaring he is armed. Without these actions, they stand on the same footing and because of Zimmermans past actions - he is the aggressor for evermore.
A person can not follow a person, then stalk them, get into a fight with them, start losing that fight and then claim that he was in fear of his life and shoot to kill a minor.
Don't forget, this is a minor; and, an adult now has a futher requirement in his actions, whether he realizes its a minor or not. Nope, there is a very high responsibility requirement on Zimmerman that the Defense keeps trying to shirk.