Tue 17 Dec, 2002 08:31 am
For years the hew and cry was that the media was liberally biased. Of late however one hears that just the opposite is true and the media now presents the news with a conservative bias.
What is your opinion Liberal, Conservative or neutral?
In general, for as long as I can remember, the majority of the news media presented with a liberal slant. Fox News, which has become popular lately, takes a more conservative outlook. That's why I watch a number of news services, so I can ATTEMPT to ascertain some truth amongst all the spin!
interesting question, i was watching the News Hour PBS on Friday night with the topic of Trent Lott and one of the guests stated that this was considered a non-story by most news editors and was only picked up by news media after internet sources developed the story.
Accusations of liberal bias in the news media are not only quantitatively wrong, they are unfair in the way they describe journalists as being "out of touch with the American people." Ideologically, there is no such thing as "the American people." The last two national elections confirm that the country is almost evenly split -- tending to be more conservative on some issues, such as law enforcement, and liberal on others, such as environmental conservation. The news media, if it really wanted to reflect American opinion, would adjust leftward, not rightward -- although, given the timidity of most news outlets, fat chance such a shift will soon occur.
The news media in my view is Right leaning, except for the internet which is biased right and then when looking at Fox, they are so baised, they are no longer news reporters but news creators!
Liberal media’: myth or fact?
Some Democrats think the national press has gone conservative, but here’s what the numbers show
By Michael Kelly
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 — In its search for What Went Wrong, liberalism has decided to admit that it has a problem. Surprisingly, the problem is us — the news media. We went wrong, or rather, right. We went and became conservative.
Irony au, An ad for Chris Matthews was right smack dab in the middle of the article. Ha (Puns intended)
Politicians take pot shots at the media when they don't agree with what's being written or said about them. Who remembers Spiro Agnew decrying reporters as "nattering nabobs of negativism"? That clever line was penned by a young William Safire who's now, of course, the conservative voice on the NY Times op ed page. Which must prove something, though I'm not sure what...
Nowadays, with cable news and the internet, it's impossible to say the media are on one side or the other. They're all over the place, which is probably just as well.