There is no hot gossip about Ms Margo's visit.

It was simply a very pleasant 3 days in a very shut down city (Melbourne) which was enjoying an Easter snooze. We ate & chatted & walked, then ate & chatted some more in different parts of the city. Very relaxing.
Of course I had to bring margo to my abode so's she could meet Flatty, the wonder cat.

He behaved with great decorum, despite being interrupted during his midday nap.
The weather was beautiful & mild. If you know Melbourne it could have been much worse!
This is the first time I have met a fellow A2Ker "in the flesh" & I must admit to being a trifle nervous before arriving at her hotel. But it turned out to be a pleasure & fun .... despite, on margo's impulse, heading into a shoe shop in Bourke Street (when the shops FINALLY opened on Monday) ... This was supposed to lead margo to buying shoes, but instead I ended up with a little red pair, which were a trifle more expensive than usual. I was determined to get margo to buy something. anything, in retaliation, but no go! She is very skilled & encouraging others to purchase while remaining extremely level headed herself!
Margo is a very independent person & very easy going & open. So I didn't feel it at all necessary to impress or play the tour guide.

(Which would not have been easy with almost everything shut!) Most of all it's good to put a character & a face to margo postings. My only regret was that she didn't have the Possum person with her.