Did Jesus Actually Exist?

Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 08:45 am
Sherlock Holmes is an analogy. If people believe he existed, then why wouldn't they believe stories made up about Jesus? Saying that the "wandering rabbi" who made up the stories about Jesus is Jesus, is exactly the same as saying that A Conan Doyle is Sherlock Holmes.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 08:49 am
I knew you'd be back talking some crap again.

You don't even know what you are talking about.

You are a loser, albeit a persistent one.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 09:16 am
Saying that the "wandering rabbi" who made up the stories about Jesus is Jesus, is exactly the same as saying that A Conan Doyle is Sherlock Holmes.

I don't follow your logic. That wandering rabbi DID preach. He did not write a series of novels. You'd have a valid comparison if Doyle had done some actual criminal enquiries using the sort of process Sherlock uses: clues, logical deduction, etc. and if such a real historical investigator had later been "mythicized" by another author. This is not the case.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 09:17 am
You like the word "crap" very very much, don't you?
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 09:24 am
Yep, didn't you notice that I've said so already?

There's a lot of posters who have the crappiest logic, like yourself, and it's my pleasure pointing it out.

But be assured, I don't hate you as I don't do hatred.

I get along with with many other posters too.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 09:27 am
Olivier5 wrote:
I don't follow your logic. That wandering rabbi DID preach.

I for one have not accepted that there was a wandering rabbi, let alone be so certain about what he did. You don't follow my logic because you don't choose to. And, for reasons that escape me, you seem to have invested so much of yourself in this argument that you can't back down, about any of it.

Whether or not Jesus existed doesn't really matter. What matters is what he said. "Love thy neighbour as thyself," is what's important. Everything else is incidental.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 09:29 am
Olivier wrote:
That wandering rabbi DID preach.

See, you have the crappiest logic.

You are asserting that there was an wandering rabbi and that he did preach.

That's not because some of us deniers offered a plausible hypothesis that you are allowed to take it at face value.

I myself have offered that maybe have been...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 09:57 am
My opponents are being thick on purpose; they contradict the scholarly consensus; and they behave in pretty aggressive ways toward me, so you should address your complaint about "having invested so much" to them, not to me. I'm not the one rabidly aggressing people here. Timur and Ed and Set are, or have been. They are the one with the foam on their lips... Not that I care or feel "victimised" by their puny non-arguments, mind you.

Your comparison with Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle just doesn't make any sense. Conan Doyle was not "fictionalized" by some later writer into Sherlock Holmes. He WROTE the darn books about Holmes, invented this character, etc. Are you saying that a wandering rabbi with a proclivity for literature invented a Jesus character and wrote novels about him?
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 10:51 am
Timur wrote:
Olivier wrote:
So I think my job is done here.

I know you are a liar.

It's worth repeating.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 11:40 am
Fuckin' troll...
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 12:41 pm
Why does he have to be a wandering rabbi? He could have been anyone who could spin a good yarn.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 12:51 pm
Down with the verbal abuse...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 01:17 pm
The "wandering rabbi" idea comes from posts by Set and Timur. See for instance:
timur wrote:
Some wandering rabbi gave birth the story, then successive generations piled up different regional myths.


Setanta wrote:
If the question were whether or not there were some religious loony running around Palestine 2000 years ago named Yeshua who was haranguing the people about the kingdom of god, i'd say that was a no-brainer.


Setanta wrote:
That is not at all the same as some dirty, ragged, wandering teacher, calling himself or being called a rabbi--which is what your boy Jeebus was.


In short, these guys agree with the idea of a historical Jesus but they don't have the guts to admit it now. It's as simple as that...
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 01:22 pm
Again, all you know is uttering crap.

This hypothetical wandering rabbi is not the Jesus people believe in.

If he ever existed, he could have been at the origin of the myth.

In no way did I say that he was Jesus.

Stop lying..
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 01:31 pm


Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 02:01 pm
@Frank Apisa,
A sad clown coming to the help of another sad clown.

It's not a blind guess, it's plain and obvious.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 02:20 pm
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 02:22 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Portraits you well.

Kudos for the finesse, Frank!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 02:26 pm
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 02:32 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I knew it Frank, you are a rabid old curmudgeon.
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