The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sat 3 Aug, 2013 06:44 pm
Come on Trayvon was just a hoodlum...

That's just it. Horst Wessel was similarly just a hoodlum. That is, until a criminal movement picked him up as a poster child for their cause. Strikes me as one of the better analogies I've seen recently.

Sat 3 Aug, 2013 07:42 pm
Well it is kind of frightening how pressures can be generated with the help of the news media selling a fantasy of a white gun nut killer going after an innocent child coming back from a 7/11 with candy.

Showing pictures of the smiling hoodlum at age 14 or so and even have a major news outlet editing the 911 tape to support the fantasy.

A Department of Justice department supporting and aiding the so call civil rights Justice for Trayvon rallies to pressure the state government to arrested and prosecuted Zimmerman.

Having FBI agents crawling all over Zimmerman past looking for anything they can find to support the fantasy of a racial killer.

One of the few breaks Zimmerman got was that he have zero in his past that anyone could blow up to fit the bill of him being a racist.

Odds allies the major news media, the "civil rights" movement in the form of Al Sharpton and the justice department all getting together to sell this nonsense.

Sat 3 Aug, 2013 07:57 pm
The Stalinist version of Trayvon Martin was named Pavlik Morozov...



Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (Russian: Па́вел Трофи́мович Моро́зов; November 14, 1918 – September 3, 1932), better known by the diminutive Pavlik, was a Soviet youth praised by the Soviet press as a martyr. His story, dated to 1932, is that of a 13-year old boy who denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family. His story was a subject of reading, songs, plays, a symphonic poem, a full-length opera and six biographies. The cult had a huge impact on the moral norms of generations of children.[1] There is very little original evidence related to the story, much of it hearsay provided by second-hand witnesses. According to modern research, the story (denunciation, trial) is most likely false, although Pavlik was a real child who was killed. Morozov's story was the basis of Bezhin Meadow, an unreleased film from 1937 that was directed by Sergei Eisenstein.

You had an artificial famine in the Ukraine in which something like 12,000,000 people died "холодомор" and the act of "hoarding grain" became a crime that made the person doing it an enemy of the state. This one involves enough controversy that I wouldn't put any stock in Wiki's version of the thing past that first paragraph. As I've heard the story from Russians, the kid ratted out his family and got his parents executed, then his grandfather killed the kid with an axe, resulting in the grandfather and other family members being executed.

Pavlik Morozov became therefore a major hero of the CCCP. Pioneer camps were named after him and every child looked to him as a role model.

One of the reasons the commie state fell involved the concept of the "New Communist Man", i.e. adult manifestations of Pavlik Morozov. There were increasing instances of this "New Communist Man" ******* up in indefensible ways and in situations in which a normal person would not be expected to **** up, often with serious to catastrophic consequences.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 11:12 am
Oh and they have FBI agents crawling over every element of his past with a microscope for a year with no results to show for it as far as Zimmerman being a racist is concern...

Not exactly no results.

The FBI may well re-interview this person...
Two acquaintances painted an unflattering picture of Zimmerman in police interviews.

A distraught woman told an investigator that she stays away from Zimmerman because he's racist and because of things he's done to her in the past, but she didn't elaborate on what happened between them.

"I don't at all know who this kid was or anything else. But I know George, and I know that he does not like black people. He would start something. He's very confrontational. It's in his blood. We'll just say that," the unidentified woman says in an audio recording.


And you have no idea what else the FBI may have turned up.
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 11:21 am
George Zimmerman's Family Said 'A Lot Of Bad Things About Black People': Witness
Abby Rogers
Jul. 16, 2012

As we continue to sift through the trove of new evidence released today by the Florida State's Attorney Office, we came across the much-debated statements that George Zimmerman and his family were unabashedly racist while he was growing up.

The statements, made by a woman referred to only as Witness 9, paint the picture of a man raised in a racist family who disliked minorities unless they fit a certain mold.

"Because growing up, they've always made, him and his family have always made statements that they don't like black people if they don't act like white people," Witness 9 told investigators Jim Post and Jim Rick during a March interview.

"They talk a lot of, a lot of bad things about black people," she added.

Witness 9 said she came forward because she was afraid Zimmerman may have attacked 17-year-old Trayvon Martin "because the kid was black."

Zimmerman is currently facing second-degree murder charges stemming from the February shooting death of Martin. Zimmerman claimed he was acting in self-defense when he shot the black teenager.

While Witness 9 told investigators she couldn't remember Zimmerman specifically making racist statements, she did recall having such a conversation with his mother.

At one point — the interview isn't clear on timing — Zimmerman's mother said she didn't like President Barack Obama, the witness said.

"I said 'why not?' you know just thinking she was joking," Witness 9 told investigators. "And she said, 'Because he is black. I am a racist.' Just loud and proud."

Witness 9's exact relationship with Zimmerman hasn't been disclosed but from the interviews it appears she was either a family member or a close family friend.


And, from another witness...

The woman’s interview is the second testimony in the past week in which people familiar with Zimmerman’s family have intimated that the group harbored negative racial views.

Last week, in another release of evidence which included dozens of interviews conducted by the FBI during its investigation into whether or not racial bias might have played a role in Martin’s killing, an ex-fiancé of Geroge Zimmerman’s said that Zimmerman’s mother resented her because she wasn’t white.

The woman, who described herself as being of Puerto Rican and Argentinean descent, said that Zimmerman’s mother would talk openly about her racial views.

Zimmerman’s mother would often talk about “marrying into white families in order to improve one’s status,” she said.

0 Replies
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 11:33 am
Governments at any level seems to be not doing a damn thing about all these public threats.



Zimmerman's brother talks about threats after acquittal
Published August 03, 2013
George Zimmerman's brother, Robert, says his family has faced hundreds of threats per minute – mostly over social media – in the wake of his brother's acquittal earlier this month on charges of fatally shooting an unarmed black teen last year.
"No one has really asked us to get into the psychological aspect of this," Zimmerman reportedly said. "You don’t know if someone stops you in public and says, 'excuse me sir,' you don’t know if you dropped your wallet or if someone recognizes you and wants to kill you."
"Anytime anyone goes out for anything, we all know about it. If my phone died, my family would be in a panic that they didn’t hear from me. It happened one time when my phone died and I fell asleep. My family really got worried and immediately started looking for me."
Robert Zimmerman opened up to Breibart News this week about such tribulations. His brother was acquitted on July 13 of murdering Trayvon Martin in February of 2012.
"We realize that some people are supportive and we appreciate it very deeply, but recognizing us and identifying us loudly might tip off people with a different view of us that we are present, and that is dangerous," he said.
Robert Zimmerman reportedly broached during the interview one incident in which two Starbucks employees mistook him for his brother and threatened to drag him outside and violently maul him in.
"There’s a psychological toll for living in isolation for as long as we have. I’m not sure how to learn to trust or interact with people or how to break out of that," he told Breitbart News.
"My concern is that there will never be a return to normal. At best, there will be a new normal, but that will always be plagued by concern over everyone we encounter."
Click for more from Breitbart

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/03/george-zimmerman-brother-talks-about-threats-after-aquittal/#ixzz2b1T
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 11:40 am


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The former IT director in the office of the prosecutor who tried George Zimmerman has filed a lawsuit against his former boss, claiming he was unlawfully fired.

Ben Kruidbos filed the lawsuit against State Attorney Angela Corey's office on Thursday.

Kruidbos contends he was fired in retaliation for testifying at a hearing in which Zimmerman's attorneys were seeking sanctions against prosecutors.

Kruidbos was fired last month and accused of misconduct after he testified in June about retrieving evidence from Trayvon Martin's cellphone the defense contends wasn't disclosed.

Judge Debra Nelson postponed the sanctions hearing until after Zimmerman's trial.

Zimmerman was acquitted of any crime last month for fatally shooting Martin last year.

Sun 4 Aug, 2013 11:49 am
Turns out that Witness 9 is also the relative who has accused Zimmerman of sexually molesting her...
Woman Claims GEORGE ZIMMERMAN Molested Her and Was From a Racist Family!

A woman with close ties to George Zimmerman and his family told investigators that members of Zimmerman’s family were boastfully proud racists and that for more than a decade Zimmerman sexually molested her. Not only that, but she claims first hand knowledge that the Zimmerman family spoke openly about their disdain for African Americans.

But the woman is insistent. George Zimmerman repeatedly molested her. She told investigators that “It started when I was six.” During an interview on the morning of March 20, she continued “We’d all lay in front of the TV and we had pillows and blankets and he would reach under the blankets and try to do things and I would try to push him off but he was bigger and stronger and older,” the woman said, audibly weeping in the Florida State Attorney’s Office interview recording released Monday. “It was in front of everybody and I don’t know how I didn’t say anything, I just didn’t know any better.”

The woman, identified in various reports and in taped interviews with investigators as witness 9, said that from the age of six to 19 Zimmerman repeatedly fondled her, at times penetrating her vagina with his finger.

A number of news sources have reported that the woman is a relative of the Zimmerman family, though her exact relationship to Zimmerman was redacted from the interview recording. Zimmerman’s legal team, in a statement released later Monday night, identified the woman as a cousin.

“We’ve known about this since the beginning but out of respect to her privacy, her emotional state, we haven’t said anything,” Natalie Jackson, an attorney for the family of victim Trayvon Martin, told The Huffington Post.

The woman told investigators that she was coming forward when she did because she thought that Zimmerman might have shot and killed Martin because he was black, and that she finally felt safe enough to make a report when Zimmerman had gone into hiding after the shooting.

“This is the first time in my life that I’m not afraid of him,” the woman said. “[H]e cant get to me. If I saw him on the street or saw him anywhere it would just make me break down in tears, but now with everything going on I know that he’s not going to be out in public. I won’t go to Target and see him anymore. I’m not afraid of him anymore.”

The molestation continued for years during visits between the families, she said. The Zimmermans lived in Virginia and moved down to Florida — where the woman lived with her family — not long after George Zimmerman graduated from high school. The last incident occurred in Lake Mary, Fla., where Zimmerman had moved into a house owned by his family ahead of their arrival from Virginia.

“It’s not just me that he did these things to,” she said. The witness said that she talked to another woman who she claims was also molested by Zimmerman, but would not come forward...

Witness 9 said that her family and the Zimmermans were close, and that they would take family trips together and would visit each other’s home at least once a year.

On one occasion, when she was about 12 years old and Zimmerman a few years older, she said that Zimmerman made her look at and rub his penis not long after he’d had some sort of surgery on it.

Other times she said that he would take her behind the window curtains in the living room and kiss and fondle her.

Before each encounter he would give her a look, she said.

“Every time that we would go up there I could just look at him and he would give me a certain look and I would know if it was going to happen,” the woman told investigators. “He just got this look in his eye …”

After each encounter the woman said that Zimmerman would tell her not to tell anyone, to say that the two were just playing or laying down if anyone got suspicious or asked.

“I was a kid, I didn’t know any better,” the woman said. The last encounter happened when the woman was 19, she said. By then Zimmerman had moved to Florida, not long before his parents followed. That time, Zimmerman demanded that she lay down on the bed to receive a massage. Fearful, she said she did, but when he bent close to kiss the side of her face, his erect penis pressed up against her. At that moment she decided to run, she said. Zimmerman chased her to the front door.

“I was scared of what else was going to happen,” she said.

“With him, he like, he was a different person to me. He was very intimidating and the fact that he made everyone love him and made everyone laugh and be so happy around him, I knew if I said anything he would just deny it,” she said.


George Zimmerman does not exactly appear to be a fine upstanding citizen.

People can defend his right to self-defense, but I can't see where anyone would want to defend his character. On top of these allegations of sexual abuse, he and his wife deliberately lied to his lawyer, and the judge, about their assets, and engaged in an elaborate scheme to conceal those assets, in order to falsely claim he was indigent and that his bail should be low. They concealed the fact that Zimmerman had a second passport as well.

Shellie Zimmerman's perjury trial is on the court docket for August 21st.

Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:01 pm
What do you want the government to do about threats made over the social media?

George Zimmerman may have to hire a bodyguard. Or even leave the country.

He hasn't exactly kept a low profile since his acquittal--he's had two contacts with the police that also revealed his location.

I don't think you can stop these sorts of threats--unless there is proof of who is sending them, connected with a plan to actually act on them. People say all kinds of things on the internet--that's also free speech.

He's never going to have a normal life. He might as well learn to live with that.

No one can control public opinion toward him. He should go into hiding.


Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:02 pm
it's all part of pulling that trigger...
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:12 pm
0 Replies
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:17 pm
Yes sir George is a racist and we have at last found a nut to come out of the woodwork to stated so.

Thanks gods we had found someone willing to issue such claims!!!!!!!

Oh he is a pedophile also.

Firefly as you love to charge people with being pedophiles are you this woman?

One hell of a strange racist family in any case with George taking to his Prom a black woman and spending time to help black children and who came to the defend of a black homeless person and on and on and on.

Sorry but you need far far far far more then some report without any backing at all.

Well most of us need more then such silliness but not you or people like you.
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:19 pm
I thought you had her on ignore, Billy.

maybe I should explain how ignore works again...
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:23 pm
What do you want the government to do about threats made over the social media?

Subpoena Facebook or twitter for the IP addresses and bring charges against a few of these people with special note of those threatening to harm the children of the jury members.

They have no problem doing so when it involved Nancy Grace.

He's never going to have a normal life. He might as well learn to live with that.

How about his lawyer or the jury members and their children and his family and on and on and on are they going to ever be allow to have an normal life Firefly as threats had been issue to all of those people.

Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:25 pm
I thought you had her on ignore, Billy.

I do lover but your comments to her made me look at two of her very very sick postings .
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:28 pm
I have no idea why you are addressing me as "lover" but, that is kinda sick in it's own right...
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:33 pm
I have no idea why you are addressing me as "lover" but, that is kinda sick in it's own right...

Good!!!!! lover as it was design to be, in order to help me show my contempt for you and people like you and of course my girlfriend Firefly.
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:36 pm
you should probably just put me on ignore.

the real one, not the one you use with firefly...

it will make you look much less foolish that way.
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:42 pm
Sorry dear heart as you are a poor shadow of the kind of sick person Firefly happen to be so I can used your postings as a means of lightly monitoring what Firefly is trying to sell without raising my blood pressure to a dangerous degree.
Sun 4 Aug, 2013 12:45 pm
I can jack your blood pressure as high as I want, billy.

but your sickness has no cure, and I have much better ways to spend my time.

**** you, and have a nice day.

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