The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Fri 26 Jul, 2013 04:02 am
Rockhead wrote:

none of those reflect my words billy.

and you are still quoting a known liar.
Do u mean the street thug 's girlfriend 's admitted repeated lies,
or do u mean his father who contradicted himself (perjuriously)
while under oath, in regard to what he said qua identification,
when the screaming tape was first played for him.

In theory, I shud have rooted for the prosecution
all along: get 1 more Obama voter out of the way.

Fri 26 Jul, 2013 04:10 am
timur wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
What's the violent crime rate in the UK firefly?
Would you be surprised to know it is almost double that of the US violent crime rate?

You kidding, right?
oralloy wrote:
No. He was reporting a fact.
Its a fact that it is a lot SAFER for criminals to perpetrate violence in England
than in America. In England, the victims are expected to be completely HELPLESS
in the face of criminal violence, by operation of law, un-like America, as Travon found out.

That makes me HAPPY, when victims defeat the predators.
I will confess to a bias against violent criminals (like Travon).

0 Replies
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 04:12 am
I don't think there's any possibility of George Zimmerman voting for demoKKKrats again during the next 100 years or so. Talk about having your eyes opened.....
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 04:18 am
with Obama singling his case out for persecution

Then thay stole his gun !
0 Replies
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 04:45 am
Facts I never saw in the news:

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Fri 26 Jul, 2013 05:10 am
oralloy wrote:
It was fascinating trivia, but your link said absolutely nothing about violent crime rates.

‘Nothing is worse than the willfully ignorant’

Here another source where you can see that what Baldimo said is a lie:


0 Replies
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 05:39 am
I don't think there's any possibility of George Zimmerman voting for demoKKKrats again during the next 100 years or so. Talk about having your eyes opened.....

Once more it was a GOP governor that set this political trial into motition and without him there would had been no trial.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 05:50 am


Report: Ohio firearms group raises $12K for George Zimmerman

An Ohio firearms group has raised more than $12,000 to buy guns or a security system for George Zimmerman, the Associated Press is reporting.

Zimmerman is the Neighborhood Watch volunteer recently acquitted in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The Buckeye Firearms Foundation told the AP they raised the money because the group believes Zimmerman's gun rights are being violated.

Fri 26 Jul, 2013 06:31 am
That is just so ridiculous it is beyond words. Zimmerman's gun right are not being violated, he can buy all the guns he wants. Before this is over poor Zimmy is never going to have work a day in his life. Moreover, he already has a gun so the collection is superfluous. Somehow I do not think that will stop Zimmerman from cashing in though.

O'Mara said Zimmerman is still getting threats and is concerned about his safety. When asked if Zimmerman was still carrying a concealed weapon, O'Mara answered, "Yes, he's protecting himself."

Fri 26 Jul, 2013 06:33 am
Oh take note it is not the gun supporters and or Zimmerman supporters who are issuing death threats in a wholescale manner.

It is the "peaceful" saint Trayvon supporters who keep showing their true colors as after all how dare a victim fight back and how dare a jury not convict him for defending himself and how dare lawyers defend him. Killed them all and add the Jury children.

Hell they have people so frightened that a family that Zimmerman aided was too frightened to thanks him in public.

Once more strangely no law enforcement at any level had taken any actions towards those issuing death threats but a threat issue by a nut toward Nancy Grace resulted in the man being arrested at once.

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Fri 26 Jul, 2013 06:38 am
That is just so ridiculous it is beyond words. Zimmerman's gun right are not being violated, he can buy all the guns he wants

However Holder is playing games in putting a hold on returning his firearm in a so call investigation that no expert including the experts who are working for him think have a chance in hell of resulting in charges.
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 06:42 am
I suspect there are some death threats, but like all the talk of riots, I think they are either overblown or even manufactured by those who want to show there are death threats.
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 07:01 am
I suspect there are some death threats, but like all the talk of riots, I think they are either overblown or even manufactured by those who want to show there are death threats.

Some death threats some death threats where the internet is full of those threats but of course they are not real threats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rights and I am sure that we never landed on the moon also.

Once more one man issue a threat against Nancy Grace and he was tracked down and arrested but people threatening Zimmerman and everyone around him is not worth looking at.

To say nothing of threatening a jury and their children for their verdict, an open and shut attack on the whole criminal justice system.
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Fri 26 Jul, 2013 07:22 am

It must be interesting it very limiting to live in a world where a young hoodlum can be turn into a saint and a man who had a history of serving his community into a demon.

It must be interesting to live in a fantasy world where a middle class high school junior, with no criminal history, and no history of anti-social behaviors, or any sort of documented history of aggressive attacks on people, suddenly becomes a "hoodlum" only because he happens to be black.

And a man whose cousin accused him of sexually molesting her for 10 years, starting when she was 6, and whose former fiancé obtained a restraining order against him for domestic violence and stalking her, and who was criminally charged for attacking a law enforcement officer and who was subsequently court-ordered to take anger management classes, and who brazenly lied and concealed his assets from his lawyer and the court at his bail hearing, suddenly becomes someone "who had a history of serving his community."

A mixed race gentleman as white as Obama...

Talk about distorting reality. No way are Zimmerman and Obama equally white in color. Zimmerman is ethnically part Peruvian and appears to be white--and the police described him as white. What color do you think Zimmerman is?

An when after a political trial that found him innocent ....

No, Zimmerman was not found "innocent" at his criminal trial. He was found "not guilty" which is quite different, and when one of the jurors who acquitted him is now saying, "George Zimmerman got away with murder," it's quite clear he's not being regarded as innocent. And that juror will probably be quite helpful in any civil wrongful death actions against Zimmerman.


Taking a clear case of needed self defense...

You must be talking about Trayvon Martin, an unarmed minor, who had a justifiable right to defend himself from a creepy guy, with a loaded gun, and a year's worth of formal fighting lessons at a gym, who had been following and menacing him in the dark for no apparent reason.

Zimmerman didn't need to defend himself from anything that night except his own aggressive impulses, his own obsessions with black males, and his own poor judgment. He caused a totally needless death because he lacked the self control to either remain in his car, or just continue his shopping trip to Target.

You don't care about either Zimmerman or justice, or human life, BillRM. This is all about guns for you--your guns and your need to have those guns. You can't even acknowledge the lousy judgment Zimmerman showed that night, or how he violated the rules of being a neighborhood watch that night, both by following Martin and by carrying a loaded gun with him. He wasn't "serving his community" that night, he was consumed with his own personal obsessions, and he wound up killing an innocent kid who belonged in that community because of his personal obsessions.

And now you want to see him carrying a gun again...

Responsible gun-owners, unlike you, don't want to see guns in the hands of those, like Zimmerman, whose impaired judgment causes senseless and needless gun violence, and who are dangers to those in their own communities. The homeowners association of that gated community has already paid Trayvon Martin's parents a $1 million+ settlement because their son wasn't safe in that community that night--he wasn't safe from George Zimmerman.

The more you try to defend Zimmerman, with your distorted and racist thinking, the worse you sound....

0 Replies
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 07:28 am
However Holder is playing games in putting a hold on returning his firearm in a so call investigation that no expert including the experts who are working for him think have a chance in hell of resulting in charges.

I've heard that Holder needed the pistol for a shipment to his pals in Mexico...
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Fri 26 Jul, 2013 07:35 am
I'd worry about giving Zimmerman a gun because I'd worry he'd blow his brains out with it.

I do think he'll wind up eventually killing himself. He's got a long history of psychological problems, and a past history of threatening suicide, and he was in heavy debt, and not very accomplished in life, before this shooting. He can't handle stress very well at all, he gained over 100 pounds waiting for his trial, and his life from here on in is going to continue to be very stressful. His prospects weren't great before, and now they are pretty non-existent.

I think he's at very high risk for things like alcohol abuse, suicide, etc.
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 07:58 am
If that is the case, I would hope that he gets some counseling before matters reach that state.

However, I just don't understand why this group in OH felt the need to send a$12,150.37 check to Zimmerman to buy a gun when he already has one. How many guns do they think he needs to buy with that kind of money?
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 08:26 am
However, I just don't understand why this group in OH felt the need to send a$12,150.37 check to Zimmerman to buy a gun when he already has one. How many guns do they think he needs to buy with that kind of money?

It was design to be a very public slap in the face of Holder who under the color of law withheld Zimmerman gun from him wrongly for political reasons.

Just as the will known author a Mr. Thor made an offer on TV to buy him any kind of firearm he wish to buy as a replacement for the gun that is wrongly being withheld from him.
Fri 26 Jul, 2013 08:30 am
It's all about guns for these people, revelette. Their support of Zimmerman is symbolic--it's support of a fellow gun-carrier.

There is also a counter-movement to get Zimmerman's gun permit revoked, in the interests of public safety. They have an online petition that I previously posted a link to.

In addition to the past incidents of aggressive behavior on Zimmerman's part, like the domestic abuse and his attacking a law enforcement officer, I also came across this...,
George Zimmerman lost job as party security guard for being too aggressive, ex-co-worker says
By Matthew Lysiak In Sanford, Fla. AND Helen Kennedy
March 29, 2012

George Zimmerman was fired from his job as an under-the-table security guard for “being too aggressive,” a former co-worker told the Daily News.

Zimmerman, at the center of a firestorm for shooting an unarmed black teenager a month ago, worked for two different agencies providing security to illegal house parties between 2001 and 2005, the former co-worker said.

“Usually he was just a cool guy. He liked to drink and hang with the women like the rest of us,” he said. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.”

The source said Zimmerman, who made between $50 and $100 a night, was let go in 2005.

“He had a temper and he became a liability,” the man said. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted,” he said. “It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”

The year 2005 was a bad one for Zimmerman: he was arrested for fighting with a cop trying to arrest his friend for underage drinking, and he and his ex-fiancée took out protective orders against each other.


Another former co-worker had written a letter to management, accusing Zimmerman of bullying him and lying to him, when they both worked at CarMax..

And more...
Also in 2005, Zimmerman was involved in a bitter domestic violence incident with his ex-fiancee, Veronica Zuazo. In that case, Zuazo filed for a restraining order against Zimmerman, who she said snatched her cell phone from her hand and pushed her during an argument. The next day, both filed court petitions accusing the other of violence.

According to the Miami Herald, Zuazo said that three years earlier, Zimmerman attacked her while the two were driving to a counseling session. Zuazo said she popped her gum in his face and he repeatedly smacked her in the face. In January 2002, she added, Zimmerman became enraged that she had come home late. They wrestled and he threw her on the bed, smacking her, according to the newspaper.

In September 2003, Zimmerman called police and reported that another motorist spat on him, according to reports, Zimmerman followed the man in his car until the police arrived. Daniel Osmun, the other driver, told police that Zimmerman was tailgating and that he spit his gum out the window "out of frustration."

Osum said that Zimmerman then pulled alongside of him, and the two argued. In a police report of the incident, Osum said “at one point, he thought Mr. Zimmerman was going to attack him." No charges were filed against either man...

Some of Zimmerman’s neighbors said he had a history of being overly aggressive and followed people whom he thought appeared suspicious back to their homes.

At an emergency homeowner’s association meeting on March 1, days after the killing, “one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home,” a resident who spoke on the condition of anonymity told HuffPost. “It was also made known that there had been several complaints about George Zimmerman and his tactics" in his neighborhood watch role....

Fri 26 Jul, 2013 09:01 am
Well, I am by now means putting myself in the camp of the like BillM or David...however, by law since Zimmerman was acquitted, I would not sign a petition to keep him from buying guns. For whatever reason, he was found not guilty so he does have the right to a gun if wants to.

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