778. Edward Snowden is a false flag (7/5/2013)
My conclusion based on the following facts.
1. Time line. It’s the development of the recent events, all related to the core plot- elimination of Kat Sung.
(1) The final stage of Boston bombing. It is marked by the killing of Toadshev in late May and the retirement announcement of the Boston FBI Chief in early June.
(2) On 6/7, an unusual private meeting between Obama and Xi (Chinese President) was arranged suddenly in California. Payment of the secret deal apparantly was an issue.
(3) On 6/14, “Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed to Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, on Wednesday that Washington has hacked into hundreds of civilian targets in Hong Kong and mainland China.”
2. Obviously, Snowden’s revelation is the result of that private summit. It is part of payment of a secret deal between the secret police of US and China.
US recently “has repeatedly accused Beijing of perpetrating cyber-warfare, while China has continuously denied the accusations.
The latest round in this blame game saw the US Defense Science Board publish a report saying that nearly 40 Pentagon weapons programs and almost 30 other defense technologies were compromised by Chinese hackers, some allegedly tied to the military or government. (http://rt.com/news/obama-xi-cyber-hacking-356/)
It’s not a coincidence that Snowden chose Hong Kong as the place for his revelation. That’s a payment to China. His revelation largely releases the pressure on China.
3. It is a payment to Chinese secret police for their collaboration in Boston bombing. In which they confirmed one of the death was a Chinese student. They also joined a carjacking set up to trap Tsarnaev brothers. (mysterious Danny). Also for a big operation to create a bird flu which estimated 6.5 billion in cost. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)
4. No information important has Snowden leaked to public because his job is just to release the “cyber spying” pressure from China. What he said is to prove US does same thing that China does. Government spying on people and foreign countries. That’s common sense. Americans know echelon, Patriot Act since 911. Civil rights has been damaged already. So what for Prism.
5. News said Snowden is helped by Wikeleaks in his travel plan and finance. It proves true what I alleged two years ago that Assange was a false flag. The master played behind them is the same organization. (see “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)”)