Well, we got 2 of the Nuwve cooker nd Ive got nothing but good news from using them. They are EXACT in their temp control, so when one fries, the oil is kept at a precise temperature, unlike any other mode which ,in order to maintain a constant temp, will "JACK UP" the temperature every so often. SO the result is oil that quickly browns and gets dark . The Nuwave allows us to save and reuse oil. All we have to do is filter it through a sieve. (Final sieving is accomplished by putting a piece of paper towel in the sieve bed)
One needs to adjut ones cooking atyle though. we hadda get some steep sided fry pans because the induction "hlo" is quite limited. If you use , say, a WOK, it will only have a tiny hot spot at the bottom and food may go uncooked if you put in a whole bunch. A strait sided skillet is great for eggs and such. (If you buy it from Home SHopping Network as we did, they send you some beginners cookware but youre still gonna need a French style skillet with strait sides.
It worked on the boat, in the apartment (We didn't have an RV this year, instead we rented a little house in Lubec for much cheaper than schlepping nd unschlepping and maintaining the rig from Home to Eastport).