I am just going to revisit a comment I made on page 1 which may be helpful to your current discussion.
Quote:The non-dualistic claim is therefore that "self" is an aspect of samsara or roughly "everyday cyclical experience in a time dimension", whereas meditational practice can give a glimpse of nirvana or "holistic non-temporal non-spatial being". It is the re-emergence of "self" back into samsara which describes the meditational experience as one of "non-self".
In your terminology I assume "
experience of non-self" is "mushin", but there is
no experiencer. There is only a depersonalized
experiencing This is the point that dualists, steeped in the Western subject-object tradition acquired via normal language, cannot get their heads round. Yet it only requires a little honest reflection to notice that
most of the time one's concept of "self as experiencing agent" is absent from requirements for the flow of "being".