Filipino-American WWII Vets haven't gotten promised pension

Reply Fri 19 Mar, 2004 11:28 am
This is another shameful episode of broken promises once the fighting is over.---BBB

Fil-Am vets urge Bush to grant $22-M pension
By INQ7.net

MEMBERS of the Phil-Am Veterans Organization of New Jersey led by Jose Genito recently meet with Eric Lachica, ACFV executive director, to prepare for March 24 Action Day

IN A BID to convince US President George W. Bush to grant the request of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for the monthly pensions of World War II veterans in the Philippines, Filipino-American WWII veterans are set to rally in front of the White House and Capitol Hill on March 24.

The cost of Macapagal's request for the granting of the monthly Veteran Affairs pension benefits to veterans in the Philippines is estimated to be 22 million dollars for the first year, according to a press statement of Washington DC-based advocacy group the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans Inc.

The March 24 rally will kick off the spring offensive of the veterans rights advocacy groups, according to the statement.

On January 22, Macapagal wrote to Bush: "May I ask again for your support of Senator [Daniel] Inouye's Bill S.68... which will translate to a 100-dollar monthly pension for individual veterans residing in the Philippines."

"It will also be a tangible demonstration... that America honors its commitments to those that sacrifice with you," Macapagal stated in the letter.

PHILADELPHIA officers of the American Legion Alejo Santos Post led by Dr. Restituto Estacio
A copy of her letter was hand delivered the following day by Philippine Ambassador Albert Del Rosario to VA Secretary Anthony Principi in Washington, according to the press statement.

In addition to the pensions for an estimated 15,000 sickly and poor veterans in the Philippines, S. 68 would provide an 800-dollar monthly disability pension benefit for eligible low-income Filipino veterans residing in the US.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 04:53 pm
Bumble - quite apart from your persistence in perpetuating the laughable aerodynamic fallacy in your profile, Filipinos (sic, yep, sic!) didn't fight to even save themselves, let alone Gen. Wainwright and other US troops.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:26 pm
HofT, Re my BumbleBee saying, I know its not accurate, but I like it for its optimism and determination---so don't you worry about it.

I suggest you go back to school and read your history re WWII. The Filipinos who fought by the thousands in their islands for the US won't appreciate your denigration of their service, especially the families of those who died.


Proposed Resolution Hails Contribution of Filipinos in World War II
Philippine Scouts should have same veteran benefits as U.S. soldiers
Two California lawmakers -- one a Republican, the other a Democrat -- joined forces to introduce a resolution calling for equal treatment as veterans of Philippine Scouts and other Filipinos who fought alongside U.S. servicemen during World War II.

Representative Juanita Millender-McDonald (Democrat of California) and Representative Darrell Issa (Republican of California) submitted House Resolution 65 (H. Res. 65) to the House of Representatives February 11.

The proposed resolution was referred to the House Veterans' Affairs Committee and to the House Armed Services Committee for action.

On the same day, Representative Randy Cunningham (Republican of California) introduced H.R. 67, a bill that would amend title 38 of the United States Code to allow service in such units of the Commonwealth of the Philippines "to have been active service for purposes of benefits under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans' Affairs." That proposed bill was referred to the House Veterans' Affairs Committee for action. Cunningham's bill had 25 co-sponsors, including the two sponsors of H. Res. 65.

House Resolution 65 says "the regular Philippine Scouts, new Philippine Scouts, United States Army Forces of the Far East Guerrillas, and members of the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines deserve recognition for their valiant service during World War II."

The proposed resolution goes on to state that the new Philippine Scouts and Commonwealth Army veterans "deserve to receive the same veterans' benefits to which other members of the United States Armed Forces are entitled under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs."

Following is the text of House Concurrent Resolution 65 from the Congressional Record
H. RES. 65

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the military service of Filipinos during World War II and their eligibility for benefits under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.


February 11, 2003

Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD (for herself and Mr. ISSA) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the military service of Filipinos during World War II and their eligibility for benefits under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Whereas more than 140,000 Filipino soldiers fought in units of the United States Army during World War II;

Whereas many other Filipinos fought during World War II in units that had no ties or only informal ties to the United States Army;

Whereas the Philippines was a territory of the United States before and during World War II and did not gain its independence until 1946;

Whereas Filipinos who served in Filipino-manned units of the United States Army prior to October 6, 1945, are known as `regular Philippine Scouts' or `old scouts';

Whereas Filipinos who enlisted or reenlisted in Filipino-manned units of the United States Army on or after October 6, 1945, are known as `new Philippine Scouts' or `special Philippine Scouts';

Whereas Filipinos who served during World War II in units that were under the command of a commissioned officer in the United States Armed Forces or that were otherwise recognized by, and cooperating with, the United States Armed Forces are known as `United States Army Forces of the Far East Guerrillas' or as members of the `Guerrilla Service';

Whereas many other Filipinos served during World War II as members of the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines while such forces were in the service of the United States Armed Forces pursuant to the military order of President Franklin Roosevelt dated July 26, 1941;

Whereas Filipinos who served during World War II as members of the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines or as members of the Guerrilla Service are collectively known as `Commonwealth Army veterans';

Whereas the regular Philippine Scouts, new Philippine Scouts, United States Army Forces of the Far East Guerrillas, and members of the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines all fought valiantly alongside other members of the United States Armed Forces in the defense and liberation of the Philippines; and

Whereas Commonwealth Army veterans and new Philippine Scouts are eligible for only certain veterans' benefits, which are generally payable at half the rate payable to other veterans under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that--

(1) the regular Philippine Scouts, new Philippine Scouts, United States Army Forces of the Far East Guerrillas, and members of the Commonwealth Army of the Philippines deserve recognition for their valiant service during World War II; and

(2) new Philippine Scouts and Commonwealth Army veterans deserve to receive the same veterans' benefits to which other members of the United States Armed Forces are entitled under programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
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Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2004 05:26 am
Perhaps you'll be kind enough to review your knowledge of the legislative process at the same time as urging others to reread their history:

Title: A bill to require the Secretary of the Army to determine the validity of the claims of certain Filipinos that they performed military service on behalf of the United States during World War II.
Sponsor: Sen Inouye, Daniel K. [HI] (introduced 1/7/2003) Cosponsors: (none)
Latest Major Action: 1/7/2003 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
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Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2004 09:50 am
HofT, I'm very well aware of the legislative process having testified for Bills on many occasions. Following are both the Senate and House Bills.

Congressional Legislation Details
Filipino Veterans' Benefits Act of 2003
Bill # S.1213

Official Title as Introduced:
Filipino Veterans' Benefits Act of 2003

06/09/2003: Introductory remarks on measure. (CR S7550-7552)
06/09/2003: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S7550-7551)
07/10/2003: Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Hearings held.
07/29/2003: Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Hearings held.

Committee/Subcommittee Activity:
Veterans' Affairs: Referral


Sponsor/Cosponsor(s) 5:
Allen, George (R-VA) Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) Ensign, John (R-NV) Schumer, Charles (D-NY) Specter, Arlen (R-PA)
to amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance the ability of the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve benefits for Filipino veterans of World War II and survivors of such veterans

Congressional Legislation Details

A bill to require the Secretary of the Army to determine the validity of the claims of certain Filipinos that they performed military service on behalf of the United States during World War II.
Bill # S.69

Official Title as Introduced:
A bill to require the Secretary of the Army to determine the validity of the claims of certain Filipinos that they performed military service on behalf of the United States during World War II.

01/07/2003: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

Committee/Subcommittee Activity:
Veterans' Affairs: Referral


Sponsor/Cosponsor(s) 1:
Inouye, Daniel (D-HI)
A bill to require the Secretary of the Army to determine the validity of the claims of certain Filipinos that they performed military service on behalf of the United States during World War II.

Congressional Legislation Details
Filipino Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2003
Bill # S.68

Official Title as Introduced:
Filipino Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2003

01/07/2003: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. (text of measure as introduced: CR S64)

Committee/Subcommittee Activity:
Veterans' Affairs: Referral


Sponsor/Cosponsor(s) 19:
Akaka, Daniel (D-HI) Allen, George (R-VA) Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) Corzine, Jon (D-NJ) Durbin, Richard (D-IL) Edwards, John (D-NC) Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA) Inouye, Daniel (D-HI) Kerry, John (D-MA) Landrieu, Mary (D-LA) Lautenberg, Frank (D-NJ) Miller, Zell (D-GA) Murray, Patty (D-WA) Reid, Harry (D-NV) Sarbanes, Paul (D-MD) Schumer, Charles (D-NY) Stevens, Ted (R-AK)

A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve benefits for Filipino veterans of World War II, and for other purposes.

Congressional Legislation Details

Eligibility for VA Health Care of Certain Filipino World War II veterans residing in the U.S.
Bill # H.R.2352

Official Title as Introduced:
Eligibility for VA Health Care of Certain Filipino World War II veterans residing in the U.S.

06/05/2003: Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
06/19/2003: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

Committee/Subcommittee Activity:
Veterans' Affairs: Referral
Health: Referral


Sponsor/Cosponsor(s) 15:
Abercrombie, Neil (D-HI 1st) Bordallo, Madeleine (D-GU At-Large) Case, Ed (D-HI 2nd) Cunningham, Randy (R-CA 50th) Davis, Susan (D-CA 53rd) Evans, Lane (D-IL 17th) Filner, Bob (D-CA 51st) Gutierrez, Luis (D-IL 4th) Issa, Darrell (R-CA 49th) Millender-McDonald, Juanita (D-CA 37th) Miller, Jeff (R-FL 1st) Rodriguez, Ciro (D-TX 28th) Rohrabacher, Dana (R-CA 46th) Simmons, Robert (R-CT 2nd) Smith, Christopher (R-NJ 4th)
To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs health care for certain Filipino World War II veterans residing in the United States.

Congressional Legislation Details

To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs health care for certain Filipino World War II veterans residing in the United States
Bill # H.R.2352

Official Title as Introduced:
To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs health care for certain Filipino World War II veterans residing in the United States

06/05/2003: Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
06/19/2003: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.

Committee/Subcommittee Activity:
Veterans' Affairs: Referral
Health: Referral


Sponsor/Cosponsor(s) 15:
Abercrombie, Neil (D-HI 1st) Bordallo, Madeleine (D-GU At-Large) Case, Ed (D-HI 2nd) Cunningham, Randy (R-CA 50th) Davis, Susan (D-CA 53rd) Evans, Lane (D-IL 17th) Filner, Bob (D-CA 51st) Gutierrez, Luis (D-IL 4th) Issa, Darrell (R-CA 49th) Millender-McDonald, Juanita (D-CA 37th) Miller, Jeff (R-FL 1st) Rodriguez, Ciro (D-TX 28th) Rohrabacher, Dana (R-CA 46th) Simmons, Robert (R-CT 2nd) Smith, Christopher (R-NJ 4th)

To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs health care for certain Filipino World War II veterans residing in the United States
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Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2004 11:24 am
Proceeding by elimination here, and assuming that you testified as an expert witness, it cannot have been in areas of aeronautics or international law (noted, btw, your correction of the spelling of Filipinos, though without attribution to cause), or historical precedent (viz. the "broken promises" headline you posted).

In brief, your field of expertise eludes me so far.
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John Webb
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2004 12:42 pm
Is it likely that those who are even today still defrauding thousands of poverty-stricken native-Americans, forcing them into legal action against the Government in attempts to get 100-year-old undertakings honored, do better for anyone else?

An identical fate probably awaits the Iraqis, concerning payment for their oil reserves, before they see a dime from the sewage making the promises.
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Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2004 04:41 pm
HofT, I responded to your first post to dispute the derogatory statement you made: "Filipinos (sic, yep, sic!) didn't fight to even save themselves, let alone Gen. Wainwright and other US troops."

Instead of supporting or defending that statement you've chosen, instead, to change the subject and nit pick about a typo and pronounce erroneous assumptions about my legislative advocacy about which you know nothing.

Why did you make that statement about the Filipinos veterans?

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