Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 09:40 am
Core or whoever would not be trying to get a black employee any black employee of hers to claim she was a racist and mistreat her black workers....

What a contemptuous statement about minorities and civil rights organizations that is.

No, it's not CORE, it's Rainbow/PUSH, but I guess those black people all look alike to you. Rolling Eyes

And Rainbow/PUSH went down there in response to requests from employees and ex-employees of Deen. And they weren't "trying to get a black employee any black employee of hers to claim she was a racist"--now you're accusing a highly regarded civil rights organization of dishonesty, of not only being on a witch-hunt, but trying to get blacks to claim Deen was a racist. So now, you're comparing Rainbow/PUSH to "a pack of jackals"? You're accusing Rainbow/PUSH of trying to racially smear Paula Deen?

You've also forgotten that Deen called Jesse Jackson and asked for his help.

And Rainbow/PUSH did find, "endemic and systematic racial disparity and discrimination within her company," and gender bias as well.

She would then still have her show and her book deals...

You have a very warped sense of values. It's more troubling to you that Deen, whose shows you never watched, and whose books you never bought, suffered the loss of those things, than the fact she runs restaurants which subject her employees to racial disparity and discrimination, and gender bias. Keeping a cooking show and contracts for cookbooks is more important than making sure that employees in your restaurant business are treated equally, fairly, respectfully--and without bias or discrimination? A frivolous cooking show, you never watched, that promotes unhealthy food, is more important to you than people's civil rights, and treating people with equality and dignity?

You have no moral compass, or any ethical sense, or any real appreciation for just how bigoted and distasteful a human being you are.

Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 09:45 am

We do not need courts or proof when it come to southern whites and claims related to racism as all southern whites are guilt of any such charges.

NOT all southern Caucasians are bigoted; there were a handful who were visible in the Civil Rights era; however, the vast majority of southern whites are racist as this is their culture. But to be just, all Americans are racist to one degree or another as racism is very much ingrained in the culture. From the beginning of the Europeans coming to this country and seeing brown people (Native Americans) who had a different culture and color, racism has been very much in evidence. Even more enhanced once the slave trade from African began. That others not white were inferior to European culture has predominated the cultural psyche of whites....America has been a bastion of white supremacy.

Racism is defined as "the belief that some races by nature are superior to others." Racism is the dividing factor of cultural unity. It is a disease that has plagued the deliverance of the integration of African Americans into the American culture. We are now in the twenty-first century and the same racial speculations effect us as "American citizens" as it did Black people in the post slavery era.

Blacks fight back against white racism and thus we complete the circle; like who is going to love their oppressor?! In the deep south racism is more demonstrable than in the North where there are other priorities, like making money, for instance. The sea change, election of the first African American dealt a blow to the psyche of many white Americans like a nuclear bomb! The second election of Obama has driven Red states into a panic and the decisison of Judge Robert to gut the VRA was just the tool whites needed in the south to obstruct voting by all African Americans. (This might have the opposite effect of mobilizing more and more blacks to vote, similar to 2012 when the efforts were tried to prevent them from voting.)

Education demand is improving in the South, but it is still a decade behind national averages.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 09:50 am
@cicerone imposter,

You're dumber than a door nail. A word of advise; quit while you're behind. You only make yourself look dumber than you seem on a2k.

Now, now, CI. We must not allow another to bring us down to their level. People are who they are and all the insightful explanation will not alter this. Hey, one simply cannot fix a brain that is genetically twisted.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 10:26 am
I know you're right, but the devil grabs my attention with such idiocy! LOL

Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 10:37 am
when it come to southern whites and ... related to racism ... all southern whites are guilt of any such charges

If "all southern whites" are racist, why do you suppose there is today, a amass exodus of Northern Afro-Americans to the South, from northern, urban cities?

Thing about what you just said, BillRM.
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 10:41 am
@cicerone imposter,
the devil grabs my attention with such idiocy! LOL

Just when you think BillRM has reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to top himself. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 10:53 am
@cicerone imposter,
You'll never "GET IT." It's about how she treated her employees in the HERE AND NOW! THIS YEAR, not 30 years ago. You have a thick skull that's on empty.

Sorry the hell was call down on her was for admitting that she had once used the evil n word and no matter how long ago or if it was directed at a man who had just threaten her with death it does not matter.

The other nonsense is being claims with little or no backup of poor treatments from the current of former black employees, to try to justify this hanging.

Oh yes those black employees and past employees are all too cowardly to come forward so we are getting claims by second and in some cause third hand hearsay.

More then enough to hang an older white southern woman at least in your bigotry mind.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 10:55 am
You're a waste of humanity. I'm otta here.

Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 11:03 am
which subject her employees to racial disparity and discrimination, and gender bias.

Not proven in any court of law at any level and not back by her own employees but then who need fairness when it come to an older white woman. In that regards we are only getting second and third level hearsay.

Once more it she had not been honest about having use the N word she would still have her show and her book deal and so on.

We all know how racist older southern whites happen to be so no solid evidence of wrong doing is needed with special note of a southern who had admitted to once using the n word no matter how long ago or under what conditions.

Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 11:19 am

If "all southern whites" are racist, why do you suppose there is today, a amass exodus of Northern Afro-Americans to the South, from northern, urban cities?

Not every white is racist. Now having stated that, one of the reasons African Americans are migrating to the south is because of industry and new technology. Many corporations have branches all over the south and many blacks move with their job to these new destinations. If there were no jobs not as many African Americans would be returning to the south. However, in all fairness, I must add there is a new climate of tolerance in the south especially towards black academic professionals along with entrepreneurials. Another aspect is when students get their University degree and apply for positions, some of these locations are in the South. There is now a flourishing southern black middle class, as opposed to many decades ago when blacks had to migrate north just to find employment because of racism.
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 11:23 am
tolerance of blacks is new? bullshit. what is new is a welcoming of blacks. PD and her brother may or may not be up to this, but if she gets up to it she can rebrand. so far all I have seen is that she supports charity blacks, which does not indicate that she thinks of black as not a negative.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 11:25 am
Not proven in any court of law at any level and not back by her own employees...

Well, it hasn't been proved in a court of law that Deen has suffered any harm from this controversy, if that's the standard you want to use.

And the info that Rainbow/PUSH found during their investigation, that led to their statement, came directly from Deen's employees and ex-employees.

It's nice to know you think people, like Deen, should lie under oath when they give depositions. Honesty isn't among your values either. Rolling Eyes

Since you seem unable to comprehend text, we'd better just stick to simple pictures you might understand.

This should be your avatar...Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 12:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'm otta here.

I think you should stay around. You are witnessing the priceless, and rather bizarre spectacle, of a brain-dead idiot, and bigot, trying to accuse a leading black civil rights organization of trying to lynch a "poor old Southern white woman." Next he'll say they're wearing black sheets with pointy hoods.

He's already said you're getting sexually aroused by your sadist pleasure in being part of a "pack of jackals" feeding off this woman's carcass. Rolling Eyes

He's so off-the-rails he sounds psychotic. He's certainly not in contact with reality--he's absorbed in his rather paranoid and hostile fantasies and his own over-identification with Deen as some persecuted victim.

Hang around. He's an attention whore. He does nothing except repeat the same drivel over and over just for attention. The worst thing you can do to him is hang around and not respond to him.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 01:22 pm
How would you like to have him as a jury member in your trial? LOL Scary.

On second thought, he might be responsible for a hung jury. Mr. Green 2 Cents
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 04:09 pm
Spot on Eh.
Apologies if someone has already posted the complaint for this civil action.
It is interesting reading. And the complainant is white!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 04:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,

On second thought, he might be responsible for a hung jury

Hung? I don't think so.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 05:55 pm
You're probably right about "hung." How about hanged?
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 05:56 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Now that would be good noose !
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 06:21 pm
You talking about noose or goose? Like, her goose is cooked (slang).
Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2013 06:27 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Her goose is deep-fat fried.

Seriously, I never understood PD's popularity in the first place, considering the general direction towards healthier eating in which most of the country has been heading.

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