Here's a little tidbit. I remember the recurring TV role Ohrbach had
before Law & Order that probably got him the Law & Order part.
Ready? It was from Murder, She Wrote. For a couple of seasons, Jerry Ohrbach played a hard bitten, grizzled veteran New York City detective who in the end becomes dazzled by the heroine's abilities. There was a hint of romantic involvement there, too, not openly stated.
I don't know if was consecutive years, but within a year or two, Ohrbach went from playing a hard bitten New York City detective on Murder, She Wrote to playing one on Law & Order.
I think it is pretty obvious the Law & Order producers saw the job Ohrbach did on Murder, She Wrote and decided to cast him in their own show.
We all know that Angela Lansbury is pretty old. I think she was on Broadway in the fifties. If the character Ohrbach played 13 or 14 years ago, similar to his Law & Order character, was believable as a love interest for Lansbury......
Let's just say that the time had come for Ohrbach. He had a great run on the show, probably longer than he or anyone else on the show expected him to have.