Thanks again Lola for the summary which is very accurate (by my opinion)
Lola wrote:If a self is feeling selfless, that self exists. If a person is feeling anything, the self exists.
This reminds me of something that might be of interest especially to one in the psychological field.
By the model of self I laid out there is nothing really said about the accuracy of the Self representation.
Self must always mean "I", but it could very well be mistaken about where that "I" is. The system could very well still operate and not think of itself as having a body. A self could think of itself as disembodied. Or self-identify with everything.
This of course does not make it disembodied, or make it everything (by my model).
The "where am I" answer has to be gathered from outside influences (senses).
The old adage about the eyes being the windows to the soul. We tend to feel our "I"-ness to be not that far behind them.
I don't know if those born without sight if their feeling of "I"-ness is in the same place. I wonder if this is a trait of our visual dominance?