Neologist wrote:
Quote:you have said nothing so far to inspire my confidence.
Firstly, why is it so important to you what the afterlife is like? Jesus used the word "paradise" to describe it, so why isn't that description good enough for you?
Our discussion is therefore only of academic interest as to whether that paradise will be on a new material earth in material bodies, or in a new non-material plane of existence as spiritual life-forms.
You say it'll be a material paradise, in which case you need to explain a couple of things-
Firstly if we'll all be in material bodies, what will those bodies be like, young, middleaged or old? For example if i meet my granma there, will she be in her old 80-year-old body or in her teenage body? If the latter, how will i recognise her?
I believe in a 'non-material paradise', and Matthew ch 22 about a widow who'd had seven husbands backs me up to the hilt-
Jesus was asked-"at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?”
Jesus replied- "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven" (Matt 22:23-30)
That's clear enough, we become non-material life-forms ("angels") in a non-material paradise..