Or, they will die, in either case, the rules are obeyed . I would imagine that, should we turn all domestic turkeys loose, they wouldn't "revert" to their wild cousins, theyd just go dead mostly by predation.
Theres no expectation that , if we turn domestic animals loose, (especially those weve "engineered") would they automatically revert to the wild state. I imagine that most of them would just die. I think many chickens (like Bantams or dual purpose breeds, would revert fairly easily cause , if they are allowed open range, they will automatically forage rather than run only to a food trough and then they roost high in trees at night.) Theres some habits they retain from their wild state.
Most dogs would crash (mostly succumbing to diseases like sarcoptic mange or rabies), Im sure there would be a "feral dog interbreed" that would interbreed with other breeds/ coyotes , or like those eastern coyote/wolf hybrids that are starting to show up in Quebec/ Ontario and Upper New York State.
Itd be an interesting lab to see qhat becomes a top tier survivor.