@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
No, you are not up to date; the House will not pass a budget with any tax increases in it. That's just dumb, because they don't want to pay for anything that's needed to keep our country running; our schools funded, and our infrastructure kept in good repair. All conservatives worry about are guns in their homes, and cutting expenses without touching the defense budget. They're willing to under fund our children's education, and let our infrastructure go to pot.
No more taxes; just increase our deficit.
Budget and Tax bills are distinct things. passed in seaparate procedures, and done that was for very good reasons. Budgets focus on the spending and adminstrative needs of the various departments of the government. The budgeting process is the means through wich the president and the Congress assess the productivity of each department or program in the government; determine the effectiveness of each; adjust funding accordingly.Every businerss does this as well, and without it waste and mediocrity will simply grow without limit in any organization. The Obama Administration and the Democrat Senate have simply abrogated their mandated responsibilities innthese areas. Conversely the Republicans in the House have done theeir duty and have recommented adjustments to the budgets of every department of government. More of that can, and should, be done.
We just completed our tax hikes. The Sequester ahead of us was specifically proposed by the Presidenty and his aides; and, as recently as a year ago, he was loudly boasting that he would veto any budget or spending plan thad failed to achieve the soending cuts required to avoid his sequester threshold. Now, in what is a long pattern of lies and duplicity, the President is demanding tax incrreases to avoid the sequester - gone are his demands for spenbding reductions and bold boast that he would veto any measure intended to evade them.
Your mind is closed on these matters. You aren't aware of the relevant facts; you don't understand how our system works; and you get your opinions (and even words) from political web sites. There are words for describing that kind of behavior, and you use them frequently in your often offensive personal criticisms of those who disagree with you. It is merely unfortunate that you fail to acknowledge your ignorance and hypocrisy in all this.