@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Slavery was such a deeply-rooted thing in ancient times that the best Paul could do was to advise people how to put up with it and get along with the Romans rather than have them brutally crush slave revolts and Christianity.
Ahhh...so YOU are suggesting that Paul considered the ends as justifying the means! "If you might get in trouble or come to harm.... it is okay to do evil!"
Do you think the fact that the god Jesus worshiped said there was absolutely nothing whatever wrong with buying, selling, and owning slaves...
....might have influenced him also, Romeo?
Quote:Anyway the word 'slave' can also mean 'servant' or 'bondsman', it had different meanings at different times and different countries.
Uh huh. But we are talking about the kind of slave that could be bought, sold, and traded...and considered chattels and bequeathed to sons at death...and kept as slaves 'til death.
Let's stick with that "meaning"...okay?
Quote:For example today people are slaves to the alarm clock, it kicks them out of bed on cold mornings and makes them leave their homes and families for the rest of the day..

Romeo...does your god require that you get that desperate?