The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:16 pm
gungasnake wrote:
You apparently are not able to deal with truth.
The truth is that an impartial jury took a very hard look
at the government's "case" and found it wanting.
It was deplorable that poor Zimmy was ever subjected to that.
( I console myself that he was an Obama supporter. )

Is that what will happen to everyone
who is violently attacked, as Zimmy was, and he successfully defends himself ??

I don't believe that blacks who defend themselves
will have anything to worry about. Sharpton will leave them alone.

Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:24 pm
don't believe that blacks who defend themselves
will have anything to worry about. Sharpton will leave them alone.

I remember the case of a racial and random attack on a white teenager by a group of blacks teenagers and the leader of the attackers have a history of violence including a female family member so the judge throw the book at him with a hate crime rider on the sentence.

Sharpton went mad and have at least ten thousand protectors coming into a small town of a few thousands over this "unfair" sentencing.

Oh and with tee shirts demanding the freeing of the "can not think of the name of the town" seven.

Seven young men who attacked another young man from behind and knocking him out for the soul reason of his skin color.

Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:32 pm

DAVID wrote:
Yea, he felt comfortable
beating the guy 's head against the street
. Rolling Eyes
revelette wrote:

I only hope if someone actually beats my head against concrete repeatedly I come off as lightly as Zimmerman.
Two small abrasions measuring no more than two centimeters long.
If someone does that to u,
I hope that u will be as well equipped to handle the situation as Zimmy was.

Failing to plan
planning to fail.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:40 pm
The only American G.I., to be killed in Afganistan today (reported on TV Sunday morning, 7-21-13) is named Zimmerman.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:43 pm
Actually Obama did talk about the statistics of black males committing more violent crimes than other races in the speech he gave about the verdict. It was actually a very well balanced speech.

Now, this isn’t to say that the African-American community is naive about the fact that African-American young men are disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system, that they are disproportionately both victims and perpetrators of violence. It’s not to make excuses for that fact, although black folks do interpret the reasons for that in a historical context.

We understand that some of the violence that takes place in poor black neighborhoods around the country is born out of a very violent past in this country, and that the poverty and dysfunction that we see in those communities can be traced to a very difficult history.

And so the fact that sometimes that’s unacknowledged adds to the frustration. And the fact that a lot of African-American boys are painted with a broad brush and the excuse is given, well, there are these statistics out there that show that African-American boys are more violent -- using that as an excuse to then see sons treated differently causes pain.

I think the African-American community is also not naive in understanding that statistically somebody like Trayvon Martin was probably statistically more likely to be shot by a peer than he was by somebody else.

So -- so folks understand the challenges that exist for African- American boys, but they get frustrated, I think, if they feel that there’s no context for it or -- and that context is being denied. And -- and that all contributes, I think, to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.


The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman didn't know Trayvon Martin, didn't know if he had women's jewelry on his bed or had dirty pictures on his cell phone or anything else. He just assumed he was suspicious because Martin was walking in the rain with a hoodie on, "looking about." There simply was no justification for him to assume Trayvon Martin was guilty of anything.
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:44 pm
"I wonder if a white has ever mugged a black ?"

and you wonder why nobody takes you seriously except the fringe folk...
cicerone imposter
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:56 pm
True; and if people had really listened to Obama, they would understand why more blacks commit crimes. They don't have equal opportunities in anything they do, and that environment is devastating to young folks who see that this world is not fair. Their parents may have jobs, but they're usually working in the service industry where the pay scale is low, and when they're out of jobs, what's left? This perpetuates itself from generation to generation, and people wonder why there's so much crime within the black communities.

What they see in their lives is the mistreatment not only from whites, but from the police. That's been their history.

What would you do under the same circumstances?

Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
True; and if people had really listened to Obama,
they would understand why more blacks commit crimes.
As Zimmy proved,
it does not matter "why" thay do it,
as long as u are sufficiently well prepared to deal with it.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
True; and if people had really listened to Obama, they would understand why more blacks commit crimes. They don't have equal opportunities in anything they do, and that environment is devastating to young folks who see that this world is not fair. T

First of all I agree that there are a lot of things in society that could be address over being more helpful to our black citizens and that what the hell the civil rights movement leadership should be focus on not a poor man who needed to killed to save his own life.

Next take note that black females are doing far better then black males in getting themselves into colleges and receiving degrees in large numbers instead of jail cells for the last generation or so.

To a degree it is the fault of the black community leadership that they are not in the forefront of addressing the problems instead of wasting time on protests over a case of self defense or cases or rapes that never happen such as the Drake players case and so on.
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:12 pm
Rockhead wrote:

"I wonder if a white has ever mugged a black ?"

and you wonder [??] why nobody takes you seriously except the fringe folk...

If that was a question,
the answer is: I never do.

Thanks for your interest.

Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What would you do under the same circumstances?

What we whites have done many times before I imagine. Crime in devastating circumstances is not a monopoly of any racial group. The devastating circumstances cause the crime and thus those who cause such circumstances cause the crime and get well paid for doing so.
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:19 pm
Whatever anybody says Bill about your fractured English you do make good points.
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:21 pm
I never do.

Neither does anybody else who is well-to-do.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:24 pm
it's more tortured than fractured, spendimus...

makes my eyes cross when I try to read it.
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:26 pm
If you allow Bill's English a little attention it is easy to see what he's meaning.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 04:20 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

True; and if people had really listened to Obama, they would understand why more blacks commit crimes. They don't have equal opportunities in anything they do, and that environment is devastating to young folks who see that this world is not fair. Their parents may have jobs, but they're usually working in the service industry where the pay scale is low, and when they're out of jobs, what's left? This perpetuates itself from generation to generation, and people wonder why there's so much crime within the black communities.

What they see in their lives is the mistreatment not only from whites, but from the police. That's been their history.

What would you do under the same circumstances?

once upon a time the plan was to band together in community around the church, and lift each other up, much as the successful sub-communities do. that fell apart when the youth became more interested in gang culture and the women decided that they did not need to have men around and thus drove them off. with criminally idolized and the families broken everything
fell apart. white people get the blame though, as we always do for the failure of blacks to get their **** together. I for one have no interest in listening to the never ending sales pitch of self proclaimed victims. they who have a long running record of refusing to help themselves can rot till/unless they get with the program of trying to build civilization.
cicerone imposter
Sun 21 Jul, 2013 04:45 pm
Blaming only whites is your idea of what went wrong, but that's because you really don't understand the dynamics of cultures, history, and human interaction.

Sun 21 Jul, 2013 04:56 pm
@cicerone imposter,
There are two factors in that--

1--The sun not shining equally everywhere as it would with a flat earth.

2--Human beings refusing to understand what it doesn't suit them to understand.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 05:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
btw ci--I hope your statement is not meant to imply that you do understand the dynamics of cultures, history, and human interaction.

You have neither the capacity to do that nor the information necessary if you had. I seriously doubt you having any inclination in that direction as well.
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Sun 21 Jul, 2013 05:04 pm
To be fair Hawkeye one of the factors that largely destroy the black two parents families was not black women deciding they did not need husbands but the state stating that if they did have two parents households they could not get needed government help.

I knew one woman who job was to pull last night raids on households taking government welfare looking for men or signs of men living in the homes.
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