I have a rather punctual inner clock, so I can tell the time without a clock. Not exactly, but good enough
When I wake up at 6.30 it is 7.30 so I feel I overslept for one hour. At dinnertime I am not hungry as my stomach says 5 and the clock 6.
That is the purely egoistic side of it,
It is not easy for farmers, people who depend on medicine on exact hours, little children and many others.
The amount of costs to change all official clocks, trains, etc.
It is dark if you have get up early in the morning so you do use the electricity in the morning which you save in the evening. Someone has found out we use more electricity with the change than without.
For you living in a part of the world where the nights come fast it is different.
For us living in the north and we have bright nights till around 10-10.30 we really do not need it till 11-11.30.
For us who have no air condition it was nice to air out on a hot day around 9 and for a couple of hours before going to bed. Now it is not really possible in the same way.
I would agree with it for a couple of months but not for 6 months.