Mon 16 Dec, 2002 01:26 am
I'm not sure if this is really the best forum to put this in, but....
Two somewhat related news stories:
» Seeking Deeper Meaning in the Babbling of Babies
» The Crying-Baby Translator
Very interesting Monger!
I had been trained to view babbling as a pre-programmed part of language acquisition, and to view language development as a wired in stage of the normal neurological development of children - eg there is a language acquisition period which, if "missed" through deafness, for instance, in a non-signing household, or neglect and lack of stimulation - means permanent difficulties with language and with aspects of brain development.
I had not been trained to view it as a language in itself - though there is no contradiction that I can see with the observations described and my training.
These babies are getting smarter and smarter the more we look at them! - as are their primary babies prefer and respond better to the much ridiculed, high-pitched and facial-expression-exaggerated "baby-talk" than they do to normal speech.
As for the cry-translator - responsive and sensitive care-givers have normally come to recognize their charges' different cries - and experienced folk have often been able to help new parents with this one - when not tripped up by various professional fads - like not picking up crying babies etc.
Monger- I am going to move this Topic to Parenting and Childcare, but leave it here also. Interesting article!
Monger, my youngest granddaughter, Madison
is a non stop talker and it is obvious that SHE
knows what she is talking about. It may sound
like babbling, but I know that she is communicating
but she speaks so FAST - I can't tell what she
is saying, but it is very obvious SHE knows what
she is talking about. It is definetely not babble.
That much is absolutely apparent.