How can we be sure that all religions are wrong?

Alan Masterman
Fri 28 Aug, 2020 11:22 am
Any religions which assert that the universe must have been created by a "god" can be very briefly dismissed as wrong; if anything can exist without a cause, it might as well be the universe, and we don't need to hypothesise some mysterious creator.
cicerone imposter
Fri 28 Aug, 2020 03:53 pm
@Alan Masterman,
The facts are very simple to determine. 1. This planet is over 4.5 billion years old, not the 7,000 years old based on the bible. They didn't have the science to determine the age of this earth/universe when the bible was written. 2. Homo sapiens evolved from the primate family of animals. a. Evolution was proven by Darwin's finches. b. There are archaeological proofs for human evolution. 3. Any god that appears about 2,000 years ago is a relatively young god to humans. a. Nanna is one of the oldest gods in the Mesopotamian Pantheon and is first mentioned at the dawn of writing in Sumer c. 3500 BCE. 4. Yes, the Gods and Godesses, over 2,500 of them listed, although there are even thousands more. Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World ... Also, Why would any god have a chosen people? Aren't all humans equal in value? Sounds like the author of the bible is a racist.
Sat 29 Aug, 2020 03:13 am
@cicerone imposter,
What a load of nonsense.This is your religious belief system.Figure out how your mind works first before you come out with so much clap trap.You have got to pass through death, we all have .You will get to see if your bold arrogant attitude holds sway then.Be careful.Your statements will come back to bite you.What you should have said is that you HOPE that what you have written is true.Be careful what you ultimately hope for though,for it may be given to you.You are completely in the DARK.There is no DEFINITIVE archaeological proof for evolution,they can’t even come up with one single convincing bone sample.They have found skin and blood tissue on dinosaur bones though which is strong evidence that these creatures were around in our very recent history.Stop spreading mis-information to substantiate your religious beliefs.
cicerone imposter
Mon 31 Aug, 2020 05:57 pm
What a load of nonsense.
Please explain why it's nonsense? I don't have a "religious belief system; many call it "atheism." I rely on science and evolution to learn about our environment and life. I understand that once we enjoy life, death is inevitable. Many do not enjoy life on this planet, and many commit suicide. My belief is not bold or arrogant, it's simply based on my personal perception about life on this planet like everybody else. I will say, though, that my life has been very satisfying, having lived a healthy and lived many luxuries many humans do not enjoy. I have traveled to 106 countries, and all seven continents, including Antarctica. I have friends in many countries, including Russia, Germany, England, Cuba, Mexico, Singapore, Bhutan, and all across the USA. I'm now 85 years old with pretty good health. I'm one of the fortunate ones who have lived life to the max; at least, that's my belief. Isn't that all that counts in the end? BTW, all my siblings are christians married to christians. I'm an atheist married to a buddhist.
cicerone imposter
Mon 31 Aug, 2020 06:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
There are many gods men have created from early human existence. The christian religion is a combination of Greek and Egyptians mythologies, and it's one of the younger religions of the world. Isn't it strange that different races and cultures all created their own gods?
cicerone imposter
Mon 31 Aug, 2020 06:07 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Evidence for the evolution of Homo sapiens from a common ancestor with chimpanzees is found in the number of chromosomes in humans as compared to all other members of Hominidae. All hominidae have 24 pairs of chromosomes, except humans, who have only 23 pairs. Human chromosome 2 is a result of an end-to-end fusion of two ancestral chromosomes.
Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia
cicerone imposter
Mon 31 Aug, 2020 06:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I would also suggest that you study Charles Darwins' evolution of finches.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Aug, 2020 07:03 pm
@reasoning logic,
Do I follow or have faith in a religion? No.

All religions are clearly man made entities designed for control of the masses. When one has no policing force, judiciary or indeed codes of law ... What better than 'Omni present God ... be good or go to hell!"

As for 'God', do I think there is some gaseous all seeing deity? No. If there was by some astounding miracle a 'God', are we to believe that it would be interested in all the no account humans it created fawning and kowtowing to it?

Both the accepted concepts of 'God' and 'religion' are so obviously man made: Fulfilling a social control role ... But also feeding the self obsession which most of mankind suffer from and the desperate need to be validated/looked after .... They are not praising God, they are saying 'Look how important and good I am that I talk to God!"

Idiotic plebs .... If there is any form of God then it is most certainly mathematics.

Tue 1 Sep, 2020 02:13 am
@cicerone imposter,
What you have is a biological reasoning system.The output of this reasoning system if you are an atheist is .....there isn’t a God=there isn’t God.That is one of the outputs and you believe it.

This reasoning system...if you take it through its full programme which clearly you haven’t will churn out other outputs as well.i.e.

1.there isn’t God=there isn’t God.(Atheist)
2.there isn’t God=there is a God.(Agnostic)
3.there is a God=there isn’t a God.(Agnostic)
4.there is a God=there is a God.(A believer in God).However, even the devil believes in God.

The conclusion to all of the above when all mixed together is a cancelling out or Nihilism.

The only thing that comes out of Nihilism is HOPE.i.e. A HOPE that what you believe or don’t believe in is true.

Nobody can prove there is a God.What many people forget though is that nobody can prove there isn’t.Evolution proves nothing and is false anyway.

They have found skin and blood tissue on dinosaur bones which indicates that these creatures were with us in our recent history.The reason they can’t find ANY animal morphing evidences in the rock layers (the GAP) is because non exist.What scientists are observing is a variation in kinds not evolution.This explains the finches.

Evolution ignores the laws of thermodynamics which states all systems without exception I.e. physical;chemical;biological;geological tend to lose order.They go towards disorganisation and loss of complexity.Scientist know this so why aren’t they stating it as FACT.Its because it doesn’t fit in with their belief systems that’s why.Stop gambling its a bad addiction.Turn to the real God of the bible and stop putting all your worthless worldly wealth and memories all on BLACK.

Tue 1 Sep, 2020 04:05 am
Yeah I agree with the maths bit when it comes down to biological reasonings.
One could translate the ...there is a God (1) and there isn’t a God (0) into numbers if you wish...It doesn’t matter, the formula still works.It still balances out and was designed that way.
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cicerone imposter
Tue 1 Sep, 2020 04:19 pm
Not surprising at all that different people perceive our reality differently. That's the 'normal' human condition, ever since man evolved into humans. There are scientific evidence for human evolution. Evolution is a scientific theory that's been proven. That's all the evidence I need for myself. It doesn't matter what other's think. Evidence for Evolution
Paleontology. One piece of evidence offered by Darwin is found in the science of paleontology. Paleontology deals with...
Comparative anatomy. More evidence for evolution is offered by comparative anatomy (see Figure 12-1). As Darwin pointed...
Embryology. Darwin noted the striking similarity among embryos of complex animals such as humans,...
Evidence for Evolution - CliffsNotes

Tue 1 Sep, 2020 04:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Evidence for the evolution of Homo sapiens from a common ancestor with chimpanzees is found in the number of chromosomes in humans as compared to all other members of Hominidae.

Don’t forget bananas, we share thousands of genes with them too.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Sep, 2020 01:41 am
@cicerone imposter,
Praise the Lord that he does enable people to perceive reality differently.He doesn’t want people to be in the dark, he wants them to come into the light He is ready and waiting to accept them with open arms.God is Love and he PROVED it by dying on the cross when he didn’t have to.Let God open your eyes to the truth.You don’t understand the cross and how it is connected to your mind.Your mind needs to be renewed.As I have said previously there is no definitive evidence whatsoever for evolution.The rock layers should be teaming with morphing creature types.What do your find? Absolutely nothing and therefore secular scientist have to dream up another lie to satisfy their belief systems.This is true REALITY.There are counter explanations for all of it, you are just not reading up on it.Your views are therefore biased towards unbelief.
cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Sep, 2020 04:35 pm
"He proved it by dying on the cross," except he came back to life. That's more like a short sleep. Dead is when the brain lacks oxygen for six minutes or more. Not possible to come back to life.
Sat 5 Sep, 2020 01:36 am
@cicerone imposter,
God can do whatever he wants whenever he wants and however he wants.He’s GOD.If you are without sin which Jesus was, death cannot hold you captive.Death IS the punishment for sin.God looks at the heart of the individual to see if that individual has come to an end of themselves and realised they cannot free themselves from sin without God’s intervention.God does it all you see.Man cannot earn his way into heaven as many think.As we can’t save ourselves from sin God HAS TO do it for us, which he did on the cross taking the punishment for all our sins if that is we genuinely believe this.God the Father is looking to see if individuals have genuinely accepted that sacrifice or not.Jesus did die physically but not spiritually and came back to life in the physical body on the 3rd day.If you think that when you die that’s it well think again.
Tue 8 Sep, 2020 12:31 pm
If you are willfully blind, even God cannot open ones eyes.
It’s just the kind of God he is.
There is an elegance to it all, in spite of the loss.
Tue 8 Sep, 2020 02:15 pm
The fact that God came to this earth and did what he did because he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants and however he wants is astounding.Man is without excuse because no individual throughout history (past/future/present) can say to God that he didn’t know what it was like to live on earth because he did.The fact that he came to earth to take the full punishment for man’s sins out of LOVE is equally astounding but it was necessary and the only way to liberate man and satisfy God’s perfect justice.The sacrifice fulfilled the perfect formula and enabled man to be freed from sin, if that is God gives him/her the eyes to see it; accept it and be thankful.God has done it all.Satan has already been defeated and knows it but continues to this day to deceive many.
Tue 8 Sep, 2020 08:44 pm
Damnation by faint praise, it's not astounding it's unbelievable.
Wed 9 Sep, 2020 01:20 am
You HOPE that it's unbelievable you can't PROVE that it's unbelievable.

1.It's unbelievable = It's unbelievable (Atheist)
2.It's unbelievable = It's believable (Agnostic)
3.It's believable = It's unbelievable (Agnostic)
4.It's believable = It's believable (Believer in God)

You will never be able to get away from the above nihilistic/biological MIND reasoning formula no matter how hard you try. This PROVES that you can't PROVE anything. All you have is a HOPE that what you believe in is true.

God can do whatever he wants; whenever he wants; however he wants,even take on flesh for a short duration. He can and does keep this mystery from mankind revealing it to whomever HE chooses.

0 Replies
Wed 9 Sep, 2020 10:52 am
Jasper10 wrote:
very nicely said Jasper
The fact that God came to this earth and did what he did because he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants and however he wants is astounding.Man is without excuse because no individual throughout history (past/future/present) can say to God that he didn’t know what it was like to live on earth because he did.The fact that he came to earth to take the full punishment for man’s sins out of LOVE is equally astounding but it was necessary and the only way to liberate man and satisfy God’s perfect justice.The sacrifice fulfilled the perfect formula and enabled man to be freed from sin, if that is God gives him/her the eyes to see it; accept it and be thankful.God has done it all.Satan has already been defeated and knows it but continues to this day to deceive many.
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