Kid wouldn't fight, died of injuries

Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 03:45 pm
It is important to distinguish the types of bullying because different interventions are required for each.
Would you want our female students unaddressed by the problem of bullying?
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Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 03:46 pm
This first article is what one would call a "survey of the literature" it collects available data from studies up to the time of publication. If you would like to read the entirety of the article that would be come clear to you.
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 07:07 pm
If you would like to read the entirety of the article that would be come clear to you.

Dollars to donuts, no one misunderstood, Matt, even in the rigorous debate going on here.
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Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 08:07 pm
Are you that far removed from society that you haven't witnessed this behaviour yourself? Sure, there evidence that violence perpetrated by females is on the rise. Yes, women, girls can be violent. That's not a mystery.
However, this in no way changes the fact that girls are far more verbal or love to talk. They're instigators. Social media is perfect for their type of bullying. It doesn't have to involve violence, no broken nails or pulled hair. It can be done quickly, quietly, sneakily. It's dead easy to spread rumours or embarrassing pictures without the victim being any wiser. It takes a few years for boys to get that devious or get enough testosterone out of their blood stream.
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 09:21 pm
True enough... Nonetheless the odd girl who really could throw hard punches would have a serious advantage simply because of the rarity of it.
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 03:53 pm
My girlfriend can take down men twice her size.
This is her advantage in a battle field.
This ability is not an advantage to her in a classroom or on a playground.
My suggestion is to ensure that children's playgrounds are not battlefields.
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2013 07:08 pm
At 14 years old, 6'1" (with thick curly hair adding another couple inches) and 260 pounds I easily had 100-125 pounds and several inches on most kids. Pus I'm built like a fullback, sure I was chubby but I was also pretty damn strong with shoulders wider than most grown men and was being eyed by the high school football and wrestling teams as early as 7th grade.

I've never really gotten into anything more than a playground scuffle but I do remember one instance of landing a terrifying punch. It was the day after a kid sucker punched me in the stomach which left me humiliated and crying in the street (hit me square in the solar plexus-his dad was a doctor and i believe he'd been coaching him on anatomy in retalliation because I unknowingly sold them a broken lawnmower). In math class the next day I landed a single, thunderous blow into the kids shoulder. The thud was so loud that the room came to a hush and I thought I'd killed the poor kid. He was stunned for a minute but brushed it off. I could tell that I caused him physical pain and watched his arm droop for a short time. I felt terribly guilty about that for quite awhile. We eventually reconciled and other than the time I accidentally stepped on his face (ouch) and possibly broke his nose (yikes) when they tried the old "one person kneel behind me and another push me over trick". If you're wondering- you can't really make a 260 pound kid fall over but you can make him lose his footing. In such a situation it isn't wise to be kneeling down with one's face in the vacinity of the giant's lumbering foot.

There were times that I wanted to fight but two things would stop me. First, my conscience. I was never comfortable with the idea of hurting someone even if they had hurt me. The second reason is that the school would charge a $200 fine to any student caught fighting whether in self defense or not. Being poor and not wanting to cause my (single) mother any hardships I always kept my hands in my pockets. Now that I'm 32 years old I believe this fine was a lie.

There was one instance that I'm especially proud of. I was in 12th grade and my growing had stopped so I wasn't the biggest kid anymore but still quite large. There was a special needs student who I knew a little but not much. He had some physical and mental problems but also seemed to occasionally be standoffish. Nonetheless I would say hi to him and did carry his books or help him to class if he got lost again. One day he was trying to open a soda bottle and accidentally dropped it. He picked it up and the jarring made the soda burst out all over the hall and other students when he opened it. Everyone was cool with it except this one little **** head. The little **** head pushed the disabled boy and well, I hit the freaking ceiling. The shithead didn't know I was watching the entire thing and I ran over to stand between them. I stared this kid down. I will never forget look in his eyes that was a mix of utter shock and "oh my god I'm going to die". Man, if I could have had a camera. I didn't have to lay a finger on him, my point was well-received.

You don't have to fight to win.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2013 07:35 pm
gungasnake wrote:

Philadelphia story and we have to read about it in British newspapers, possibly because the villains of the story looked like sons of Bork Obunga, I don't really know.

I've seen cases in which a family would work a bit too hard at raising children as Christians and leave them without the sort of a hard edge you need for survival in the world but this one doesn't seem to fall into that category; more like the kid actually was more afraid of whatever trouble he'd get into for fighting than of being killed for refusing to fight.

Part of the problem has to be that I've gone several decades without any contact with schools and don't really have any sort of a feel for this sort of thing. In the milieu in which I grew up, this story could not have happened. I'd appreciate hearing from anybody who thinks he/she knows what happened here.
I wonder if he 'd still be with us, intact,
if he had been known by the predators to have been well armed.

Predators prefer their prey to be HELPLESS
and not to fight back.

Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2013 07:37 pm
MattDavis wrote:
My girlfriend can take down men twice her size.
This is her advantage in a battle field.
This ability is not an advantage to her in a classroom or on a playground.
My suggestion is to ensure that children's playgrounds are not battlefields.
More police ??
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2013 08:35 pm
Predators prefer their prey to be HELPLESS
and not to fight back.

That's a perfect description of you and McCarthy, Sig. Scum like you loved backstabbing people, trapping them with your lies, your innuendo, your whispers behind their backs.

And you actually brag about being that type of scum. You brag about enjoying doing that to people.

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Reply Thu 4 Jul, 2013 12:58 am
boomerang wrote:
Ha! You knew I'd be checking this thread....

I agree with the others that this doesn't have to anything to do with Obama. I really wish you hadn't put that in your post. It's an interesting topic and deserves more consideration than it will get because of that.

I don't think it's a Christian thing, or a race thing, or a bully thing or an any-thing except maybe a middle school thing and an absolute tragedy.

I can't comprehend the "not wanting to get in trouble" thing. He might have meant get in trouble at school OR get in trouble with his family OR get into more trouble with the kids who beat him up. We'll never know exactly what he meant.

The rule in our house is fight back even if it lands you in trouble.
Mo has fought back verbally and physically and he did get in trouble with the school both times. He did not, however, get in trouble at home. We don't punish him for defending himself. Kids need to know that their parents will support them even in situations that land the kid in trouble.
That 's a good rule, boomer!
Self preservation is the first law of Nature.

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