Tue 26 Mar, 2013 07:53 am
50 years ago today God looked down at a baby girl and said to his angels "Watch out for her and keep her safe, because I'm hooking her up with that teenage scumbag on the East Coast one of these days". Proving once and for all that God DOES have a sense of humor, twisted though it might be. I love you Squinney.
Happy happy happy birthday Lady Squinney!
Sending Squinney a Tuxedo Cake (or other of her choice).
Miss you and your writing, Squinney.
Happy birthday to that SquinneyGirl you love so much.
and I like her bunches and bunches too
Happy Birthday, 'Squinney all Happy with Herself.'
(Yeah, I remember.
@Lustig Andrei,
So do I, those were the days. Happy birthday "Squinney all happy with herself". Please drop in every once in a while.