How can we be sure that all religions are wrong?

Sun 8 Oct, 2017 07:33 am
@cicerone imposter,
She didn't sign that contract with you. Do you stick your nose into all the contracts that are broken?

Because this is what the discussion is about. Duuhhh
0 Replies
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 07:39 am
@reasoning logic,
I think the penalty should be the same as if you or your own mother committed adultery. What punishment do you think you, your mother or father should receive if they committed adultery?

In modern times under the current laws, the one who breaks the contract loses everything and is at the will of the other party.

If my mother is the adulterous one and my father wants the divorce, my father has the right to take whatever he wants, including children, and left what he wants to be left to my mother.

The same scenario in case my father is the adulterous one.

Breaking a contract carries punishment, and only the affected party is the one which can decide forgiveness for the fault.
cicerone imposter
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 10:35 am
It's not about which parent wins, because all the children loose.
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 01:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
She didn't sign that contract with you. Do you stick your nose into all the contracts that are broken?
She signed that contract with everyone in the state that issued the marriage license. A marriage is a contract that includes the state. That contract includes many rights and responsibilities that go with marriage and raising a family including public education, taxes, property rights, etc. . . When you get a marriage license you just brought the state and everybody that is a citizen of that state into your personal family life to some degree. Just try not educating your kids and see if you get to keep custody of those children.
cicerone imposter
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 01:51 pm
"Everyone in the state" are not that concerned about how others live their lives. They have enough concerns about their own family and friends. Many contribute to charitable organizations that helps everybody regardless of race, culture, income or political affiliation.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 02:18 pm
But surely we can count you as one who doesn't advocate the death penalty for infidelity, right?
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 03:58 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The article is quite straight forward. Rather than disregard the article, provide proof that their study of human evolution is wrong. Scientifically; and not from a bible full of errors and contradictions.
These are simple contradictions in the bible. Please explain them. https://infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/contradictions.html

How do you reconcile the age of this planet from the bible and science? Is it 7,000 years old since god's creation or 4.5 billion years old according to science?

Excuse me for budding in but I would like to take a shot at this.

GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness. GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.

The sun is not the only source of light in the universe. On the first day God created light, on the fourth day God created the sun. The light of the first day signifies order, and the darkness signifies disorder.

GE 1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
GE 2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.

GE 1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.

GE 1:24-27 Animals were created before man was created.
GE 2:7, 19 Man was created before animals were created.

The first chapter Genesis creation story, and the second chapter Genesis creation story are telling two different stories that happened at different times as stated in the beginning of Chapter 2.

Gen 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. 2 By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created [a]and made.

4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven. 5 Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to [c]cultivate the ground. 6 But a [d]mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole [e]surface of the ground.

So, obviously something happened between the end of chapter 1 and the beginning of chapter 2 that caused some kind of do over. I would suggest that the most of chapter 2 is where man separates from God. The details of how that happened could be told by inserting the fall of man, the marking and exiling of Cain to be wonderer of the earth, The flood, and the Tower of Babel story at this point. But the chapter ends with reconciliation with God because the man and woman are not ashamed.

Gen2:24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

That last sentence summarizes how the flood and the eventual establishment of the Jewish people as the chosen raise from which the savior will be born and die for all of mankind's salvation removed all shame from their nakedness.

GE 1:26 Man is to have dominion over fish, birds, cattle, and all wild animals, yet--
GE 2:15-17 It is wrong to be able to tell good from evil, right from wrong.

Once again two different times. Chapter 1 is before the fall of man where man always turned to God with the innocence of a child and asked him what was right. Chapter 2 is later after man chose to do disobey God in a serious way(like Cain killing Abel because he was jealous that Abel had a more intimate relationship ,with God and learned what gift God wanted by trial and error). But, in both places man has dominion. In the second instance after the flood God put fear of man in the animals like we see today.

Gen9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. 2 The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the [a]sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given.

Notice be fruitful and multiply, is the end of this story also.

I could go on and remove all the contradictions that need to be removed if you want. Would you like me to continue?
cicerone imposter
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 04:22 pm
For brianj,
GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness. GE 1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn't created until the fourth day.

The sun was created on the fourth day, but
On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
contradicts. Simple logic is lost here. When there is light surrounding a globe (like earth), one side will always be dark based on the geography. When the bible was written, they didn't know that planet earth was round, not flat. They can't have it both ways.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 04:25 pm
The sun is not the only source of light in the universe. On the first day God created light, on the fourth day God created the sun. The light of the first day signifies order, and the darkness signifies disorder.

What was the other source of light in the universe. It couldn't have been the stars, so what was it?

Also, can we count you as one who doesn't advocate the death penalty for infidelity?
cicerone imposter
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 04:26 pm
It was the glow from god himself! Wink
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 04:27 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I didn't think of that!
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 05:04 pm
But surely we can count you as one who doesn't advocate the death penalty for infidelity, right?

0 Replies
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 09:08 pm
@reasoning logic,
As the title reads "How can we be sure that all religions are wrong?" I have my ideas and I would like to hear some of yours before I share mine.

Since all religions contradict each other, if any religion were correct, all the others would be nonsense. If you pick any religion that seems most plausible and examine it, it will obviously be absurd as well.

If you are really interested in the answer, please see the article Religion. It begins as follows:

"Which Is The True Religion?

All religion is absurd and much of it is dangerous. An honest and clear-headed examination of any religion demonstrates that whatever aspects of it depend exclusively on its teachings have no rational basis and fly in the face of all reason and evidence.

cicerone imposter
Sun 8 Oct, 2017 09:43 pm
I agree with your answer too! There are too many religions created by men to control the masses. Even the Christian religion was created only 2000 years ago when homo sapiens have been here for 200,000 years. Doesn't make any sense, except religions are all man-made. Also, we evolved from primates (chimps) according to science.
Mon 9 Oct, 2017 08:17 am
The sun is not the only source of light in the universe. On the first day God created light, on the fourth day God created the sun. The light of the first day signifies order, and the darkness signifies disorder.

The path of "order" is well said in your reply.

About the Sun "created" on the fourth day, such is a wrong interpretation which contradicts the path you yourself have as a conclusion about those days.

The writers of the bible knew what they were writing.

To understand better about the fourth say, there are questions to be made.

1)- Who has evidence that our solar system has been the same thru millions and millions of years?

We are not talking of "calculations" or "computer simulations" or "theories of science", but we are talking of sure evidence.

No one has that evidence.

The idea of our solar system being the same for millions of years is just a belief. Period.

Scientists can argue whatever they want, that is their right under the Constitution which is free speech, but they don't have evidence.

2)- Can anyone tell if our solar system was different just a few thousands years ago?

The answer is yes.

There are narrations by hundreds in several so called "legends" saying the different changes in our solar system. Changes that affected our planet.

The people of those times were witness and victims of those events.

Look at the planets today.

Those are just shinny points in the cosmos which can be confused with the stars, unless the blinking phenomena when we see the stars from ground zero.

How in the world, some thousands years ago, people were so "afraid" of those planets, to the point of building altars and making sacrifices to "calm their fury".

This is not mass craziness, they actually were so afraid that they built temples for those planets, they didn't do temples for the stars but for the planets.

You are not afraid of something that never will cause you any harm, and those people were afraid of those planets.

When one combines the narration of weird behavior of planets in our solar system with the building of temples and worship to those planets, there is a clear indication that at one point in history those other planets were the cause of portents in our planet.

The records of those witness have been discarded by the belief of scientists who say that our solar system has been the same for millions and millions of years.

The Bible wasn't written by modern scientists with current beliefs, the Bible was written by people who lived when those events in our solar system happened.

There is not a single guarantee to prevent a rogue planet causing a collision with any planet in our solar system and chaos starts again in the entire system. NASA is watching day and night for a possible collision of a body against earth, because such a guarantee that this kind of event will never happen is ZERO.

Then, in order to understand the days of creation, the fallacy of a solar system being the same thru millions of years must be disregarded, it is solely a belief, a modern belief, a current fable, a story without evidence as solid background.

Mon 9 Oct, 2017 08:37 am
If you pick any religion that seems most plausible and examine it, it will obviously be absurd as well.

eeee-Yeaaaaaaaah...... obviously.. who could argue with that ? ...
Mon 9 Oct, 2017 08:48 am
@cicerone imposter,
It's not about which parent wins, because all the children loose.

With current laws "rewarding" the bitch who committed adultery with the custody of the children definitively is NOT the best for them.
Mon 9 Oct, 2017 08:51 am
eeee-Yeaaaaaaaah...... obviously.. who could argue with that ? ...

In Randy's and your examination of any religion, what caused you to find it "absurd"?
Mon 9 Oct, 2017 09:08 am
Sarcasm cam, the quote that I was responding to was itself a self contradicting absurdity
Mon 9 Oct, 2017 09:26 am
No one has that evidence.

So true. However, we do know for certain that vegetation will not grow without sunlight. And we do know that the biblical version of the chronological order of creation is in error since it proposes a scenario in which the Earth predates the Sun.

Now let's talk about Balaam's ass. Did the ass ask Balaam a question?

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