Quote:Frank, and you say you 'enjoy' this kind of exchange
I am saying that I am enjoying it more than you can possibly imagine. I've got other things to do around the house, but I honestly cannot wait to get back to the computer for more.
I am particularly enjoying you attempting to get me to refute your contention that there is no self (your agreement with the Buddha) that there is no self...and your suggestions that if I do not...your assertion must stand.
It is enjoyable beyond measure, igm.
My position is...and has been...that I do not know the REALITY. I acknowledge that I do NOT know if there is a self or not (which possibly would be the case if all I am experiencing is an illusion.)
Your contention is that there is no self.
I see no way you can substantiate that assertion...and apparently neither do you. So you are attempting to substantiate it by further asserting that if I do not show proof of a "self"...your original assertion must be accepted as so.
Do you honestly do not see the humor in that, igm?
Are you honestly not entertained by that notion?
I have to go away for a few minutes to check on something in the backyard...but I guarantee my mind will be on this thread...and I will be ANXIOUS to return to it.