Wirenut per Tim very practical approach, Loco, if there's room for it when you reassemble. Otherwise solder:
If you're not familiar with this sort of thing, you'll need a small iron, say 30 w, with a tip about 1/8 in.--3/16 in. dia. BE SURE NOT TO LET 'EM SELL YOU ONE WITH COPPER TIP, which became obsolete 50 years ago in favor of iron; a means for cleaning it, say, charcoal block; and a length of rosin-core solder
Slide on a length of shrink tubing (say, 1/2 in., but just big enough in diameter to accommodate the insulated wire) onto one; strip each, say 1/4 in.
(I don't like twisting myself, prefer to tin both ends then hold together in parallel fashion [lap] to solder--though requires three hands)
After soldering of course slide tubing over junction and shrink using iron