Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 06:32 pm
comfort food is so..... comforting
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 06:46 pm
Seriously, I never understood PD's popularity in the first place, considering the general direction towards healthier eating in which most of the country has been heading.

I'm under the impression it had a lot to do with her personality and her projecting an image of a warm, engaging, big-hearted woman. And people watched her Food Network show to enjoy her "company" as much as the food she was making,

But, no one posting here seems to have ever watched her show, so I'm not sure.

Those who bought her cookbooks were obviously fond of that kind of food.

She encouraged people to enjoy their guilty food pleasures and indulge themselves. Smile

I've never been able to tolerate very high fat foods. If I indulged myself with some of her creations, I'd be nauseous for days. Laughing
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 07:00 pm
I watched her show once and I got a rash right away. I found her sticky-sweet and cloying. I needed an insulin shot (and apparently so did she).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jul, 2013 10:46 pm
Well, at least she's getting new job offers...

Paula Deen Offered Six-Figure Pay Day By Porn Company

Following her admission that she made racist remarks, companies have been dumping Paula Deen left and right, but there's at least one that's eager to offer Deen a new gig.

TMZ reports that a porn company that features older women called PureMature.com sent a letter to Deen offering her a six-figure deal to endorse the site.

"Full figured or thin, arthritic or diabetic -- you embody our perfect spokesperson," the company wrote to Deen, adding that she's a "MILF," and they are willing to offer her "6 figures for very little work," since there is no nudity required.

Despite the fact that Deen has now been dropped by The Food Network, Walmart, Target, JC Penney, her book publisher Random House and other companies, it seems unlikely that Deen would sign on, even as she loses millions.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jul, 2013 10:52 pm
Deen's accuser: 'This has never been about the N-word'
By Melissa Gray, CNN
July 1, 2013

CNN) -- The woman who filed a harassment lawsuit against Paula Deen said Monday her suit "has never been about the N-word," addressing the slur that has tarnished the celebrity chef's image and cost her endorsements, a book deal and her TV show.

The statement from Lisa Jackson was the first since the scandal began last month, when Deen's deposition in Jackson's suit was made public.

In the deposition, Deen acknowledges using the racial slur more than once "a very long time" ago.

"This lawsuit has never been about the N-word," Jackson says in the statement, provided to CNN's Don Lemon by her lawyer, Matthew Billips. "It is to address Ms. Deen's patterns of disrespect and degradation of people that she deems to be inferior.

"I may be a white woman, but I could no longer tolerate her abuse of power as a business owner, nor her condonation of Mr. Hier's despicable behavior on a day-to-day basis. I am what I am, and I am a human being that cares about all races, and that is why I feel it is important to be the voice for those who are too afraid to use theirs."

Jackson is a former manager at Deen's restaurants in Savannah, Georgia. She is suing Deen and her brother, Bubba Hier, alleging they committed numerous acts of violence, discrimination and racism that resulted in the end of her five-year employment at Deen's Lady & Sons and Bubba's Seafood and Oyster House eateries in Savannah.

Deen's lawyer has called the allegations false, and Deen has said she does not tolerate prejudice.

The chef, famous for her smiling demeanor and love of butter, has made tearful apologies that have failed to suppress the controversy. Since the scandal began, she has lost at least nine endorsements, her Food Network cooking show, and publication of her eagerly anticipated cookbook has been canceled.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 06:06 am
Yes the reason is that the human jackals had picked her out to be an example of how evil a word can be even when it was used decades ago in reference to a gunman and how no commonsense is going to be allowed in cheerfully ruining her and harming all her employees both white and black for having the bad judgment/taste to work with someone who is one white, two old and three s southern that had used the n word.



Why Has Paula Deen Been Vilified, While Alec Baldwin’s Been Given a
Paula Deen has been dropped by many of her sponsors for admitting to spewing a racial epithet about a man who shoved a gun in her face in ’87, while Alec Baldwin has received less backlash for attempting to ‘f--k up’ a ‘queen.’ Why?

Poor Richard’s Almanack was distributed in the American colonies annually between 1732 and 1758. Published by Benjamin Franklin under the pseudonym “Poor Richard,” the almanac proved enormously popular, with the number of copies sold reaching the tens of thousands. In the 1752 edition, Franklin—ever the cheeky wordsmith—took on the subject of hypocrisy (which was a pretty big deal at the time): “Mankind are very odd Creatures: One Half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure; the rest always say and do as they ought.”

Franklin’s musing, a remnant of a mind-numbing U.S. history lecture during my freshman year of college, came bubbling to the surface after witnessing the crucifixion of Paula Deen, and the comparatively tepid criticism received by Alec Baldwin after the 30 Rock actor tweeted a barrage of vile, homophobic remarks at a reporter for the Daily Mail. The disparate reactions speak volumes about society’s attitudes toward racism, homophobia, and celebrity.

First, let’s review the transgressions.

Lisa Jackson, a former employee of Deen’s who was fired, filed a lawsuit against Deen and her younger brother, Earl “Bubba” Hiers, alleging racial and sexual discrimination. Jackson—who is white—alleged that Deen had made racist remarks toward African-Americans when discussing the plans for Bubba’s wedding, and that she in turn was offended because she has half-black nieces. According to Deen’s deposition, Jackson alleged that Deen said, “Well what I would really like is a bunch of little n--gers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around.”

Paula Deen tried to explain her word choice to Matt Lauer.
After being grilled on the stand about the accusation, Deen copped to using the
N word before, after “a black man” robbed her at gunpoint back when she was working as a bank teller, saying she used it because she “didn’t feel real favorable towards him.” After some prying, she also said she’d probably used the word when quoting “a conversation between blacks.”

Later on in the deposition, Deen’s defense team reveals that this is the Second Amended Complaint by Jackson, and that she had added the “little n--gers” and “tap dance” details to her first complaint.

On page 21 of the deposition, it reads:

“Paula Deen specifically testified that she did not use the N-word when describing her experience and that she did not describe the wait staff as alleged by Jackson in her Second Amended Complaint. Jackson’s deposition testimony further indicates the falsity of her incendiary allegations of Deen’s use of the N-word during the conversation about Hier’s wedding:

Q. Up until May 27th, 2010, you had no complaints or problems with Mrs. Deen, did you?

A. No.

Q. She had never indicated any discriminatory bias or prejudice, did she?

A. Yes. One remark she made at Bubba’s wedding planning.”

What was the remark, you might ask? Per Jackson’s initial testimony, it was that she wanted to have servers at Bubba’s wedding dressed, “Like they used to dress in the Shirley Temple days with the long white shirts and shorts.” When asked if that was “the sum total of the conversation about that,” Jackson replied, “Uh-huh, correct.”

Whether or not Jackson’s memory had improved in the time since her first testimony, remembering these damning, highly racist details, is anyone’s guess.

As for that other time Deen admitted to using the N word in a derogatory fashion, the year was 1987. Deen was working as a bank teller at the time, as it was years before she’d build her cooking empire from scratch (after divorcing her second husband, Jimmy Deen, she was left with only $200 and struggled to raise her two children, as well as her younger brother, Bubba). Deen, who was plagued by panic attacks and agoraphobia at the time, described being robbed at gunpoint in a police report obtained by Inside Edition:

“The man was wearing a home made mask (green) … very nervous but was also very abrupt and demanding, he never took the gun out of my face,” said Deen. “The robber held a small worn paper sack, he said fill it up, fill it up and quick, fill it with $100
bills … Never taking the gun off of me.”

So, if Jackson’s memory didn't improve since her initial testimony, the only “transgression” Deen—a 66-year-old lady from Georgia—committed was admitting to using the N word about a man who robbed her at gunpoint.

In return, Deen has been shredded to pieces in the press, denounced by the public, and had her contracts dropped by the Food Network and her publisher, Ballantine Books, was fired as spokeswoman for Smithfield Foods, and had her endorsement deals either suspended or terminated by Walmart, Target, QVC, Caesars Entertainment, Home Depot, Sears, Kmart, Novo Nordisk, and JCPenney.

She’s issued several apologies, including a tearful, seemingly sincere one on the Today show. Never mind that Deen, the alleged “racist,” campaigned for Barack Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign. Never mind that Deen got along famously with Michelle Obama when she had her on the (soon-to-be-canceled) Food Network show Paula’s Party back in 2008, during Barack Obama’s White House run. And never mind that Deen has been defended by the likes of former President Jimmy Carter (“She has been punished, perhaps overly severely”), the Rev. Jesse Jackson (Deen is a “sacrificial lamb” who “should be reclaimed rather than destroyed”), and even the man who robbed her back in 1987 (“She's being persecuted because of that one little mistake in her judgment ... She was acting out of anger”).

Since it doesn’t make sense financially to defend Deen, no matter how dubious the allegations and/or transgressions were, corporate America has chosen to sacrifice this self-made, hard-working woman for the greater corporate good. Why? Because if you’re a public figure in today’s society and use the N word, and it becomes public knowledge that you’ve done so (see: Michael Richards) or once copped to doing so when you’re an agoraphobic old white lady who grew up in the South during the era depicted in The Help that was venting your frustrations about a man who robbed you at gunpoint 26 years ago, you deserve to have your entire career destroyed. As author and Columbia University literature professor John McWhorter—who is black—wrote, “The taboo on the N word, and associated attitudes, is appropriate … However, we’re less smart when we turn taboo enforcement into implacable witch hunting, which is not thought but sport."

The cases of Paula Deen and Alec Baldwin have more to do with our collective sense of perception than anything else.

The case of actor Alec Baldwin is less murky.

On June 27, one day after the Supreme Court struck down 1996’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined the institution of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and dismissed California’s Proposition 8 case, which sought to prohibit same-sex marriage by amending the state constitution (translation: a landmark moment for gay—and by extension, human—rights), Baldwin unleashed a twitter tirade against Daily Mail reporter George Stark for alleging that Baldwin’s pregnant wife, Hilaria, was tweeting about asinine things like anniversary gifts while in attendance at James Gandolfini’s funeral (the story has since been taken down, and proven to be complete bullshit). Here is a screengrab of the rant (Baldwin has since deleted his Twitter, again):
Here is a screengrab of the rant (Baldwin has since deleted his Twitter, again):

via Twitter

Alec Baldwin has a good reason to be upset. His pregnant wife was slandered. It was shoddy “journalism,” if you can even call it that. The author was incredibly irresponsible. The tabloid press has been giving him hell for the past six years, ever since he was (quite unfairly) demonized for that poorly worded voicemail he left for his teenage daughter during the sixth year of a custody battle over her.

He subsequently issued a letter of apology to GLAAD over the tweeting incident, writing, “My ill-advised attack on George Stark of the Daily Mail had absolutely nothing to do with issues of anyone's sexual orientation. My anger was directed at Mr. Stark for blatantly lying and disseminating libelous information about my wife and her conduct at our friend's funeral service. As someone who fights against homophobia, I apologize.” Baldwin also tried to clarify his tweets in an interview with Gothamist, saying, “the idea of me calling this guy a ‘queen’ and that being something that people thought is homophobic … a queen to me has a different meaning. It’s somebody who’s just above. It doesn’t have any necessarily sexual connotations. To me a
queen ... I know women that act queeny, I know men that are straight that act queeny, and I know gay men that act queeny. It doesn’t have to be a definite sexual connotation, or a homophobic connotation. To me those are people who think the rules don’t apply to them.”

While Baldwin has a history of fighting for gay rights, lending his voice to the Fight Back NY campaign which sought to legalize gay marriage in his home state of New York, and also played a gay character in the Off-Broadway play Entertaining Mr. Sloane, his remarks—the threats of hate-violence, homophobia—were simply beyond the pale.

“Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a ‘queen’ they would be vilified,” tweeted CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, who is gay.

Unlike Deen, who is also a Democrat, Baldwin is an outspoken member of what Fox News–watching, Breitbart-reading conservatives have deemed the “liberal elite”—well-liked, left-wing celebrities that they perceive to be treated differently by the (what they consider) left-leaning media. Granted, it’s a ridiculous label, but Cooper has a point. If a conservative said what Alec Baldwin did, he’d probably be vilified. Heck, he might even receive the Paula Deen treatment. But Alec Baldwin is not a conservative; he supports gay rights. Also, Alec Baldwin did not say the N word. Rather, he made a pair of discriminatory comments toward a person—and by extension, a community—that is still fighting to be seen as equals, both within the legal courts and the court of public opinion. As of writing, select members of the media have lashed out at Baldwin, but the general mood is mixed. And he’s been dropped by exactly zero sponsors.

No one, be it celebrity or average Joe, deserves to have their career completely ruined over a racial epithet or homophobic slur delivered in the heat of the moment when defending oneself—or venting—against a personal attack. It's something we've all personally done or witnessed at some point in our lives. We've learned from these experiences. A temporary suspension, and atonement both privately and publicly for their actions, is an acceptable punishment.

If Deen or Baldwin were actually total hatemongers, well, that’s a horse of a different color. Witch hunts, as Professor McWhorter so eloquently put it, are “not thought but sport.” They feed the tabloid media and public’s train-wreck fascinations, while teaching us absolutely nothing about ourselves. The cases of Paula Deen and Alec Baldwin have more to do with our collective sense of perception than anything else. On a surface level, an old white woman from Georgia who looks like someone who could be racist admitted to saying something racist, and a hot-tempered, middle-aged man who looks like someone's homophobic father said some incredibly homophobic things about a man. Dig a little deeper, however, and things aren’t that cut-and-dry. Or, as Benjamin Franklin famously put it, “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain—and most fools do.”

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Marlow Stern is the assistant culture editor of Newsweek and The Daily Beast and holds a master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He has served in the editorial department of Blender magazine, and as an editor at Amplifier Magazine and Manhattan Movie Magazine.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at edit

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 09:54 am
Where did you learn the English language?

It's not about 'ONE WORD' that she used. You suffer from myopia of the brain that's set in cement. There's nothing there similar to a parrot who keeps repeating nonsense without understand what is being repeated.
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Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:01 am

Robert Patillo, an attorney for Rainbow/PUSH, a civil rights group founded by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., said one current and two former employees told him white employees are routinely paid more than black employees and are promoted more quickly. A black man who had threatened to go to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said Deen's brother told him "you don't have any civil rights here," Rainbow/PUSH said in a press release.

Rainbow/PUSH said it has "found evidence of systemic racial discimination and harassment" by Deen and that "a family member consistently referred to a black cook as 'my little monkey.'"

Patillo, who conducted interviews in Savannah where Deen's restaurant is located, said current and former employees told him that Deen "preferred white and light-skinned blacks to work with customers" and that darker-skinned blacks were relegated to "back-of-the-house operations."

Patillo said employees have been reluctant to talk to him about their experience with Deen because they fear retaliation...

Patillo said there are strong indications that Deen's operation mistreats and limits opportunities for black employees.

"What we've found is that there has been disparate treatment," Patillo said. "What we'd like is to have her remedy the situation."

Those remedies, Patillo said, should include giving blacks a fair chance for employment and promotion, sensitivity training and providing an avenue of recourse for those who have been mistreated.


A preliminary report that was distributed Saturday found more than half of the employees surveyed reported a “good, great or exceptional” experience with Deen, including a family environment, high pay, staff continuity and career advancement.

But, the report said, “several employees expressed a negative experience working for Deen.”

Those included low pay which made housing unaffordable and a white employee using the “N” word toward at least one employee.

“There is limited evidence of direct racism or racial discrimination on the part of Mrs. Paula Deen,” the report said.

“However, it does appear that Mrs. Deen has failed to fully and adequately address the issue of endemic and systematic racial disparity and discrimination within her company.”


Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:25 am
I try to hire only cute tattooed and pierced girls for the front, because the type of person the customer interacts with sets the vibe. this is allowed under the law, which is a reason for instance that when you go to Hooters you will see only cute young women with at least a little tit. there is a lot of leeway to discriminate here and since the critics admit that blacks are hired for up front it will be almost impossible to get her for illegal discrimination on that grounds.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:32 am
hawk, You are totally confused. We are talking about sexual harassment here, not about Hooters or the Mustang Ranch.

Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:50 am
@cicerone imposter,
we are talking about an alleged hostile work place, and only hiring certain types of people for the front does not advance the claim. if you dont fit the type then the work place is indeed hostile to you, but the law allows the business owner to do this in my industry.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:56 am
A hostile workplace includes racial slurs and sexual harassment; both are illegal under federal laws.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:57 am
A hostile workplace includes racial slurs and sexual harassment; both are illegal under federal laws.

We are not talking about "alleged." Both PD and her son admitted to them.

You are a fool.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 10:58 am
only hiring certain types of people for the front does not advance the claim.

Discriminating by skin color, in terms of who you put in front, does advance the claim of racial discrimination. Also, if darker-skinned employees were always related to more menial, or lower-paying jobs, in "back of the house operations", that discrimination resulted in unfair and unequal treatment of employees based on racial factors.

Patillo, who conducted interviews in Savannah where Deen's restaurant is located, said current and former employees told him that Deen "preferred white and light-skinned blacks to work with customers" and that darker-skinned blacks were relegated to "back-of-the-house operations."
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 11:05 am
If you are so sure what you are doing is legal and right, why don't you tell us the name of your restaurant? Or, are you chicken little who brags about running a "good business" that are immoral and illegal?
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 11:05 am
one it is not even established that dark skins were not hired for front, and even if they were not there are many valid reasons this could accure. for instance high quality communication skills might be important to the vibe here, and maybe dark skins tend to show up speaking ghetto. it would be "no thank you" to all, and the restaurant owner would be not only legally justified but also smart to turn them away for front. ghetto english might be ok in the back though if they could manage to get their point across.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 11:06 am
high quality commonication skills

And you manage a business? LOL
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 11:15 am
one it is not even established that dark skins were not hired for front,

Hawkeye there does not need to be any backing of any kind for negative information that anyone can come up with or dream up concerning Ms Dean.

We all must just assume that all such claims are true or if not we are ourselves proven racists.

So let all get the rope and head for the tree singing we shall overcome.
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 11:48 am

So let all get the rope and head for the tree singing we shall overcome.

That's your view of a highly reputable civil rights organization investigating complaints, by employees and ex-employees, of racial discrimination and racial disparity, in Deen's workplace?

And that organization is also associated with Jesse Jackson, who Deen herself called upon for help in dealing with her situation.

You have no compunctions about smearing a highly reputable and respected black civil rights organization, and accusing them of trying to lynch a white woman--an extremely odious comparison to the KKK--while they are singing, "We Shall Overcome". You are conjuring up the most racially offensive images possible of black people and their motives. You are a stomach turning bigot.

You are a repugnant person who is getting his own sick satisfactions from generating and posting hostile and sadist fantasies in this thread, and wallowing in a paranoid over-identification with Deen as a persecuted victim.

You are sick, bigoted, and quite disgusting. You are the last type of person that Deen would want support from, so you're not doing her any favors with your crap.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2013 12:02 pm
maybe dark skins tend to show up speaking ghetto...

Well, we know how you view those with darker skins, don't we? Rolling Eyes

Do all darker skinned blacks live in ghettos? Rolling Eyes Do all darker skinned blacks "speak ghetto" exclusively? There are no darker skinned working class and middle class blacks who sound just like everyone else? Rolling Eyes

Of course, if you run restaurants, like Deen's, that have a reputation for racial discrimination and racial disparity, and for not promoting darker-skinned blacks beyond menial positions, those other "non-ghetto-speaking" black folks might not even apply for jobs at your restaurant.

Apart from the fact that, even those who use African-American speech, or use "ghetto talk", tend to turn it on and off, depending on the situation they are in, and who else is around them, and who they are talking to.

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