Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 09:23 am
No problem with objecting to real racism but trying to become wealthy over the issue when yourself was not the target seems odd to say the least and then with none of the so call targets filing suit beside.

You seem to be selectively disregarding any information that might inform you on this issue.

Why the "real targets" might not have filed suits...

Meanwhile, other investigators are looking into Ms. Deen’s restaurants. Robert Patillo, an Atlanta employment and labor lawyer who volunteers for Rainbow/PUSH, the civil rights group founded by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, spent the weekend in Savannah interviewing three former and current employees.

Mr. Patillo, who plans to head back to Savannah with a larger team of investigators this week, said the workers claimed white employees were routinely paid more than black employees, and that a black man who had threatened to go to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said Mr. Hiers pushed him and said, “You don’t have any civil rights here.”

Because Ms. Deen pays her kitchen staff more than comparable area restaurants and has a lot of influence in the city, many who work for her are reluctant to complain, Mr. Patillo said.

“Most of them fear that if they come out and make these statements, not only will they lose their job with Paula Deen, they won’t be able to get work elsewhere,” he said.


You are also failing to address the fact that Deen was aware of the racially and sexually inappropriate behavior that was going on in her workplace--and did nothing to address or correct it.
And on her brother's behavior:

Lawyer: Are you aware of Mr. Hiers admitting that he engaged in racially and sexually inappropriate behavior in the workplace?

Deen: I guess

Lawyer: Okay. Well, have you done anything about what you heard him admit to doing?

Deen: My brother and I have had conversations. My brother is not a bad person. Do humans behave inappropriately? At times, yes. I don't know one person that has not. My brother is a good man. Have we told jokes? Have we said things that we should not have said, that -- yes, we all have. We all have done that, every one of us.


Are you even aware that this lawsuit is in federal court? It involves federal violations of law?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 09:57 am
smithfield may have dumped Dean for reasons unrelated to racism, they just recently got sold to the Chinese, who may want to go a new way and are using this controversy to do what they were intending anyways.

a restaurant is a hostile workplace??!! what a shocker. just the other day I had to talk to a cook who told a server that she should get a tit job, then went on to tell her exactly which method would work best for her. the server did not want to make a big deal about it so there was no write up, but in another industry this would have been a firing offense. these are often migratory lowly educated, lowly paid, drugged and liquored up people, the day to day scene is going to.be a little rough around the edges. ******* the help? routine. watching porn? ok, that seems out there, though talking about porn is a big pasttime in kitchens.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 10:09 am
the server did not want to make a big deal about it so there was no write up, but in another industry this would have been a firing offense.

What did you say to that cook?

Don't you think you should make some record of what occurred, along with the corrective in-house action you took, to protect your restaurant from being in the legal position that Deen's is right now? Part of her problem is that she can't prove she took any action to try to curb her brother Bubba's behavior.

I don't understand why workplace rules, regarding things like sexual harassment, should be different for restaurants than other industries.

Edit: Okay, you added this to your last post after I had already made this post.
these are often migratory lowly educated, lowly paid, drugged and liquored up people, the day to day scene is going to.be a little rough around the edges. ******* the help? routine. watching porn? ok, that seems out there, though talking about porn is a big pasttime in kitchens.

I don't think that's a good enough excuse for not establishing and maintaining better standards in a workplace.

I also don't think allowing those things is even in the best interests of those workers. They will never be able to get better jobs if that sort of conduct is indulged--and that point should be made clear to them. By not expecting better, more workplace appropriate behavior, you convey a lack of respect for them--you see them as not capable of learning--and they may, therefore, behave accordingly.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 10:35 am
I am always walking the line between worrying about hiring the wrong person, who takes offense and successfully sues me, and having a place that people want to work in. good producers dont generally want to work in a sanitized place for stuck up moralists..these are people who live on the edge.

what did I say? I said basically "she was chill, but you took it too far and if you had said that to the wrong person it would have been a write-up" he said "I was just trying to be friendly, but ok".
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 10:43 am
dean seems to have trouble knowing where the line is..the line on hostile work environment is that when someone complains to the state and they come around asking questions the staff needs to have my back, to the point of lying till the state goes away. we shall see if Dean had the line here.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 10:54 am
a restaurant is a hostile workplace??!! what a shocker. just the other day I had to talk to a cook who told a server that she should get a tit job, then went on to tell her exactly which method would work best for her. the server did not want to make a big deal about it so there was no write up, but in another industry this would have been a firing offense. these are often migratory lowly educated, lowly paid, drugged and liquored up people, the day to day scene is going to.be a little rough around the edges. ******* the help? routine. watching porn? ok, that seems out there, though talking about porn is a big pasttime in kitchens.

I hope for you that that statement doesn't end up as evidence in a discrimination suit against your business. I can't believe you don't accept some responsibility for stopping this behavior in your workplace.

dean seems to have trouble knowing where the line is..the line on hostile work environment is that when someone complains to the state and they come around asking questions the staff needs to have my back, to the point of lying till the state goes away.

Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 10:57 am
stupidity outdone only by arrogance...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 11:08 am
what did I say? I said basically "she was chill, but you took it too far and if you had said that to the wrong person it would have been a write-up" he said "I was just trying to be friendly, but ok".

So you didn't let the cook know that you--and federal law--consider that sort of behavior unacceptable in the workplace? It all depends on how far the female employee wants to push it? So employers shouldn't enforce the federal laws, employees have to do this on their own? Rolling Eyes If the incident hadn't bothered the female, she wouldn't have told you about it. She told you, so you could address it.
good producers dont generally want to work in a sanitized place for stuck up moralists..these are people who live on the edge.

Maybe Bubba Hiers had that same attitude. Look where it's gotten him.

Workplaces that enforce federal laws are not, "a sanitized place for stuck up moralists,"--they simply create and maintain an environment where workers are not subjected to sexual harassment or racial/ethnic/gender discrimination. Do you honestly believe these men in your employ are not capable of more appropriate conduct in the workplace? Letting it slide, just encourages more of it--it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You don't seem to see what's wrong with the way they behave, from the perspective of the female employees--it's not appropriate workplace behavior. Women shouldn't have to put up with that crap to earn a paycheck. That's why those federal laws exist.

Again, maybe Bubba Hiers had that same attitude. He's now learning where he was wrong.

the line on hostile work environment is that when someone complains to the state and they come around asking questions the staff needs to have my back, to the point of lying till the state goes away.

I'd never hire you to run anything. You're downright dishonest.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 12:59 pm
What you opine it true; the US military is a very good example of what happens when the leadership doesn't follow federal laws against sexual harassment and rape.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 01:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
lying to the state to protect the family is the expectation where I come from, and I want my staff to have that comoradamy. I have never worked in a place where we were not expected to lie to the state, at the very least to the health department, but also to unemployment. the last guy I worked for was a big time Christian, but several (all who were asked) lied for him when a dick useless pastry chef filed a lawsuit for discrimination. the dick was right that the boss said some things that the law does not like, but the dick was a dick who needed to go. I along with everyone else had my bosses back. the investigater spent about a hour talking to a few of us, and that was the end of that.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 02:11 pm
Just proves none of you have any morals. So, what else is new?

You're the "dick."
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 02:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What you opine it true; the US military is a very good example of what happens when the leadership doesn't follow federal laws against sexual harassment and rape.

It will be very very interesting once all human judgment is removed from that area of military law

Did you read here on Firefly rape thread of the sleeping West Point Cadet who was sleeping in the back room of a placed a party was going on, who had a young lady jumped into his bed and waking him up and having sex with him?

An the military under pressure by congress charge the man with rape due to the woman claimed she was too drunk to consent to the sex acts that she started.

A few more cases such as that and getting anyone to reenlist or joined in the first placed is going to be mission impossible.

We will need to place rifles in the hands of the PC police and put them on the front lines.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 02:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Just proves none of you have any morals. So, what else is new?

You're the "dick."

Compared to the women morals here who when you dare to disagree with them charge you with all kinds of evil from being a drunk driver to being a pedophile?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 02:46 pm
Your ability to see only one side is an amazing feat. I call it myopia and ignorance.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 03:32 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Just proves none of you have any morals. So, what else is new?

You're the "dick."

I am successful because I understand the environment in which I work....those who are like IdiotBill, guided by their prudishness as they attemp the restaurant business, tend to end up out of the restaurant business and out of a lot of money. we need to take care of our people, but driving away the customers because they like looking at the waitresses too much is taking money out of our peoples pockets.....as one example of not taking care of our people.

running a restaurant is a lot like running a military unit, we need to trust each other, and we need to go to the mat for each other when someone needs our help, for instance when outsiders meddle with our family.

paula dean looks like she does a poor job of minding her relationships. it would not surprise me if she gets hung out to dry here.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 03:35 pm
Compared to the women morals here who when you dare to disagree with them charge you with all kinds of evil from being a drunk driver to being a pedophile?

It's puzzling why you keep dredging up the fact that you've been regarded as a possible pedophile--in real life. And posters at A2K became aware of that only because you chose to tell them. That's where this pedophile business came from--directly from you.

You took some kittens to a park where young children were playing, and apparently encouraged the children to interact with you and the kittens. Adults in the park, observing you, became so disturbed by your behavior, because animal lures are a common ploy used by child abductors/pedophiles, to attract and engage children, that they asked you to leave the park, and made sure you did so.

Now you're the one who said all of that about yourself in another thread. And, even in relating it, you failed to realize that the adults in that park acted very appropriately given their concerns about you. Children are taught not to talk to strangers, so when a stranger appears to be using kittens, to lure and engage children, and make them less cautious, adults who witness such behavior should take some action if they are concerned.

You're the one who disclosed that incident in the park and said you had been regarded as a possible pedophile by those adults. And you denied ever hearing that animal lures are a common tactic used by child abductor/pedophiles. And you're the one now, in this thread, who is bringing up the term pedophile in relation to yourself.

No one in this thread has accused you of being a pedophile, or drunk driver, or rapist--or anything close to that--you are choosing to deliberately distort and misinterpret remarks, such as ehBeth's comments to you, so you have an absurd excuse to feel victimized, and then you start attacking the morality of other posters. It's really quite a bizarre display you're putting on here.

If I were you, I'd stop reminding people of all the rather unflattering things you've been called.

Personally, I couldn't care less whether you agree with me, on any topic. Your generally poorly conceptualized, narrow-minded opinions do not evoke my regard or respect. And that includes your opinion of my morality.

And your comments in this thread have been particularly revealing of your ignorance of the topic and the lack of logic in your thinking--and, when those things have been pointed out to you, you feel you are being accused of being "evil" by immoral women. You really should try listening to yourself--you don't make sense.

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 03:38 pm
Good restaurants are operated by good people who doesn't cheat the customers or our government. They have ethics and good business practices.

You're a dick, and wouldn't understand any of that!

You are not successful because you think you understand the environment; it's about providing good quality food at a fair price, and complying with all the necessary laws.

Ethics matters.
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 04:08 pm
BillRM wrote:

Black employees of Uncle Bubba's were not allowed to do things white employees were.

Now if white servers for example at those restaurants was allowed to used the customers restrooms on a routine basis and a black servers was not that would be a horse of a different color.

So servers are different than kitchen staff?
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 04:13 pm
BillRM wrote:
Compared to the women morals here who when you dare to disagree with them charge you with all kinds of evil from being a drunk driver to being a pedophile?

You set yourself up for that.

No one did it to you.

Examine your own posting.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2013 04:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
good ethics is taking care of the brigade that follows you into battle each day...it has taken awhile to build my brigade but I can trust everyone to go to the mat for me and my place.....that baby is what it looks like to live an ethical life, one which is based upon reality rather than abstract fantasy. I have over time taken care of my people, and they now take care of me. I dont think Paula Dean has this kind of relationship with her people, at least some of them.

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