Sun 15 Dec, 2002 04:55 pm
Al Gore has decided not to run for the Presidency in 2004. This leaves the field open for a number of contenders for the Democratic nomination:
Link to Strory about Gore not Running for the Presidency in 2004
A number of people have been mentioned as possible choices. Whom do YOU think has the best chance of winning the nomination, and possibly the presidency, in 2004?
I voted for Kerry but if McCain switches parties he'd be the best choice.
Oh, but I wish Gore would run. Barring that, McCain would make a dandy candidate. Of course, I'm not a Democrate.
Gen. Wesley Clark, assuming he IS a dem.
I think the Dems will decide on a fresh start with new blood which
John Edwards will exhibit----not a tired old horse like Kerry.
Lieberman should switch parties---he's sounds more like a wise old republican than most old republicans.
Bush must revive the economy, bring in the heads of UBL and Saddam or he's dead in the water.
I'd prefer Gephardt, but Representatives are not as likely to run as Senators. That 2-year term is problematic for Representatives.
It's a possibility that John McCain will switch parties and run -- right now, he'd get my vote. Liberman could decide to run because of Al Gore's capitulation but Kerry has the most support within the party. It may come down to, once again, it's not good enough to win, others must fail.
Gore's withdrawal comes as unpleasant news to the Republicans.
I would like to see a young attractive candidate seize the moment.
In fact most anybody but Sen. Clinton.
As perception has posted already, the Democrats need a new face, someone who might be able to swing some white voters of the Old South.
(The African-American vote will certainly be for the Democrat, since Dubya carried only 9 per cent of that vote in 2000.)
It seems that that the best new face, one the voters have not already seen two million times, is John Edwards.
It is up in the air. It may still be Gore, I too would vote for McCain!
I can't say this news is disappointing to me but I can't wait for a couple of good young ones here in Mn to make a run at it.