See you on the Virtual Weight Loss thread, Margo
I'm bookmarking this thread, because it is very interesting, and I always read it whenever I see it, but I often miss things. Keep entertaining me, Clary!
Ah, Smog, how kind! But I am travelling little just now - from my study to the kitchen, to my school of English to mind the office for a couple of hours, to the supermarket, back to the kitchen ... hardly the epic journey one might wish for!
Those are still travels worth recounting, Clary.
Next journey apart from those mini-trips is tomorrow when I go to take care of my friend Allan for whom Parkinson's disease is proving most cruel. He is going to have a stunningly scary operation at the end of the month, where an electrode is pushed deep into the brain, and a pacemaker put in to get the brain impulses working at 80 Hz. Astounding!
Oh, yikes, then a hug to Allan, though from a stranger.
Hi Clary! Glad to finally read about your trip to Italy. Sounds like a great time... fun to travel with friends, I think. The sister-city idea is a good one but I've never heard of such a personal touch as this.
I hope that Alan's operation went well and he is now recovering under your care.
I've just returned from a longish car-trip where I had the good fortune to meet Ossobuco and Pacco.
<waving to Osso>
Waving to Piffka and Mr. Piffka and Clary et al.....
Oh how nice to think of you all meeting up - wish I could be there too... it'll happen! People keep offering me writing work that could be interesting but I had decided not to do any more... dilemma! One is to co-author a book on the real story behind Maugham's tale 'The Painted Veil' which is apparently coming out as a film in a couple of years' tme. The other half is an indefatigable researcher and I would be expected to digest the research and come up with a readable story... not sure if that's my forte but part of me imagines taking a small house in southern Spain or Costa Rica where I could write, and learn Spanish, and welcome visitors... but basically I'm not a historian, and rather despise the people in such a story (Edwardian-Twenties faineants, scandals and a sprinkling of slightly famous people, minor royalty etc. I think it's the co-author's great-aunt or something. He's a Scorpio, the researcher - and Sags don't really mix in style or perception with them.
What do you all think?
Only write you want to write.
What's his rising sign?

(I'm not really kidding, but I'm smiling as I write!)
Don't know, Piff, but I've pretty well decided it isn't really my sort of thing... He is very anally retentive and probably has a screwed up rising sign to match! Thinking again of Costa Rica to learn Spanish...
Ahhhh. My kids loved LOVED Costa Rica. You've got a place to stay here, m'am, if you decide to venture so far, y'know.
Have sent you an email as this breakdown in PMs is just too much for me.
There are a few Scorpios whom I love -- Roberta comes immediately to mind, but in general, you are right. It isn't a sign that clicks with ours.
WE need to start a new horoscope thread, don't you think?
Clary wrote:not sure if that's my forte but part of me imagines taking a small house in southern Spain or Costa Rica where I could write, and learn Spanish, and welcome visitors
Sounds like something Barbara Kingsolver would do.
Very romantic, though I haven't read Kingsolver for a few years. I was thinking more of the Stones for Ibarra lifestyle, myself, though Clary is much younger than Harriet Doerr.
Yes, since I associate Kingsolver with impenetrable jungles and famine - not really what I had in mind. Perhaps Arles or Nimes. I could pretend I was an impressionist painter.
Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot.
<my impression of an impressionist painter at work>
It wouldn't matter what you did in Arles or Nimes, they're both wonderful places - and high on my list to return to!